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23 minutes ago, Allie Mo, SASS No. 25217 said:



I don't see discussing SOG as "beating a dead horse."


After finally getting rid of Rank Point Scoring and a penalty for restaging a closed, empty long gun, I believe that discussing rules in a logical, well-thought-out manner may result in changes that can benefit our sport/game.





Ah, but Allie, (I can only talk about myself here, I have a hard enough time doing that), this is not where I am the least bit logical or even half-way thoughtful.  The saloon is where I come to drool heavy-lidded on the tables and make no sense whatsoever.  I often leave my brain tied to the rail outside along with my horse, before coming in here.



what can you expect from a Duc?

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:wub: ya Duc!


My comment wasn't directed at you personally. Many folks talk about "beating a dead horse."


The two recent changes that I mentioned were just triggered (LOL pun intended after the fact) by this thread and your post just happened to be there when I read this and had an answer that struck me as worth posting. YYMV! :lol:


Happy Trails!



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On 5/18/2018 at 7:37 AM, Pat Riot, SASS #13748 said:

I find it annoyingly fascinating how people can take a very fun fairly simple game and past time and turn it into a convoluted mess, mostly to massage their own egos or just to be $&@#€£¥*s.


This is one of the reasons I steer clear of the Wire drama...but somehow, every once in a while, I allow myself to get pulled in. Mostly because I want to add my voice to those that want to keep things simple and fun...Well, as simple as it can be now.


Hey, I have an idea. Let’s start a thread advocating we have a match and or category in honor of the year ‘97. Not 1897, 1997! The year 2 handguns were required. That was the year I joined. The entire thing would be shot using the rules from that handbook and no RO manual.

Some folks would lose their bloomin’ minds not having anything to analyze, not-pick or whine about.


The thread would get shredded, the planets would fall out of alignment, folks would go back in their meds, dogs and cats would be living together...it would be great fun to watch, in a bystander watching a train wreck sort of way. :D


Nah...no one would even notice. It’s the Wire...:lol:

Hell, I joined somewhere in’97. We ain’t that far apart.


Simple rules:

1.  Be safe. 

2.  Have fun. 

3.  Run what you brung, and figure out which of the FOUR categories you qualify for. 

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