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The journey of a sore knee

Clay Mosby

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Many months ago (around late January ) I had asked for and received advice concerning dealing with an infection in my knee.


Well, I wanted to give an update and thank again those of you that responded.


It turned out to be a staph infection that turned septic in my right knee. In early Feb they operated to clean out the joint and replace the polymer insert in the joint. Then it was several weeks of rehab and IV antibiotics.


After all that it was determined that the infection was not being eradicated, so in early June I went under the knife again. This time they removed the old artificial knee and replaced it with an antibiotic spacer that allows very limited movement and 50% weight bearing. I also went back on a 6 week regimen of daily IV antibiotics. Just finished that and now I wait 3 weeks to see if the infection is finally gone. If it is, then I can get on the schedule for a real replacement knee. If, not, well it could be Wash, Rinse, Repeat!!  Ugh!


Could use few prayers that the damn infection is gone!!

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You got it!  I have been fighting repeated staph, (MRSA) infection for seven plus years!


Pic line antibiotics infusions for several lengthy periods. Surgery after surgery to remove septic tissue and a near death episode that resulted in the fusion of three vertebrae in my neck and a two month hospitalization and rehab.


Seems that any metal in your body will attract staph and once it gets in it is very difficult if not impossible to get it completely and permanently gone!! Attack it aggressively and stay on any treatment plan to its full conclusion!!


Best wishes and I hope that the treatment is successful!!

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Praying here!

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I hope for the best for you. I had to have an artificial ankle joint removed and my ankle fused in 1978 due to the inability to fight an infection on and around the metal and plastic joint!

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My sweetheart had a full knee replacement last year. For a dance teacher this is no small thing. But she is doing wondefully. Now! ❤️

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Sorry you have to go through this; thanks for reinforcing my reluctance to have knee replacement surgery!

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15 hours ago, Clay Mosby said:

Many months ago (around late January ) I had asked for and received advice concerning dealing with an infection in my knee.


Well, I wanted to give an update and thank again those of you that responded.


It turned out to be a staph infection that turned septic in my right knee. In early Feb they operated to clean out the joint and replace the polymer insert in the joint. Then it was several weeks of rehab and IV antibiotics.


After all that it was determined that the infection was not being eradicated, so in early June I went under the knife again. This time they removed the old artificial knee and replaced it with an antibiotic spacer that allows very limited movement and 50% weight bearing. I also went back on a 6 week regimen of daily IV antibiotics. Just finished that and now I wait 3 weeks to see if the infection is finally gone. If it is, then I can get on the schedule for a real replacement knee. If, not, well it could be Wash, Rinse, Repeat!!  Ugh!


Could use few prayers that the damn infection is gone!!

Know what you are going through. Keep your head up and we will send prayers up as well. I have both knees replaced and have to be on the look out for any infection in my body because they say it could travel down to one of the knees and they explained the process of having to remove the knee and putting it junk to keep it stable for a few months until they can eradicate the infection and get it ready for another new one. I take every precaution I can to make sure that I never have to go through that. I keep a bottle of Amoxicillin in my drug cabinet and take a couple anytime I have an open cut that could get infected. Take care. There is a light at the end of the tunnel.



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I usually take amoxi before going to the dentist. I think late last year I had a teeth cleaning and I think I may have forgotten to take it. Believe me, that wont happen  again

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