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I would like some opinions


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Let's suppose that someone came here for the first time. Had a question.


"What was Cary Grant's real name?"


And three people answer almost at the same time, "Archibald Leach".


And that's it. The thread basically dies.


Two days later a fourth person responds.


YOU'RE WELCOME :rolleyes:


Now this fourth person had not answered the question. He just felt the need to be a little sarcastic, because the original poster had not said thank you for the answers.


Do you think he was right in making his sarcastic comment? Or do you feel that since he did not answer the question, he didn't have a dog in this hunt, and therefore had no business on the thread?

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Don't stir the pot. That will break the coal up and it will go out.


Just let it sit there and smolder, and take a toke every once in awhile to keep it going.

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33 minutes ago, Marshal Mo Hare, SASS #45984 said:

What’s in the pot?

Garbanzo beans for Alpo!:P

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Actually it has nothing to do with what goes on around here. It was kind of a hypothetical, wanting to see how the rest of the world thinks.


On another board a guy posted a picture of a rifle wanting to know who made it. And over the next maybe three days several of us gave our opinions on who made the gun. It was a sporterized military surplus and it was lousy pictures.


And then a couple days go by and there's nothing, and then this morning somebody posted YOUR WELCOME


I decided to cut him a break on his misspelling, but I didn't remember him giving any answers. I did a search on the thread and he hadn't, so I couldn't understand why he was upset that the guy had not thanked us for help.

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Since you’ve asked for an opinion, I have several!!


Your mom dresses you funny. Your feet ain’t mates! You have way too much time on your hands…






:lol: :rolleyes: <_< :blink: :lol: :unsure: :huh: :wacko: :lol:


well…   you asked!  :lol:






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IMHO < in my humble opinion , those that seem to feel entitled to a reply when they respond to a question on the net are getting way to "INVOLVED" in their social media space , i believe if the response was of a nature that the OP felt compelled to respond to he can do so but no obligation from my point of view , 


in this case you cited its a simple google/sirie request and no thanks required , if widder fixed my gun in response to my request id thank him , 


ive seen a lot of these 'fourth party' critics over the years , sometimes you can politely respond but often they want to stir things anyway and i never feed into those - it irritates the moderators , besides there is no point to those exchanges - they get you nothing in the end , BUT  your not going to rid yourself of them , they are on almost every site ive ever been on in over 20 years now , sometimes you just gotta let it go 


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1 hour ago, Blackwater 53393 said:

Since you’ve asked for an opinion, I have several!!


Your mom dresses you funny. Your feet ain’t mates! You have way too much time on your hands…






:lol: :rolleyes: <_< :blink: :lol: :unsure: :huh: :wacko: :lol:


well…   you asked!  :lol:






Don't forget that he's ugly, too.

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Correct me if I may be wrong, but bear with me, as I explain. :blush:
I try to read every post made on this Forum [SALOON], when I am actively posting myself. ;)
I also make every attempt to read all the responses made to the OP.
I can attest to the fact that there have been many posts made where an inquiry is involved.
If the inquiry of the OP was of interest to me, (meaning I would have asked the same question), understanding that any Pard who takes the time to post a response either from experience, or from internet research would get either a Snip-it_1702388321361.jpg.f1bae9cb6bb9e4c63e245a29673707a9.jpg or a Snip-it_1702388136183.jpg.6fe4020bd80958b1c998ae72182e4d9a.jpg from me to their post.
Common courtesy would dictate such.

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I agree with FKCGG.


There have been a few times where someone inquired about a Marlin issue (problem).

In response to their issues, I have posted lengthy and detailed information to help them

solve the problems.


And in most cases, other Wire Pards have joined in with very useful information.


It would be nice and respectful if the person seeking the information and help would 

inform us Wire Pards of the outcome....... whether the gun got fixed or not.   Its a good

learning tool for all of us to read.   I think MOST of us learn from each other on those

kind of post and an UPDATE from the 'seeker' would benefit us all.




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Sometimes an OP responds with an emoji to a certain specific reply.


It is not obvious to others and not completely clear, but may be the only indication as to a successful resolution of a problem.


This does thank the helpful responder, but it does not leave good feedback for later searchers with the same problem.


This is something I have noted over time when I got the like or noted it almost accidentally. But I have never looked at a thread to see if there was such feedback.


And I would not do the 3rd-party "you're welcome," it really does not contribute to the discussion; if the OP was just rude by not coming back, then they are still not coming back.


All this said, I do think proper etiquette is to close with a resolution, even if the resolution is to take it to an expert. 

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Regardless of forethought, there are always those lurking on the edges just waiting for the chance to display their superiority.  Often we call those who do that . . . . TROLLS.

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And we all know what opinions are like ? 

Right Phantom  :P


PS. I would so 98% of this site is each one's opinion on something. 

We are all here to share or take that opinion from like minded Pards .



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