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The Captain Bill Burt SASS Family

Yul Lose

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The five member Burt family has really made a mark on the Cowboy Action Shooting scene. Captain Bill Burt started CAS in 2011 with the North Alabama Regulators and joined the Mule Camp Cowboys soon after. Shootin Sharyn his wife joined him for a short time and then dropped out for awhile and started CAS again a few years later and has since won several Georgia State titles. Captain Bill Burt has won four Georgia State Championships. In 2022 four out of the five of them won Georgia State Championships. Four of them traveled to EOT in Indiana in 2021 and 2 of them buckled, pretty nice accomplishment.

With a family of 5 shooting, prepping for even a monthly match is no small endeavor and state and above matches really become monumental endeavors, look at these numbers for the Tennessee State match:


2 gun carts, one heavily overloaded

2,000 rounds 38/32

2 cases shotgun shells

20 guns, 10 Rugers, 5 Uberti 1873’s, 5 SKB SxS’s
17 loading blocks

5 gunbelt and holster rigs

Clothes and cold weather gear for 5

lube and tools for guns

And don’t forget the dog



He reloads on a Dillon 650 and a Ponsness Warren 800+ shotshell press.


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Shootin Sharyn mother of the Burt 3 with an impressive CAS resume of her own.


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Captain Bill Burt the leader. 


Kid Flash.


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Kid Flash started shooting in 2018 using Ruger  Single Six .22’s and a youth model Henry .22, sans shotgun and just took the misses, a couple of years later he moved up to the  12 gauge SKB shotgun. Now that he’s a Young Gun he’s picked up a few State Titles and is constantly improving.


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Kid Lizzie started CAS at the same time Kid Flash did using the same guns and not shooting a shotgun. She doesn’t shoot nearly as much as the rest of the family and is instead concentrating on academics, wants to be class Valedictorian, the Captain and his wife ought to be pretty proud of that endeavor.


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Iron Cowboy shot his first match in 2012 at the age of 7 years old! He used the Ruger Single Six .22’s and Youth Henry .22 and no SG, a year later he moved up to the 12 gauge SKB and at his first State match, the Georgia State match he was a shot away from a clean match. Since then he’s won numerous state matches. In 2023 he won Overall at the Alabama State match.


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Capt BB and his family are indeed great folks.


We get to shoot with them at the Ocoee Rangers match and they are also hard workers........ all of them.


You left out that Capt BB is also a Black Pin.


AND......... Capt BB is also a regular recipient of TW chicken foot curse at the TN State..... :lol:




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13 minutes ago, Widder, SASS #59054 said:

Capt BB and his family are indeed great folks.


We get to shoot with them at the Ocoee Rangers match and they are also hard workers........ all of them.


You left out that Capt BB is also a Black Pin.


AND......... Capt BB is also a regular recipient of TW chicken foot curse at the TN State..... :lol:




See, Widder, this is why I want folks like you to chime in on these family threads. All you pards that shoot with them need to tell some stories about em, good or bad, true or not so true, TW ought to have a bunch of them in the latter catergory.:D.

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Wonderful family, I also get to at least visit with them, we are seldom on the same posse. If you come to about any state or above shoot in the south and you will get to meet at least most of them.

I can not imagine what it takes to get ready for a match.

You should see them when they get out that Camaro.   

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2 hours ago, Yul Lose said:

With a family of 5 shooting, prepping for even a monthly match is no small endeavor and state and above matches really become monumental endeavors, look at these numbers for the Tennessee State match:


2 gun carts, one heavily overloaded

2,000 rounds 38/32

2 cases shotgun shells

20 guns, 10 Rugers, 5 Uberti 1873’s, 5 SKB SxS’s
17 loading blocks

5 gunbelt and holster rigs

Clothes and cold weather gear for 5

lube and tools for guns

And don’t forget the dog



And on top of all that, he gets everything and everybody packed into a Camaro.   The Burt Gang are good people.  It's been a pleasure watching the kids grow up over the years.  Each one of them seems to get faster every year, except for Capt. BB, of course.  He's always been fast.

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   He's a scoundrel is what he is! The onliest reason folks put up with him is he brings Shootin' Sharyn with him. She says if he didn't do the reloading he wouldn't even make a good cart boy. :ph34r::o:P

   I remember one time we were on a posse marshal walk through for a state or regional match and BB got just a touch too close to me and I slipped a chicken foot in his pocket at about stage 2. He walked the other 8 or 10 stages with that foot on him and got hoodoo'd. It was funny watching him. He'd trip every know and then, or drop his shooter book, or step in a pile of what was that. Or atleast that's what he kept calling it. 

   All in all they're a great family. Even if they do bring Cap'n BB with them.

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6 minutes ago, Tennessee williams said:

   He's a scoundrel is what he is! The onliest reason folks put up with him is he brings Shootin' Sharyn with him. She says if he didn't do the reloading he wouldn't even make a good cart boy. :ph34r::o:P

   I remember one time we were on a posse marshal walk through for a state or regional match and BB got just a touch too close to me and I slipped a chicken foot in his pocket at about stage 2. He walked the other 8 or 10 stages with that foot on him and got hoodoo'd. It was funny watching him. He'd trip every know and then, or drop his shooter book, or step in a pile of what was that. Or atleast that's what he kept calling it. 

   All in all they're a great family. Even if they do bring Cap'n BB with them.

See now that’s the kind of stuff I’m after, layin bare all his faults like that makes you wonder why Shootin Sharyn even puts up with him. These kinda family secrets keep these threads going.

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1 minute ago, Yul Lose said:

See now that’s the kind of stuff I’m after, layin bare all his faults like that makes you wonder why Shootin Sharyn even puts up with him. These kinda family secrets keep these threads going.

And I wouldn't lie about him neither!

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Great family. Cap’n BB is pretty ok too, though he may need a bigger hat with everyone braggin’ on him.



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2 hours ago, Badlands Bob #61228 said:
5 hours ago, Yul Lose said:

And on top of all that, he gets everything and everybody packed into a Camaro

He should at least have an SUV. He's probably skeered of the power.


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Don't forget all the work he CBB did running Doc Holliday's Immortals in Griffin, GA! He got us through a tough time and we may have folded if he hadn't stepped in.

His real triumph though is his family... and I'm sure he'd tell ya that. Great folks! We love em... and we'll keep em!

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Do you get a feeling that TW is somehow involved in the creation of this thread..... and is setting Capt BB up for

a big surprise?:D


I don't want to make Capt BB suspicious of anything...... BUT, everybody knows he's already paranoid, especially

with TO's and Spotters.;)


And just because he hires the neighborhood kid to unlock and start his Camaro every morning doesn't mean

he thinks someone is out to get him..... :o


TW told me that THE ONLY reason Capt BB brings his family with him to shoot is to make sure he has enough

posse members to shoot with.    Of course, I would never think of such a thing..... :ph34r:





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I really ain't supposed to be telling this but ole Badlands Bob just received a large shipment from VoodooHut.com and fowlpartsandpieces.net.  He was mumbling something about them folks at the TN state match will "love him long time" after that match is over. 


Like Widder says "Hey, you just can't make this kind of stuff up," B)



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12 hours ago, Mister Badly said:

He should at least have an SUV. He's probably skeered of the power.



Is that a Typhoon?\


Oh yeah, Captain Bill...blah, blah blah.:P


Is that a Typhoon?

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15 hours ago, Badlands Bob #61228 said:

And on top of all that, he gets everything and everybody packed into a Camaro. ...

I would like to see a picture of the trunk. :)

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To the thread at hand...


Back in the late nineties, we had five family members at SASS match in Lakeland Florida. My Dad, me, my brother, my uncle and my Great Uncle. No picture...I wish there would have been but it was before cell phone cameras. 


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Just dont get him talking about what he plans to do when we blew up the bridge going into North Alabama range mostly to be able to move up in the ranks.

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53 minutes ago, Tn Tombstone said:

Just dont get him talking about what he plans to do when we blew up the bridge going into North Alabama range mostly to be able to move up in the ranks.


AND..... he likes to brag about his fishing expertise, etc........ BUT what he don't tell you is that the small pond is stocked before

he gets there but the owner don't tell him.   The pond owner wants Capt BB to feel good about his fishing, especially after

he's had a bad day getting whooped by TW and other lesser known miscreants.


As always..... A feller just can't make this stuff up.




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I only see BB and the crew a few times a year in Alabama or Tennessee, and he always gives me a big smile and good conversation, especially if it's having a bit of lunch after the morning matches.  They're just another example of why people love this game.

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+1 on the Burt gang bein' good folk. Haven't shot on the same posse yet but been to many a shoot with them. I have a hard enough time loading for the two of us. I can't imagine five. Course they shoot them toy 38's and not manly calibers that start with 4.

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The Burt Gang Waterbrushed.


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I got to sit with the Captain in the pavilion at Tennessee State two years ago and enjoyed the conversation very much. I won a 3 sipper of Jack Daniels. 

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After hanging out with Bill at Tennessee State 2 years ago I walked up to say hello at the SE Regional and he acted like we've never met. ????

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