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SASS Wire Forum

Irish Pat

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About Irish Pat

  • Birthday 03/17/1951

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  • SASS Affiliated Club
    Natchez Sixgunners, Mississippi Peacemakers

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  • Location
    Vidalia, LA

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Irish Pat's Achievements

SASS Wire Vet

SASS Wire Vet (1/1)



  1. I bet Phantom agrees…Irish Pat
  2. if you are only going to shoot 45 cowboy special mouse fart in your revolver a strong crimp would be a waste of time
  3. I have heard that the military requires the model they purchased must have safety levers, M-17 and M-18) May be something to the story
  4. change that to just Number 3, don’t need number 4, Irish ☘️ Pat
  5. new price… $60 shipped. this is a nice belt… Irish ☘️ Pat
  6. the first night of the air war during Desert Storm one of my best friends was near a runway in Saudi. he said he watched fighters taking off in groups of four. they were loaded down with armament. they used afterburners to get airborne then went to the tankers to top off their fuel. He said you would never see anything like that again. Go Air Force
  7. very nice San Pedro shotgun shell belt. Holds ten 12 ga shells. marked size 48. goes from size 45 to 51. see pictures. asking. $75 plus $10 to ship. Irish ☘️ Pat, SASS. 19486
  8. Saturday after deer season closed
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