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Hello, newbie here

Dapper Dave

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Thank you for letting me on this fine forum. I am curious about getting into Cowboy Action Shooting, living down in Casa Grande, Arizona, where the sun is so bright that the scorpions wear sunglasses. 
At the moment I only have two revolvers that will probably meet the rues, (I read the handbook), the basic Uberti Birds Head in .357 magnum, and my stainless Uberti 1858 with Howell 45 Colt conversion cylinder. It said conversion cylinders appropriate to the era - is that conversion cylinder SASS legal? I didn't read anything that outlawed stainless steel, as I saw Ruger Old Army revolvers, (my Grail Gun right there), are allowed. Of course, reloading a conversion cylinder without the ejector rod setup is a huge pain in the neck, so I'd be giving up large amounts of time there...but Spirit of the Game and all, why not try it and have fun, right?
I do not have a SASS legal shotgun or rifle, money is kinda tight, so are the courses of fire just for revolvers, or is it a requirement to have all three to compete anywhere?

Thank you for your replies, and again, thank you for having me here, much obliged.

1873 on the line.jpg

1858 with conversion cylinder.jpg

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You must have four guns; the two revolvers, a shotgun and a rifle. My suggestion and you will hear it more, go to some matches before you buy anything else. 
First, you’ll learn more about what you need.

Secondly, you’ll meet some great people and may find some good deals.

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Thank you for the reply. I bought these for casual shooting originally, just got the cartridge conversion a few months ago and started reloading 45 Colt with both smokeless and the Holy Black. I was considering a lever action rifle just because, but haven't owned a shotgun in probably 10 years. Also looks like the next match out here is in October. people just don't want to shoot when it's a 114 degrees, not sure what's the matter with them... :)

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Welcome, Dan!   As a new shooter three years ago, the best advise was just what you have already received...go to matches, talk to people.  Many will let you borrow firearms to shoot the match.  Try before you buy!   Yes, it is exciting any a person wants to be all in, but some extra time loking and shooting will pay off in the long run...saves you money!  Good Shootin"   SB

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Welcome Dave!  See Hells Comin's post about Cowtown, they may be shooting this Sunday.  Casa Grande is an hour+ from Cowtown I believe.  ACSA shoots at Ben Avery and there's a shoot in Prescott.  You'll have to check with the clubs as to whether & when they are shooting.  The SASS website lists local matches or maybe PM Larsen Pettifogger.  Have fun.


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Repeat from previous responses. Do not buy anything until you attend some matches.


Look at website or facebook for clubs near you.  There should be info on contacting the club officers. Let them know you would like to come to matches to learn.

In all probability they will be able to arrange for equipment for you to use.  Most individuals will be willing to loan you equipment to shoot a match.

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Howdy D.D. and welcome aboard.  Both your pistols are just fine.  When I started in '99, I was only into handguns and did not own a long gun.  Like you, I asked if there were shooting categories for pistols only.  I was disappointed to find out I needed to buy both a rifle and shotgun as well.  But now I'm very glad that was the case and I love all the guns.  The fact that you are already reloading is a plus.

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The local club will start shooting at the CG range a little later when it cools off some. Usually you can find a few rifles or sg at some of the local clubs. Tombstone is another place that shoots year round at the Livery just north of town. They usually have items for sale. Los Vaqueros and one other club shoot there every month.


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Posted (edited)

Thank you for the responses - I was unaware of any club that shoots at CG range, other than the Dusty Bunch match once a year. The only time my son and I went to that match, we were treated...poorly.


The only long gun I have that is even remotely appropriate is a wee bit unsuitable.

But it is VERY fun. :)


My wife and I took a trip to Tombstone a few months ago...yikes. Tourist trap, but we had a great lunch at the Crystal Palace and watched the reenactment. I seriously don't recommend the Ok Corral diner for breakfast - I got sick as a dog. 


Don't worry, I won't spend any more money on guns, but I will on clothing - I've been invited to an Old West poker game in October, gotta hit up Old West Mercantile in Phoenix for some duds. Besides, I already spent all my gun money for a while on this other baby...NOT suitable for any Old West stuff.

My Renegade.jpg

Done 3.jpg

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Bummed to hear you were treated poorly. That's NOT typical with Cowboys.

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Many a time a call to the Match Director prior to the match will result in the long guns being provided for you.  Good way to participate and try different firearms before purchasing.  

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I'm also a newbie and I will echo the sentiment about going to a match and talking to folks.  The first match I went to I just sat, watched, and talked.  Didn't bring any firearms, didn't ask to shoot anything (I was offered), and wore shorts and a ballcap because it was HOT.  LOL.


Anyway - your local match will give you some great advice about what works and what doesn't.  Most of the CAS shooters I've met are older and have been at the game for a while so they had already made the purchasing mistakes.  


To me here are the breakdowns - most shooters are either Ruger or Clone/Colt for handguns.  Obviously there are the open top guys, the classic cowboy guys, wild bunch, etc, but from my view in the cheap seats the majority of what I'll call "standard CAS shooters" either shoot a SAA or a Ruger New Vaquero.  Most have been slicked up and/or short stroked by a good cowboy gunsmith.


The rifle of choice is almost always a Uberti 1873 of some flavor with various mods to suit (short stroke, trigger, etc)


Shotguns are the area that IMO are more of a true mixed bags.  It's either a double barrel or a Winchester 1897 (clone) most of the time.


I found this book so valuable.  It was highly recommended to read cover to cover before even going to a match, and for me it made a huge difference.




Lastly - the folks on this board are very helpful.  Post your questions, regardless of how dumb you think they are, and be respectful and they will help!


Have a great time.   Like all shooting, off roading, fishing, hiking, biking, golfing, etc. hobbies CAS aint' cheap once it sets it's hooks.



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Wild West Mercantile usually has a discount code for purchases.  Check their Cowboy Chronicle ads or post here for a current code.  Also, check their Bargain Bin for deals.   I just got three pairs of trousers back from my seamstress I bought at half price from the Bargain Bin.  Also, buy your wife some fancy dresses at WWM so she can fit in at matches.  This summer would be a good time to work on your costumes while you are waiting for cooler weather.  BTW, D Bar J's crappy hat line is a good way to get a quality hat half-price.


Do you reload?  If not, start shopping for reloading equipment.  Store-bought ammo is pricey!  Gun shows and estate sales often have serviceable equipment at reasonable prices.  Our favored Federal pistol primers are still available, though online merchants are offering financing prices are so high.  Powder is still in short supply though you can still buy a few pistol powders that will work for 357 mag and 45 Colt reloading.


Conversion cylinders are legal.  I have a pair for my ROAs I sometimes use.  You will have plenty of time at the loading table to load them.  Stainless steel is legal too.  It looks like nickel-plated metal.


There is lots of good shooting in all directions from Casa Grande.  Tombstone was mentioned.  It's the location of the Arizona Championship in October.  The PHX metro area has several good clubs and hosts the End of Trail Championship at the Ben Avery Range in February.  Our 4-Corners Regional in Utah is just a day's drive north.  After you shoot a few local matches start shooting major matches near you.  We'd love to see you at the New Mexico State Championship in ABQ in September.

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Welcome aboard !


Our club has several new shooters that don't have all their guns yet. This weekend we shoot both days and I know we have no less then 4 new(er) shooters, some need just one gun with what they have, but others need all 4 guns. We always are able to provide from within the veteran ranks. I'm sure 90 percent of the clubs will or do the same. 

As already stated, go visit clubs and watch the events. Ask questions and I'm sure you will get a ton of responses. It's always exciting to see new shooters join our ranks and to remember the fun of getting all the stuff around to start competing in matches. 

Enjoy the journey and best of luck to you.

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here are some fact sheets we give to our new shooters.  some inof may be specific to our club, Thunder River Renegades but it will give you some ideas


gives you something to read while you're waiting





New Shooter Clinic Handout for new shooters version G.pdf Things to bring with you for your first time shooting at TRR.pdf

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The only thing i would add is to take your own of ammo with you. Many cowboys like me are happy to let you try their guns but won’t to let you shoot their reloads for liability reasons.


Choice Ammunition or Bullets by Scarlett are good sources.


45colt and 38spl are most common center fire and Winchester AA or Remington STS 12ga for shotgun. 7.5 to 9 shot and  lighter the better.


welcome to the funnest game ever!

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Again, welcome to the sport! As a dedicated .45 Colt shooter I would recommend using the .38 Special as your base to build on as a beginner. It costs a lot less than the .45s. The Rossi 92s are good, usable rifles and cost a lot less than the Ubertis. Yes, the 1866 and 1873s are what the top competitors run, but for starting out on a budget, the Rossis are sold. Stoeger makes a god SxS double gun, that again, is a good way to get started while watching your dollars. Once you advance, then, get the guns you want, set up the way you want. Watch the For Sale section here, you will see lots of good values. Check our advertisers, there are several who carry plenty of guns and will watch for you.

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Thank you all very much. Yes. I reload 45 Colt and 38/357, as well as others. I also cast my own bullets, and recently stepped into making my own black powder.  VERY new at that! But all of my ammo would be SASS legal, no problem there.

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7 hours ago, Eyesa Horg said:

Bummed to hear you were treated poorly. That's NOT typical with Cowboys.

One gent was very helpful,  the others and the guy in charge basically shunned us. That was many years ago, but it turned me off the sport for quite a while. Feces occur.

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3 hours ago, Dapper Dave said:

One gent was very helpful,  the others and the guy in charge basically shunned us. That was many years ago, but it turned me off the sport for quite a while. Feces occur.

Are you sure it was a SASS club?

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Come on guys. If you think all these folks at clubs...whether they are officers or not, are all nice and welcoming to ALL, you're deceiving yourselves.


People are people regardless of whether the shoot CAS or not.



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Welcome to the forum, newbie here myself.... Good advice from good people here.... Went to EOT this year, walked around met @scarlett. Wonderful lady and all the folks at the event were wonderful to talk to and learn from... 

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Posted (edited)

The outfit was called the Dusty Bunch and the shoot is called Gathering of the Posses, IIRC, and they do it every February at the Elzy Pearson memorial Firing Range in Casa Grande, reserving the entire range and shutting out all other shooters. Again, that was a while ago, thinking probably over ten years. No idea if they were/are associated with SASS, but the whole experience left a sour taste. It was just recently that I thought I'd try again, since I am having a lot of fun playing with Big Thunder, the "1858" new Model Army converted to 45 Colt. I still have the original cylinder for percussion, of course. Here is the range, (it's been paved out to the range after this satellite photo was taken),and my fat old rear end having fun making smoke.

And Da Boy, himself making smoke with the first black powder loads I ever made for the New Model Army. Those first attempts were, as the kids say, "weak sauce", barely registering over 600 FPS. BUT, they were also loaded with home  made black powder. ;)




Elzy Pearson Range.jpg

BPC 5 11 24 2.jpg

45 Colt 12.jpg

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Posted (edited)

I did say I do make my own bullets - I visited Scarlett's site, thank you to the gent who provided it. We have the same taste in powder coat. :D Black powder cartridges are, of course, lubed with SPG Tropic, not powder coat. 

45 Colt 4.jpg

45 Colt 25.jpg

BPC 11.jpg

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Leather is pretty basic, junk Triple K stuff, but I will be ordering a nice Slim Jim from Craig C. over at the High Road dot org on payday.

Leather 1.jpg

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Howdy Dapper Dave and welcome to the SASS family. Do not know where you are located in AZ, but the Granite Mountain Outlaws have a Cowboy Action match every third Sunday at the Compass Training Center range in Chino Valley. We are a family friendly club with good people, and we welcome all new shooters. We will let you try out and shoot our revolvers, rifles and shotguns. Come on out to Chino Valley and check us out.

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I live 4 miles from the CG range. Your comment about the DB taking the whole range over is accurate but my question would be how are you supposed to run an annual shoot and also let other people in to shoot while you are doing that shoot?

 They have more than one shoot a year there but if they don't get enough people to sign up ahead of time it has to be cancelled. It is VERY expensive to rent that range and have very few people show up. When they have a normal monthly shoot it only takes up the three small bays to the south. Also a notice is posted at the range at least a month ahead of time when the range is going to be closed for the annual.

 Anytime that I have seen visitors come when they have a shoot they are always welcome but are required to abide by the safety rules the same as the shooters. I have had people get mad at me because they were not wearing eye protection and I told them they needed it.


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Check out the Dustybunch.com website for their information. If you need gunsmith services, Squibber is the local guy. I'm sorry you had a bad experience 10 years ago at their annual match, it hasn't been my experience. 

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        I'm fairly new to the game, and have attended a few shoots at my two local sass clubs. In my limited experience, I have never met so many friendly and generous people in my life.

         I went to my first shoot to watch and learn, but most people there offered me the use of their guns, and were very friendly. Since then I have shot in three matches, and everyone was incredibly friendly and generous with their equipment and advice. 

           I have borrowed guns and have purchased equipment at great prices. In my mind, everyone seems to want to help us rookies and to help make us better at the game. I've met some GREAT people and made several new friends who I look forward to seeing and who continue to educate me in the basics of shooting better and faster.

            I've never had so much fun with my clothes on. I'm only sorry I didn't discover this game and this group of people years ago! Here's hoping you can find a club near you that's as accepting, friendly, and genuine as my new friends and pards.

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Posted (edited)

Just for reference. The Casa Grand range has 5 bays. At their annual shoot they have 10 stages for main match, Wild Bunch, warm up stages and side matches which include Long range, take no prisoner and a few other things. This is all accomplished on five bays in three days. I have been there when people got irritated and when they left they spun out and sprayed the cars and cowboys with gravel. I have also seen people that refused to leave and caused a scene, in spite of being told politely when the range would be back open. I also have never been to a match when visitors were turned away if they were unwilling to abide by safety rules.


Edited by Kid Rich
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I never said it weas a bad thing to reserve the entire range for a large event - most people don't know what a PITA it is to reserve that range. I found out when I tried to set up an Appleseed out there many years ago. There are two 25 yard pistol bays to the south and the 100 yard sight in range, the only one without a concrete pad. I DO wish the city would replace the fabric covers that blew away. BTW, I also live just a few miles from the range - not too far from the water tower. I've only seen the yearly match and I've seen the yellow "reserved signs", but after that one experience, I never bothered to try to watch again. I have never attended a match anywhere else, but when I worked part time at the Three Points range I was quite impressed with the 7 bay Cowboy Action section down there. I never saw a match shot there - I was working part time during the week for a short time. NRA certified RSO. 4H Certified Pistol Coach. 
What's REALLY amazing is nobody has called out the Core Civic private prison people who take over the 80 yard line twice a week and never reserve it. They just swarm it so Core Civic doesn't have to build their own range. Or use the DOC range.  THAT'S annoying. 
Perhaps we can attend one at Rio Salado or Cowtown someday, but my work schedule eats up part of the weekend. 

For those that have never seen the CG Elzy Pearson range, it is the best free, city maintained, unmonitored outdoor range I have ever used - relevant photos for description.

Ricky target 3 8 24.jpg

Rossi 885 3.jpg

On Line BREN 2 and Viking T Shirt.jpg

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