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Found out about a new scam today…Be Aware

Pat Riot

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My wife and I were at Walmart today. Checkout lady was looking around as she rang up our stuff. I asked her if something was wrong. She said “There’s a woman that’s been convincing people as they leave the checkout that she’s in dire need of baby formula. She has quite a sob story. She tells them that if could be so kind as to buy it for her she would be in their debt. Once they pay for it she insists that she needs the receipt just in case. After the people walk away she goes to customer service and returns the formula for cash.”


I figure since all the clerks are on the lookout the woman has probably moved on to another store but I figured I would post this as a heads up just in case it happens to you or yours. 

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4 minutes ago, Red Gauntlet , SASS 60619 said:

I give beggars a few bucks, based on a quick subjective assessment. But I wouldn't go buy something for them and keep the receipt; why would anybody do that, i.e. run an errand for them?

Apparently the dirtbag convinces people inside the store. She has the baby formula in hand and she pleads for help as people are at or just leaving the checkout counter. 

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I was scammed twice out of ten bucks each, in one of the smoothest I've encountered; about 4 years ago.


In a nearby neighborhood business district; a guy pulls up in a nice car, very well-dressed in business attire. I'm on the sidewalk; "Sir, this sounds strange, but I'm down from Seattle and left my wallet at home. Can you spare ten bucks for gas?" Sure, here's the ten bucks.


Just two weeks later, in the Costco parking lot, a sharp-looking well- dressed lady rolls down the window of her BMW. Exactly the same lament. So I knew it was a scam, but I gave her the sawbuck anyway, she was so good-looking.


True story. I figure you could make some real money that way. Never happened again.

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3 hours ago, Pat Riot said:

My wife and I were at Walmart today. Checkout lady was looking around as she rang up our stuff.


wait, wait, your Walmart has checkout people?


ours is self checkout pretty much all but one register



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1 hour ago, Bull Skinner said:

Had one at Walmart yesterday with the baby story. Said they were from Ukraine……with a Latino accent!:rolleyes::lol:


They slipped over the border while the Ukraine's were busy fighting the Russians and THEN came here.

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There’s a scam here that I almost fell for until I really thought about it. A guy playing a violin in this big parking lot that has a couple big stores, Target, grocery store, wholesale club restaurants etc. This guy sounded pretty good and I walked up to listen. He wasn’t even playing! It was coming out of an amplifier and I know enough about the violin to see he was faking it and the music was recorded. He was a pretty good faker I’ll have to admit. No money for fakers!

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17 hours ago, Rye Miles #13621 said:

I refuse to give anything to anyone that’s begging! I just don’t trust anyone!

Hey Rye, can ya loan me a couple bucks? I'll be at Tusco Saturday.

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16 hours ago, Cheyenne Ranger, 48747L said:


wait, wait, your Walmart has checkout people?


ours is self checkout pretty much all but one register



Yes. I think they planned to go cashier-less but I complained and the lady I spoke to said I was in a majority of the complaints they received. 

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Wife and I pulled into a TruckStop to deal with our overextended bladders.  Gentleman pulled up, looked like he was living out of his beat-up old car.   Something about driving to his daughter's, all his cash went for on the road car repairs, he just needed $10 for gas and that would be enough to get to his daughter's.  I gave him the ten. 


My bladder was happy, Wife must have fallen in so I thought I pull the car around and get gas while I'm waiting.  Low and behold the gentleman that had asked for $10 just pulled into the pump in front of me.  He was eating a hamburger wrapped in a McDonald's wrapper (TruckStop had a McDonald's).  His face turn bright red when he saw me, explained he hadn't eaten for a while...I told him no problem.  I swiped my credit card at his pump and I filled his car up with gas.  He stuttered as he thank me ... no problem have a good day.  I stayed at his pump as he drove off before going back to my car.


Scammed?  Don't know, that's between him and His Maker on Judgement Day.

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19 minutes ago, Sixgun Seamus said:

Hey Rye, can ya loan me a couple bucks? I'll be at Tusco Saturday.

Will you be playing the violin??

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What’s really sad is people that truly need help get none or very little because of scumbags and petty con artists. 

I have been conned a few times, but I still help folks that I feel are truly in need. The one thing I do that helps me, I don’t dwell on it once the money is handed over. I consider it gone and hopefully for the good, not the bad. 

I must admit though, I am not as likely to hand out money as I once was. Working in public transit and working in some of the worst and poorest parts of numerous cities tends to galvanize you over time. 

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2 hours ago, Pat Riot said:

What’s really sad is people that truly need help get none or very little because of scumbags and petty con artists. 

I have been conned a few times, but I still help folks that I feel are truly in need. The one thing I do that helps me, I don’t dwell on it once the money is handed over. I consider it gone and hopefully for the good, not the bad. 

I must admit though, I am not as likely to hand out money as I once was. Working in public transit and working in some of the worst and poorest parts of numerous cities tends to galvanize you over time. 

My question is do they really need it for food or do they just want it for booze or drugs? 

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1 hour ago, Rye Miles #13621 said:

My question is do they really need it for food or do they just want it for booze or drugs? 


You can never know for sure. I make a quick assessment, which may or may not be accurate, and then hand over a fiver to the one who 'passes'. Like Pat Riot, when I let go of the bill it's not mine anymore and I don't worry about it.

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These days when you run into a beggar/scammer/possible down on their luck person it's easy to point out to them that nearly every business around them has Help Wanted signs. Of course they don't want to work (nobody tells them what to do) and not what they want to hear.

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8 minutes ago, Rip Snorter said:

Back in the late '60's, I lived and worked in NYC.  Lots of "hungry" pan handlers who wouldn't let you buy them food.  I guess even then, the more effective ones made a good few bucks,  Some for Booze or Dope, others as a job.

This I do understand. Too many a'holes like to offer bad food, laced with laxatives or who knows what.


Same for police. Bring them a dozen donuts (or tacos or a pizza) and they will say thanks, but it is going in the trash as soon as you are out of sight.

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3 minutes ago, John Kloehr said:

This I do understand. Too many a'holes like to offer bad food, laced with laxatives or who knows what.


Same for police. Bring them a dozen donuts (or tacos or a pizza) and they will say thanks, but it is going in the trash as soon as you are out of sight.

This was no food I touched, but offered bought with them present from one of the myriad storefront take aways.  

Note: I was offered food working a fire line on a property when with the VFD all it took was the one time, so I understand your point.

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One of the homeless shelters in my area says not to give money as they'll just use it for drugs & alcohol. They suggest instead to give them the location of the shelter.


I used to live and work in NYC like Rip and got panhandled frequently. I see the same thing here, just not as frequently. It was revealed in NYC that a few made a good living at it, but most were unable or just plain unwilling to use a handout for essentials. Addiction is a horrible thing, but I'm not going to fund theirs.

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15 minutes ago, John Kloehr said:

This I do understand. Too many a'holes like to offer bad food, laced with laxatives or who knows what.


Same for police. Bring them a dozen donuts (or tacos or a pizza) and they will say thanks, but it is going in the trash as soon as you are out of sight.

Our police dept here eats what people give them usually delivered from a restaurant like pizza or donuts, etc. Some people bring homemade stuff in but the police know these good folks because they’ve got a relationship with them. My town has about 30,000 people. I know a lot of the police here too. 

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4 hours ago, Rye Miles #13621 said:

My question is do they really need it for food or do they just want it for booze or drugs? 

God only knows. 

On a similar note:

There was a guy I used to see about once a week in downtown LA that had a sign that said “I don’t lie. I want money for booze.” Every time I saw him I gave him some money. 

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One thing is sure, if you don't ever give beggars any money because you assume they'll use it on booze or drugs, then you won't be ever giving any beggars money!


I hope you're always right. At least, if you're wrong, you've saved a few bucks anyway.

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Everybody has his own take. For many people, it's not simple; they want to meet the obligation to help the poor, but don't want to contribute to addiction, etc.


Several years ago, I was talking to a local parson, a very wise man who had been active in every communtiy charity over the years. He said what he did was keep a few five dollar bills on hand, and make the quick assessment that I mentioned, and give or not give the fiver accordingly. It sounded good to me, and I started doing it. 


It's de minimus. My giving besides to church is a couple of very well-vetted charities. The street beggar thing is small, a few times a month, that's all. "When did we see you and not.....", etc.


Just my personal approach.


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The nearest church to my home has a box for food. I think they call it a community pantry. Drop stuff off and let those who have need select what they might use.


The stuff I drop off does seem to get taken. I assume it goes to good use for those who need it. I am a hair selfish maybe in that I buy stock against hard times but do pay attention to expiration dates. Stocks that reach the "best by" date of a year from now go into the box and get replaced at home. 


In Acts 20:35, Jesus says it is better to give than receive. I truly am grateful I can add things to the box rather than go to the box to see what I might need to eat tonight.


Better to keep my stocks fresh and share my aging bounty than hoard it and then trash it because I will no longer eat it myself. I would happily eat what I give but that I can still replace it.


Giving rather than receiving means I have bounty and others do not.

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