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Or, as Col.Potter used to call it, "Horse Hockey!"



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I find it annoyingly fascinating how people can take a very fun fairly simple game and past time and turn it into a convoluted mess, mostly to massage their own egos or just to be $&@#€£¥*s.


This is one of the reasons I steer clear of the Wire drama...but somehow, every once in a while, I allow myself to get pulled in. Mostly because I want to add my voice to those that want to keep things simple and fun...Well, as simple as it can be now.


Hey, I have an idea. Let’s start a thread advocating we have a match and or category in honor of the year ‘97. Not 1897, 1997! The year 2 handguns were required. That was the year I joined. The entire thing would be shot using the rules from that handbook and no RO manual.

Some folks would lose their bloomin’ minds not having anything to analyze, not-pick or whine about.


The thread would get shredded, the planets would fall out of alignment, folks would go back in their meds, dogs and cats would be living together...it would be great fun to watch, in a bystander watching a train wreck sort of way. :D


Nah...no one would even notice. It’s the Wire...:lol:

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8 hours ago, Abilene Slim SASS 81783 said:

Over on the Wire, the repeatedly beaten dead-horse topic formerly known as "rank points",


+ whimp loads v PAK Ammo

+ smoke requirements for BP Loads


some of this stuff got resolved -- rank point got the boot and a reasonable power factor was adopted.

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Yep, I was ready to talk top fliglt cutting utensils.

Great for daily carry and always ready.

Y A WN.....mo coffee pleaz pard?




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My Thermos (not to advocate for one particular brand of Thermos mind you) is half empty already. Or is it still half full?.... Anyways, back to work. Enjoy your day!

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I can remember when I messed up, pulled out the pocket rule book, and found the mistake listed under, "Brain Farts". It was so simple back then when ya could just laugh at yourself, go on, and have a great time.:lol:

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2 hours ago, Marshal Mo Hare, SASS #45984 said:

I can see people arguing over what the rules were in ‘97.


Haha...yep. Why do you think we have what we have now? :D

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34 minutes ago, Pat Riot, SASS #13748 said:


Haha...yep. Why do you think we have what we have now? :D

Well years back I travelled a ways to go to some out of state shoots.  A rule issue came up and I stepped and quoted the rule to the MD/TG who turned around and asked Gomer RO II and Gomer RO II got it wrong so MD/TG accepted Gomers statement and made the wrong ruling. I stopped traveling to that state.

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11 hours ago, Pat Riot, SASS #13748 said:


Haha...yep. Why do you think we have what we have now? :D


We have what we have now because some people cannot be content with following the Spirit of the rules/game. They constantly look for any gray areas and then exploit them. When challenged their reply is "it is not specifically prohibited by the rule book" so after much teeth gnashing and hand wringing a rule gets added to the book.  Two recent examples are the safety glasses rule and the loading of a shotgun while shooting another firearm. The fact that we even need a rule to cover the first example when it has probably only happened 2 or 3 times in the history of SASS is mind boggling. And all because the TO cannot be trusted to tell the difference between happenstance and an intentional act. The second example had everyone trying to find an existing rule against it when the correct answer should have been "no you cannot do that because doing so violates the spirit of the game and how it is intended to be played".


I would hazard a guess that 90% of the rules that have been enacted in the last 10 to 15 years are the result of having to reign in the 1% of shooters that cannot follow the Spirit of the rules/game.


Sometimes when a stage goes particularly badly I'll do things just because I need the laugh. Someone will always go on about how I should be given a P because what I did wasn't IAW the stage scenario. They say it like it is a bad thing. HECK give it too me; I earned it. While you are at, watch while I earn another one. IJAFG  If I really cared about my time I wouldn't have done what I did in the first place. I shoot with a few people that will occasionally go out of their way to earn a P on every stage. 99.9% of us stand back and enjoy the show. However sooner or later someone will show up that just has to stir the chamber pot with a turbo charged outboard to show how knowledgeable they are about the rules and how they should be applied. WHO CARES IJAFG quit going out of your way to spoil the fun.

No one will remember the countless stages shot the previous match where nothing went wrong, but they will remember the epic train wrecks where everyone had a really good laugh. 


IJAFG should be our motto instead of "how can I create a situation that will require a new rule". Maybe the entire rule book should be re-written so that everything is defined by what you can do rather than what you cannot.  Kind of like the firearms modification rules. Anything not specifically allowed is prohibited.


People are always worrying about the rules being applied exactly the same no matter what. Well I hate to break it to them but unless they want a rule book that rivals the size of War and Peace that has to be consulted after a review of video recorded from multiple angles for before awarding any time penalty; it is unlikely to happen. People are not infallible and CAS is a hobby not a profession so expecting every TO and MD to commit all the rules to memory is  too much to ask. However expecting everyone to do their best and to be willing to admit when they are wrong while also expecting people to get over it when an incorrect call is made should be the norm and the mandatory mindset of every shooter.


A wise man once told me that life is not and never will be fair. He said that the only definition of fair that was accurate was the one that referred to a place where you went to eat cotton candy and watch someone show off their prize pig. All other definitions were subjective and therefore could not be definitively defined. Anyone that thought otherwise was delusional. The older I get the more I realize how profoundly accurate he was.


Above all else this is a game that should be fun and I refuse to shoot with people that cannot remember that.


Sorry for the rant


BTW please don't get me started about how there are too many categories. :P 


BTW I don't think there are.

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15 minutes ago, Sedalia Dave said:


Forgive my acronymial ignorance but what is IJAFG? :)


By the way...I wrote a rant too...but deleted it and then wished I wouldn't have.

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11 minutes ago, Sedalia Dave said:


Above all else this is a game that should be fun and I refuse to shoot with people that cannot remember that.


Sorry for the rant


BTW please don't get me started about how there are too many categories.



I like yer post.   the game has changed, so much, over the years.   How did Tammy put that in her song? "After all that's happened it doesn't matter, anymore"


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It's Just A -----  Game        GW

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28 minutes ago, Pat Riot, SASS #13748 said:

Forgive my acronymial ignorance but what is IJAFG? :)


By the way...I wrote a rant too...but deleted it and then wished I wouldn't have.


don't feel bad....when I first got ta Ohio I saw a bunch of folks with IJAFG pins....took me a good three months to figure out what the heck it meant....:blush:

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1 hour ago, G W Wade said:

It's Just A -----  Game        GW


1 hour ago, Calico Mary said:


don't feel bad....when I first got ta Ohio I saw a bunch of folks with IJAFG pins....took me a good three months to figure out what the heck it meant....:blush:


50 minutes ago, Marshal Mo Hare, SASS #45984 said:


‘It is Just a Game’


oh did I leave a word out? Sorry.


Image result for homer simpson doh


Thank y'all very much...I should have figured it out. Haha :lol:


...and I agree! 


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1 hour ago, Calico Mary said:


don't feel bad....when I first got ta Ohio I saw a bunch of folks with IJAFG pins....took me a good three months to figure out what the heck it meant....:blush:

Did you mean IJDGAF?

Cuz that work's too sometimes. :D

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1 hour ago, G W Wade said:

It's Just A -----  Game        GW

Got my pin couple of years ago a Red Dirt Rampage.   Goofed up a stage, went thru  unload , returned guns to cart.  Then walked to nearest tree to beat head for awhile.   Returned to cart to find IJAFG pin stuck in the end of my rifle barrel .   Proudly rides there still as a reminder of the wonderfull people I've meet over the years and fun I've had     GW

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3 hours ago, Calico Mary said:


don't feel bad....when I first got ta Ohio I saw a bunch of folks with IJAFG pins....took me a good three months to figure out what the heck it meant....:blush:

I had to ask the first time I saw those pins as well. :D

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5 minutes ago, Marshal Mo Hare, SASS #45984 said:

Taz made those, back around2010. I still have some extras.

Name yore price!! Gotta have one!

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15 hours ago, Utah Bob #35998 said:

Did you mean IJDGAF?

Cuz that work's too sometimes. :D


Okay...had to go look that one up and found readily...Now I know why no one responded to my silly post. :lol:

By the way, I say that at work a lot...way more than I should...I need a new job.

IJAFG is one thing but IJDGAF is completely another if it has to do with my "Me Time".

The big problem is, at a match, IJDGAF that is not the attitude I want, but if that is the attitude I have it's time to move on.

Years ago I shot with a club where my attitude was going down the tubes and I rectified things by moving on to another club.

When I moved east I went to a few matches incognito and found that I was not impressed and IJDGAF set in so I just quit shooting CAS all together...I really and truly no longer Gave AF.

When I came back to SASS I was shocked at the number of categories.

I was also shocked at the number of rules. I call them "Gamer Rules" - there, I said it. Don't like it? IJDGAF.

I was also shocked that the rules that I call "Gamer Rules" seemed to all be in the RO manuals, which I didn't care to read because I didn't want to be an RO...then I found there were 2 RO manuals. RO1 and RO2. I was told everyone needed to know the RO1 rules, at the very least. I was also told if I wanted to help out to run the timer and do other tasks I needed to be an RO, therefore I needed to take classes. "CLASSES"! Really?


No, I don't think so...this isn't school and I am not looking for a degree in SASS Engineering. You can keep your Gamer Rules and you can keep your hierarchy. I will follow the safety rules in the Handbook and if I make a boo-boo due to a technicality found in an RO manual I will take the penalty and move on...and don't get my blood pressure up over it because you have a "rules attitude". You won't like me when I'm angry. If I deserve a penalty because of some inane non-safety rule, give me the penalty so we can move on with having fun. :)


Now, who's the Goombah that came up with all these flippin' sweeps?....:D 



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10 minutes ago, Pat Riot, SASS #13748 said:


Now, who's the Goombah that came up with all these flippin' sweeps?....:D 




it twernt me....I'z totally innocent!!!!!   (go ahead....laff....I noz yer gonna.....)

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So this is where the Wire's SOG post moved to?!  Ooooh, let me flog the bereft of life equine!!









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I don't see discussing SOG as "beating a dead horse."


After finally getting rid of Rank Point Scoring and a penalty for restaging a closed, empty long gun, I believe that discussing rules in a logical, well-thought-out manner may result in changes that can benefit our sport/game.





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