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Any 'Look a Like's in SASS?

Widder, SASS #59054

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Does SASS have any 'Look A Like' members that you think look like any of our

Hollywood Western héros OR maybe even a real western legend?


I say a shooter last year that reminded me of Gene Autry.




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There was a guy that showed up at the Ambush At Mill Creek and The Gunfight Behind The Jersey Lilly up at Norco that was a mirror image of Robert Duvall in Lonesome Dove. 

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Had a guy show up at one of the last End of trails in Norco.  Someone mentioned he looked like a movie star.  He said,"Which one, Robert Redford, Henry Fonda, Tom Selleck?"


His wife stepped back and look hard at him and finally said, "More like Agnes Moorhead."

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I don't see it, Mrs. Doc and my daughters don't see it, and we all get a laugh out of it. Over the past ten years, if that, I've had a number of people say I look like Tom Hanks. I'm talking over half a dozen at this point. Usually girls in their teenage years, but a couple of teen guys too. I don't think anyone over, say 21 or so.

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Captain Lewis dressed like Wyatt Earp and some of the pictures I’ve seen of Wyatt look a lot like Captain Lewis. He used to shoot at Norco nearly every month but moved up to the central coast after he retired. 

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Years ago Hoss of the King's River Regulators looked enough like Kenny Rogers that he'd get asked for autographs.  :)


And sometimes he'd give 'em~!  :lol:

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23 hours ago, Yul Lose said:

There was a guy that showed up at the Ambush At Mill Creek and The Gunfight Behind The Jersey Lilly up at Norco that was a mirror image of Robert Duvall in Lonesome Dove. 

I remember seeing him, I thought it was him!

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Not a cowboy but recently the lady working in the eyeglass section at Costco asked my name as I waited. I told her and she said the lady near me in a wheelchair thought I was...... John Madden football coach. 

On a better note, once I had someone tell me I sounded like Sam Elliot. I don't but I'll take it.

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 He ain't been mistaken for an on screen cowboy but that really tall feller who goes by the name Trinidad Slim sure looks a lot like the basketball great Kareem Abdul Jabbar!



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