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I lost a good friend this week

Forty  Rod SASS 3935

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His daughter who was between my two kids in age called to tell me that Joe had passed.  He was 94 and  rather amazing man.


He was one of several children born to a Mexican family in western Colorado.  His father worked as a track worker for a railroad and his mother was a house keeper.


Joe ran away from home when he was twelve years old because his family were very anti-American and because they mistreated him, and he found his way to Boys Town where he graduated from high school and stayed on as a grounds keeper for two more years.  He loved his time there and supported them in any way he could for the rest of his life.


He joined the Marine Corps and was sent to Korea where he gained the rank of Corporal.  He worked as a communications specialist and died swearing that the two greatest combat airplanes ever built were Corsairs and Panthers.  Joe was very proud to be a Marine and was a strongly conservative American.  He bragged the The Corps took in a scrawny lonely Mexican kid and made a man of him.  They did a mighty fine job of it, too.


He was one of the first Hispanic line foremen ever to work for a major California electrical power company and over the years got a BA degree and three Masters degrees in various fields and got to be a master at meat processing "because I wanted to be able to create my own cuts of meat".


He married and had daughter who he raised himself.  


We moved into the first home we ever bought in April, 1977 and Joe moved in across the street the next day.  We became very good friends over the years.


Joe was one of the first of the Grumpy Lunch Bunch even though he was never a shooter, much less a CAS shooter.  He just simply enjoyed the folks in the group and was well liked and accepted by them.


For almost the entire 37 1/2 years that we lived in Ontario Joe kept us in oranges, lemons, limes, avocados, and sometimes grapefruit.


After we moved to Arizona I only saw Joe once about eight years ago, but we stayed in touch weekly until his mind went a year ago and he no longer remembered me.


The Veterans Administration, VFW, and Catholic church will see to it that he is taken care of now.....but I can't make the trip for the ceremonies.


Goodbye and God bless you my old and dear friend.  You are already missed.


Save a place at the table.  I'll be along in due time.

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Sorry about your friend, Forty! I’ve found that we see fewer of our friends as time and many of them pass before us!  

It’s our job to remember them and carry on what they have started and to pass along their wisdom while we can!


If we do that, others will mark our passing and do the same for us.


Don’t rush to join those who have gone before us, rather keep them on in memory and honor what they have done yet a little while longer!


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At age 94... if he was of sound mind and body, I wish him well and congratulate him for enjoying a magnificent ride in this life.

And FTR, my condolences for the loss of a good friend.  He will indeed be missed, but thought of, often.

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Thank you for sharing Joe's memory and keeping your friend alive here on the wire for all to share .

Thank you for your service to our Great Nation Joe.





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On 10/22/2023 at 2:43 PM, bgavin said:

At age 94... if he was of sound mind and body, I wish him well and congratulate him for enjoying a magnificent ride in this life.

And FTR, my condolences for the loss of a good friend.  He will indeed be missed, but thought of, often.

Unfortunately he was not sound of either.

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Sad to hear that.
We have a two in my circle that are 90 or more years and have all their marbles.
Bodies are starting to fail, but still remain active.

We have others who are under 90 but their bodes are failing badly.
One of the 90 guys has a wife who is bed ridden with dementia.
She eats very well, but is otherwise nicht zu Hause.
That happened to my mom at age 90.
She lasted 3 years in that state before it finally took her.

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We are impoverished beyond belief when one of our own dies.

We are enriched beyond measure for the memories they gave us and the experiences we shared.

My hand on your shoulder, my friend.

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