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Tooky Slim

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  • Gender
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    Tooky, NH
  • Interests
    Cigars, Harleys, Woodworking, Fishing, Bass Guitar Player, Blues

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  1. Contoocook NH....I just let em go...I've heard it pronounced dozens of ways. That's why I went with "Tooky", to make it easy
  2. I'm interested in giving that a read myself
  3. I'm fairly new to the game, and have attended a few shoots at my two local sass clubs. In my limited experience, I have never met so many friendly and generous people in my life. I went to my first shoot to watch and learn, but most people there offered me the use of their guns, and were very friendly. Since then I have shot in three matches, and everyone was incredibly friendly and generous with their equipment and advice. I have borrowed guns and have purchased equipment at great prices. In my mind, everyone seems to want to help us rookies and to help make us better at the game. I've met some GREAT people and made several new friends who I look forward to seeing and who continue to educate me in the basics of shooting better and faster. I've never had so much fun with my clothes on. I'm only sorry I didn't discover this game and this group of people years ago! Here's hoping you can find a club near you that's as accepting, friendly, and genuine as my new friends and pards.
  4. I was passing a tractor trailer one time, and there was a loud BOOM, and a sudden pain in my upper chest. The trucks tire must have decapped, and a strip of rubber about a foot and a half long hit me. I managed to pull over safely, still not knowing what had happened. I thought I had been shot! Because of the boom and the sudden instant pain. When I pulled up my shirt to check the damage, I had a welt from under my armpit all the way down to my belt line. It was purple, about 2+ inches wide and was swollen up about 3/4 to an inch high. Damn, that hurt for about a week. I generally avoid passing trucks if at all possible now!!
  5. I always thought a Fendersmith was a guitar repairperson
  6. Ok, I guess I misinterpreted the format...having seen it done that way. Not that I didn't want to follow the original format...It won't happen again, thanks for pointing it out
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