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Hamas and the Nazi party

Irish Pat

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the only way we could save the German people was to eradicate the Nazi party. They ruled Germany with an iron hand. Hamas rules Palestinian people the same way. I am sure there are good Palestinians but Hamas must be wiped out and we need to establish a new government in Palestine that will understand they can become a proper use nation if they get rid of all the terrorist and keep them out

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36 minutes ago, Irish-Pat said:

the only way we could save the German people was to eradicate the Nazi party. They ruled Germany with an iron hand. Hamas rules Palestinian people the same way. I am sure there are good Palestinians but Hamas must be wiped out and we need to establish a new government in Palestine that will understand they can become a proper use nation if they get rid of all the terrorist and keep them out

We had to kill 5.5 million Germans and pretty much destroy the entire country.  There's only about 2.5 million Palestinians and the Gaza Strip is already destroyed.  The Nazi's only started persecuting the Jews about 15 years prior to the end of the war.  The Arabs have been trying to exterminate the Jews for 3,000 years.   I don't think any kind of Marshall plan is going to work with the Palestinians.  The hatred of Jews is built into their religion and the 3,000 year history of the conflict is part of their culture.

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The long history in their culture of vengeance, Jihad, retribution, and vendetta were not ingrained in the societies of Germany and Japan. If a solution is possible it would take many, many generations.

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My wife’s great grandmother was Syrian Roman Catholic and wisely left the middle east 50 years ago they were persecuted by the Muslims  even then. the christian’s always get the shaft but we always support the Israeli people

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I think half the problem in the Middle East could be resolved if pulled pork sandwiches were allowed. Nothing brings people together like a barbecue. B)



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"I declare a world wide Open Season, and eradication of any and all terrorists.  No matter their belief or cause.  No matter where or what country they hide in.  They will be captured, tortured, then shot in the head in full view of the public.  This action will be fully financed by your government."


A statement I wish our POTUS would make.  Instead, they'd rather spend money to undermine our Rights.

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33 minutes ago, Presidio said:

"I declare a world wide Open Season, and eradication of any and all terrorists.  No matter their belief or cause.  No matter where or what country they hide in.  They will be captured, tortured, then shot in the head in full view of the public.  This action will be fully financed by your government."


A statement I wish our POTUS would make.  Instead, they'd rather spend money to undermine our Rights.


No torture.  Death, yes, but it has to be business-like.

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LOL , I sit back and  while I agree with alot of the sentiment  , Where have Americans in general  been for the last 60 years ?  Dont sit and say you now declare war , that you wont or havent fought against Muslim terror groups. Hamas is one of many groups, Hezbollah, AQ , Taliban, ISIL , ISIS, Ansar al-Sharia pick one 
 When we went fighting and did what you now approve of you now  called it war crimes 

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2 hours ago, PowderRiverCowboy said:

Hamas is one of many groups, Hezbollah, AQ , Taliban, ISIL , ISIS, Ansar al-Sharia pick one 

Hard to hunt down and eliminate them when everyone dresses the same! SOrt of like Viet Nam. The farmers in the rice patties looked the same as the NVA!

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How’d the Crusades go?

1095-1291 AD and NOTHING really was accomplished. 

Now look to the latest history of our involvement. What was accomplished? I say, not much. Made some shifty m*****f*****s rich, we lost good people. That’s about it. 

In 1000 years it will be the same. 

I got nothin’ good to say so I will end this here. 

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We have two overlapping wars going on.  

As pointed out above, we have the Arab/Jew war that has been going on for thousands of years, basically a long standing family feud.
That is overlain with the more recent Mohammedean vs. all the rest of the world war that goes back to the 7th Century.  The goal of that is nothing short of world conquest, and using a pseudo-religion as the excuse.  And spare me the "Well, Christians want to dominate the world too!" line.   That some European monarchs used Christianity as an excuse for conquest is far different than a "holy book" that demands it be spread by the sword.  Crusades?  Two pronged.  First to make safe routes for Europeans to visit the Holy Land, instead of having them attacked, robbed, raped and sold into slavery, and second to expand trade and bring in wealth - mostly in the form of spices and textiles - to Europe.  


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If the Middle East wasn't floating on the world's oil supply, nobody would give a hoot what happened over there.  There would be no money to fund these wars and it would be very similar to Africa.  Nobody has any interest about what goes on or wants any involvement in African politics.

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1 hour ago, irish ike, SASS #43615 said:

Hard to hunt down and eliminate them when everyone dresses the same! SOrt of like Viet Nam. The farmers in the rice patties looked the same as the NVA!


 I agree and western "rules of war", the media and general American Public are to weak and upset to do what needs to be done like VN the Media will only condemn you for shooting that 12 year old little angel but wont tell anyone that he just blew up 3 soldiers with a RPG . 


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These folks have been killing each other since before rocks and sticks were invented (much less Judaism and Islam) and they ain't likely to stop any time soon.


We have an obligation to Israel, so we should honor it.

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as much as i would like to think there was a saving grace here = this has gone on for thousands of years and will not end in this time , one more battle in an unending war , best we can hope for is they eradicate hamas and wait for the next jihad group to take over palestine ,, there is never going to be an end - best we can hope for is temporary peace ..........which begs the question of , dropping your guard , knowing its coming , i dont like broad brush strokes so ill not  you give you my opinion of who will start it next time - but after this is over it may be peace for a while till it starts again

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Considering how many military age, single men of Middle Eastern demographics have come across our Southern border posing as migrants... you may very well get the opportunity to use that Terrorist Hunting Tag shown above.


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There's a deeper connection between radical Islam and the Nazis. Mein Kompf is still a wildly popular book in the Middle East.


The Grand Mufti of Egypt of the WW2 era was an ardent supporter of Nazism, was in Berlin for a lot of the war (was even given an SS rank and was photographed in full dress uniform) and helped organize a Muslim unit for the SS made up of Balkan Muslims.


He was also one of the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood. The same Muslim Brotherhood that was the origin of many of the terrorist groups of the '60's and '70's like the PLO.


Then, there's all of the Nazis that escaped the fall of Germany to the Middle East and brought with them the 'Werewolves' guerrilla warfare training Germany had developed for the holdouts.

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4 minutes ago, bgavin said:

Considering how many military age, single men of Middle Eastern demographics have come across our Southern border posing as migrants... you may very well get the opportunity to use that Terrorist Hunting Tag shown above.


Kids, thank your President.

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nazis were socialists , commies are socialists , seeing clearly what they are now and always have been from history but i think some here in this country are just realizing what they really are , im also seeing we have a lot of anti-semites in this country just as back in WWII , it saddens me to see it on display , maybe it wil wake some up to what they might expect under that socialism they keep thinking is a good idea even tho its failed miserably everywhere and every time it was tried - just leads to a dictator and food lines ....oh and gulags or death camps 

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11 hours ago, watab kid said:

nazis were socialists , commies are socialists , seeing clearly what they are now and always have been from history but i think some here in this country are just realizing what they really are , im also seeing we have a lot of anti-semites in this country just as back in WWII , it saddens me to see it on display , maybe it wil wake some up to what they might expect under that socialism they keep thinking is a good idea even tho its failed miserably everywhere and every time it was tried - just leads to a dictator and food lines ....oh and gulags or death camps 

Unfortunately there will always be those that hate people who don't believe in the same God as they do. Right now it's just on display because of what's happening in Israel. Why it seem to center on Jews instead of those who want them, as well as the rest of us, extinct is beyond me. 

As for socialism, most of those promoting it are foolish enough to think that it means that they won't have to work for what they want, the government will simply give it to them. The rest of them think that the only reason it has NEVER worked is because the wrong people were in charge, and that if THEY are in charge, it will. And THEY will be on top even if it doesn't.

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"Atlas Shrugged", 1957 by Ayn Rand
Should be required reading with a comprehension exam in order to graduate high school.

In 1957, Rand saw and called out the very situation we have here today with gov't meddling and socialism.

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12 hours ago, Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770 said:

Unfortunately there will always be those that hate people who don't believe in the same God as they do. Right now it's just on display because of what's happening in Israel. Why it seem to center on Jews instead of those who want them, as well as the rest of us, extinct is beyond me. 

As for socialism, most of those promoting it are foolish enough to think that it means that they won't have to work for what they want, the government will simply give it to them. The rest of them think that the only reason it has NEVER worked is because the wrong people were in charge, and that if THEY are in charge, it will. And THEY will be on top even if it doesn't.

i agree with all you said , its sad we all cant see the picture as clearly , socialism will always fail as it depends on 'slavery' of those that will work , the government [all forms]  produces nothing only takes then redistributes to those that will not contribute , 


it seems we currently are creating a new "wild west" if you will where those that commit crimes walk freely among us - that will be met with resistance eventually and there will once aain be a shootout at the OK corral if this continues as those of us that are law abiding will no longer tolerate those that prey upon us , there will be those in authority that will be told - "i dont think ill let you arrest me today" , and there will be those that eventually back the good when they have had their fill of the bad , 


for now the criminals are wiping out the support structures in neighborhoods and communities , maybe its a god day to wake up ? and i dont mean woke - those folks will be the sheared sheep soon if it keeps going on , 

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15 hours ago, Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474 said:

Yep, that's real.



The ethnic Ukrainians hated the ethnic Russians.  They looked at the Germans as liberators.  Many joined the SS with some becoming brutal camp guards..

P.S.  You can blame religion for the origin for hatred of the Jews.  It took until the mid 20th century for Christians to largely renounce scapegoating Jews.  I am afraid Islamic terrorism will not disappear for centuries.  The world needs to learn to cope with it or do what the Chinese are doing with the Uyghurs which probably won't work unless  ruthlessly followed for centuries.  The US's policy of removing native American children from their families & educating them in boarding schools didn't wipe out native culture which isn't an existential threat to non natives like Islamist's.

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On 10/13/2023 at 9:58 PM, watab kid said:

maybe it wil wake some up to what they might expect under that socialism they keep thinking is a good idea 

I wouldn't hold my breath on that one.


Too many are too far and too well insulated from the realities of socialism to expect they will change their opinion any time soon. You can't reason a person out of a belief that wasn't based on reason to begin with.

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8 hours ago, Ozark Huckleberry said:

I wouldn't hold my breath on that one.


Too many are too far and too well insulated from the realities of socialism to expect they will change their opinion any time soon. You can't reason a person out of a belief that wasn't based on reason to begin with.

i fear you are correct in that , i always hope for good outcomes in every bad situation , but im realistic enough to know that wont be the case in most situations , my wife thinks i take a negative attitude when i look realistically at situations that are obviously not going to have a good outcome , i try to point out my initial optimism , there always comes a point when you know its never going to get better .....my two ex-wives learned that 

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