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She's Inhaled Too Many Unicorn Farts

Subdeacon Joe

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She doesn’t realize that they can kill him and her without a gun. They can beat you to death or pick up a kitchen knife etc etc. She’s a mindless dumba…..

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My daughter is of "this generation" and she'd shoot someone dead and face the consequences as they come.


Her husband is a 30 year Marine with a chest full of medals and many years in combat. Use your imagination.


My daughter-in-law works in a mental facility with whoever is brought in.  She is as hard as a barrel of nails.


My son grew up alongside his sister and works in the same place as his wife with the about same conditions.


I don't worry about my kids much at all.

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7 hours ago, Mercy Me said:

Women of this Generation, SMH!!

Not all of them.


Both of my nieces are about her age and, in the break in scenario postulated by the interviewer, both would be going for their own guns- and they hit where they aim.  We started working with them about age 7 with long guns and 12 or 13 with pistols. 


Both grew up 'country' enough that kicking in their door ain't what you'd call a good life choice.


The eldest has back issues, so hers are focused on being low recoil (hence the Beretta 9mm pistol caliber carbine) but the youngest is a big, rawboned softball player (that was scouted by UT as a pitcher before a shoulder injury put an end to her softball career) that took up an early fascination with my 9mm Combat Commander.  She wants my .45 Commander, too, but a man's got his limitations and the 9mm Commander gave her ammo commonality with his guns, too.


That's assuming that the youngest one doesn't remember the mutterings of her fat, old favorite uncle and head for the shotgun in the closet while hubby distracts them.

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I bet if any guy that is banging her, because she is easy, and there is a break in, and he doesn't have a gun, or a knife, or a baseball bat handy, whether it is 1 guy, or 2 guys, or 5 guys, will probably rip off her clothes and throw her at them and run like hell out of there.  

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I’ve never had a fire in my home, (not including cooking on a grill or gas stove) nor has there ever been a house fire or fire event in my neighborhood, but I have several fire extinguishers!!



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And just remember folks, these are the very close to today idiots that will be "running" our country very soon.  

BUT, they may have to fight the LGBTQRSTUVXYZ+ idiots for who gets to go into the porta potties first, because there won't be any working indoor toilets. Won't be electricity for more than a couple of hours a day,  good luck charging your EV car.  Clean water, now that will be the start of a gunfight.  But, there won't be any guns in the hands of honest, law abiding, tax paying American CITIZENS by then.  

OH, and don't say "lock and load" because the FBI, CIA, Secret Service, USPS Inspectors, IRS Inspectors, DOJ Inspectors, ATF Inspectors, and other local, county, state, etc:, Gov't Inspectors will be kicking down your door and putting you and your family in handcuffs without a warrant.


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i guess when your on some dumb dating show you can be as dumb as you want - when reality hits all this BS will change , but bless her little heart if she lives a full life without that dose of reality 

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I don't want to say "stupid" because that infers lack of intelligence - I would say naive or ignorant because that refers to experience or education.


But honestly - the most offensive bit in the video is the one guy claiming he is a firearms instructor and stating, "Every GUY should own a GLOCK and know how to use it". 

Two problems in that statement:

One - every capable and responsible adult (guy or girl) should own (if desired) and be trained in the use of firearms.


Two - A GLOCK?

That's what we are reduced to?

An Austrian pistol with the incorrect grip angle, poor trigger and plastic sights is somehow the default handgun of choice? 

Not a 1911, 12g pump shotgun, AR platform rifle, 357mag revolver - but specifically a Glock?


Makes me wonder what other wrongly formed opinions he passes off as facts in his training.

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5 minutes ago, Creeker, SASS #43022 said:

Two - A GLOCK?

That's what we are reduced to?

An Austrian pistol with the incorrect grip angle, poor trigger and plastic sights is somehow the default handgun of choice? 

Not a 1911, 12g pump shotgun, AR platform rifle, 357mag revolver - but specifically a Glock?


Makes me wonder what other wrongly formed opinions he passes off as facts in his training.

He's young enough to have been brainwashed by the cult of St Gaston the Divine.:(


Glocks are the flagship brand of the whole class of 'lowest common denominator' handgun designs. 


They have light- single action semi auto level- trigger weights, so it's easy to make them fire, there's minimal controls (no manual safety to go with the light trigger weight), so there's little that the shooter has to learn about the manual of arms and the combination of a low bore axis and the polymer frame gives them a very manageable recoil.


Take those features- which, taken individually, are good- and stick in the hands of people who has little to no previous experience and it's gonna end in tears quite often.

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From an engineering, accounting and manufacturing standpoint a Glock is a masterpiece.  Functional with a great profit margin.  You may say it is not well engineered but it is, it is tough to design something that works well at such a low cost.  It is the standard like a McDonalds Hamburger.


The girls?  Closest she has come to a problem is watching our cities burn on TV.  Funny how many defensive tools were bought during that period girlie.  Maybe she Tweeted someone in the city.  Bet she believes they were peaceful protesters....

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This might be one of the best thread hijacks EVER! 

We went from dim bulb, clueless, anti-gun young people to Glock bashing/support in less than one page. It’s been awhile since that’s been achieved.

Another round of drinks on me to those still standing at the bar! Bravo! :rolleyes:

P.S. - Rank points rock!


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illl second that with the next round - i dont own a glock , and i wouldnt even want to start a conversation with those girlies , i do have 1911s and some others and i know enough smart girls i can talk to , 

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Here we have a similar person, that someone elected, who has had an epiphany and grew up:




Go figure, bad people with  illegal guns (just a hunch) beat hoplophobe.  Hoplophobe now wants more police protection...still doesn't get it

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