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Go West

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    Los Vaqueros

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    Sierra Vista, AZ
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    Guns, reading, history, movies

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SASS Wire Vet (1/1)



  1. I wouldn't be concerned with unburnt powder unless taken to excess. Do they work? Is it affected by temperature? Are they inconsistent (bang, poof)?
  2. Most shooters I know are using 125 gr. or lighter bullets. As Abilene said, it would be better in a rifle.
  3. My guns are not lightened to only use Federals, so we'll see.
  4. I saw an ad for Magtech LPP and wondered if anyone has used them. They're advertised for $69.99/1K from Natchez which is a deal if they work ok. Thanks in advance.
  5. I bought a vintage hat in Tombstone for $75. The felt is thin and stiff. I wear it for non-shooting activities.
  6. I have two 5" Ubertis in .45 Colt. The mainsprings were way too strong and my forearm would tire from shooting duelist. I bought a new set of springs to have on hand and lightened the originals. I could still take them down some, but haven't bothered. You don't need special work on them unless there is a problem. The side plates come off with a rap or two, so don't try to pry them off if you want to inspect the innards.
  7. Lyman shows OAL @ 1.44" with a 125 RN bullet: Tite Group 2.9 @ 797 231 3.9 @ 733 Clays 2.9 @ 800 Bullseye 3.2 @ 763 If you lengthen OAL, the pressure will be reduced somewhat. Load to what suits your rifle, the pistol will take any of them. I recommend having several reloading manuals such as the Cast Bullet Handbook, Lee and Lyman manuals. I also like the Load Books which feature one caliber, many bullets and powders. Powder companies have data online.
  8. I found out the hard way about nickle cases and cases with cannelures many years ago. A local gunsmith at the time did the Cerrosafe thing and got it right out. I went through my cases and through out every nickle case and those with cannelures. That was prior to the newer case extractors coming out.
  9. Larsen provided a logical description and photos of the issue. JM did a Stoeger for me that has worked well. It makes sense to provide proper fitting in order to use a lighter spring.
  10. The courthouse in Tombstone is worth seeing. That's where the Earp trial was held. Could be more ideas online for Tombstone, Cochise county and surrounding area.
  11. I paid $69 a few months ago locally. They only had a few thousand, so that's all I could get. I'll keep looking.
  12. Can't hit them all. Once I buy some, I can't really justify buying quickly again. I would like to find reasonable LPP. You can find them, but probably won't like the price.
  13. I've shot it twice using 1.6" rounds. Thanks for your input. Regarding a lighter main spring, I use whatever LPP I can find so it needs to be able to set any of them off. Thanks again.
  14. I recently acquired a used 1866 that is unmodified. Would the addition of Slix Springs lever and carrier springs or equivalent be a worthwhile addition using the stock brass carrier? I'm not interested in a short stroke kit, new aluminum carrier or hiring a smith to slick it up. Some say yes to the springs with the stock carrier and some say no, so I don't know what to think. This is in .45 Colt that I will shoot occasionally. Thanks in advance.
  15. Cheap foam plugs are very effective, but we use the custom molded plugs from onsite vendors at the larger matches. I pull one plug to hear the stage instructions and reinsert after. I like the idea of active plugs that quickly protect ears from loud sounds and allow normal conversation, but probably won't adopt. When at a public range, I use plugs and muffs due to those darn rifle shooters. I would support ranges that could/would offer suppressor rentals.
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