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Useful Acronyms

Subdeacon Joe

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FRBLM....................................Full Retard, Barking Leftist Moonbat 


ICSFTH.....................................Insert cloying smiley face thingee here


HALT........................................Hungry, Angry, Lonely and Tired


OIDNR..................................Obviously I Did Not Remember


OROF...................................Officially Retired Old Fart


RAF......................................Royal Air Force, Random Old Fart, Rakish Old Fart, Random Older Fellow, Really Old Friend,


BUFF = Big Ugly Fat F*@#er.


FINE = Freaked Out, Insecure, Neurotic, Emotional

          = Feelings Inside Not Expressed


FUBAR = F'ed Up Beyond All Reason


SNAFU = Situation Normal All F'ed Up


SWAG = Super Wild A$$ed Guess


E-SWAG = Extremely Super Wild A$$ed Guess


I suppose Pontiac was left off that list of cars because it is definitely no longer politically correct.


Poor Old (evil n word) Thinks It's A Cadillac



Can't Hardly Even Vroom Round Our Little Easy Track


Great Mountain Climber.

Or Garage Mechanic's Companion.



FORD - Found on Reservation Dump 

BOHICA - Bend Over Here It Comes Again

FNG- Freeking *New Guy

PFT - Pretty *Freekin* Tight

RFN - Right * Freeking* Now

KISS - ,Keep It Simple Stupid


ARMY = Airforce Rejected Me Yesterday

MARINES = Muscles Are Required Intelligence Not Essential

NAVY = Never Again Volunteer Yourself

AIR FORCE = Ain’t It Rough Flying Over Real Combat

SPACE FORCE = Star Fleet





And then there are also our own acronym list found in the  image.png.4cfe2a5533c418bdbd9bee7c56a59d54.pngForum. ;)










Just now, Marshal Mo Hare, SASS #45984 said:


One A, then two




CHEVROLET - Can Have Every Valve Rattling On Long Extended Trips. 

PFM - Pure F***ing Magic



4 hours ago, The Original Lumpy Gritz said:

JEEP- Just Empty Every Pocket 

KMA- Keep Me Advised 

             Kick My Arse

             Kiss My Arse

             Know My Answer 


Used the one and three frequently in 'Nam.  Depended on who was on the other end of the line.  :o  :P


SSDD Same S(tuff) Different Day

tl;dr Too Long, Didn't Read

JK Just Kidding

TIA Thanks In Advance

NVM NeVer Mind

NP No Problem

NSFW Not Safe For Work

YMMW Your Mileage May Vary

TBH To Be Honest

FWIW For What It's Worth

LOL Laughing Out Loud

LMAO Laughing My A(ss) Off

OP Original Poster

TTYL Talk to You Later

TIA Thanks In Advance

SNAFU Situation Normal, All F(ouled) Up

AFAIK As Far As I Know

BTW By The Way

ICYMI In Case You Missed It

IMHO In My Humble Opinion

IDC I Don't Care

BUMP Bring Up My Post

XXX What The F(rhymes with duck)


This all OTTOMH Off The Top Of My Head


On edit: That XXX above, the forum did that! I think most of you can figure it out.






DINK.  Double income no kids.


DINKWAD.  Double income no kids with a dog.




I have a older friend that  is in a group that meets for lunch each week....they call themselves the

ROMEOS.  Retired Old Men Eating Out. 


Personally, I think the world is acronym crazy. 

ACRONYM - annoying consolidation resulting only in numbing your mind. 
or the “a” could be “another”


I made this one up at a meeting I was at years ago. These knuckleheads were throwing acronyms around like frisbees. I blurted it out and my manager got all snippy about it. The acronym contests diminished somewhat after that. 


IBS=Inconsequential Bull S#!+

I made that one up years ago! I find myself using it more and more lately! <_<




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