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Great Solution for Lead Level in Blood

Max Payne

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I started a thread maybe a year & a half ago to learn how to reduce my blood lead levels. At the time, I think I registered a 22. I found that I was already practicing most preventive measures, including avoiding eating snacks at matches, being careful when drinking liquids at matches, washing hands with D-Lead soap, wearing disposable gloves when reloading, avoiding running the timer as much as possible, etc., etc.


Kid Rich swore by taking Hawaiian Spirulina (super food), & a vitamin at the same time to counteract the effects of flushing bad things, & a few good things out of the body. I decided to try it. 2 tablets in the morning & 2 tablets before going to bed. And, I decided to add 1 more tablet at lunch time. I also take a Centrum all in one vitamin each morning.


After 3 months, I registered a 19. Six months later I registered a 15.7. Six months later, 12/7/21 I registered a 2!!!!! I told my Doctor that couldn't possibly be right, as I don't see how I could have moved from a 15.7 to a 2 in six months. He verified the results & was himself astounded, especially after he had laughed at me when asking about Spirulina before I started taking it in the beginning.


The only things I have changed otherwise, is: I run the timer a lot more now, & I don't always wear rubber gloves when reloading because the cost shot up so much due to COVID. I'm told resetting shotgun targets is bad also, but I do that anyway.


I am a believer in the Hawaiian Spirulina. Thanks to Kid Rich & Shirttail Bess for introducing me to this product. My wife, Ophelia, is a 10 (in many ways), including her lead level. Now, we'll see what it does for her.


Pics attached.

Hawaiian Spirulina.jpg

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OK. Lets get it straight. I advised taking spirulina, however because it removes all minerals from your body I said take the vitamin in the morning and the spirulina at night. If you take them at the same time you negate the benefit of the vitamins. I dropped my Lead levels from 31 to 24 in 6 weeks when I first started. I only took 1 Spirulina at night and one vitamin in the morning. This same 6 week period I shot every weekend and nearly every thursday, so it does work but you do need to separate the taking of vitamins and Spirulina

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Fellow CAS shooter and really good friend is a former SWAT officer. All his department just took Centrum Silver and their lead levels dropped. Not as fast, but the Centrum alone will drop your BLL. Mine has dropped from 12 to 9 in a year taking just the Centrum. 

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8 hours ago, Max Payne said:

I started a thread maybe a year & a half ago to learn how to reduce my blood lead levels. At the time, I think I registered a 22. I found that I was already practicing most preventive measures, including avoiding eating snacks at matches, being careful when drinking liquids at matches, washing hands with D-Lead soap, wearing disposable gloves when reloading, avoiding running the timer as much as possible, etc., etc.


Kid Rich swore by taking Hawaiian Spirulina (super food), & a vitamin at the same time to counteract the effects of flushing bad things, & a few good things out of the body. I decided to try it. 2 tablets in the morning & 2 tablets before going to bed. And, I decided to add 1 more tablet at lunch time. I also take a Centrum all in one vitamin each morning.


After 3 months, I registered a 19. Six months later I registered a 15.7. Six months later, 12/7/21 I registered a 2!!!!! I told my Doctor that couldn't possibly be right, as I don't see how I could have moved from a 15.7 to a 2 in six months. He verified the results & was himself astounded, especially after he had laughed at me when asking about Spirulina before I started taking it in the beginning.


The only things I have changed otherwise, is: I run the timer a lot more now, & I don't always wear rubber gloves when reloading because the cost shot up so much due to COVID. I'm told resetting shotgun targets is bad also, but I do that anyway.


I am a believer in the Hawaiian Spirulina. Thanks to Kid Rich & Shirttail Bess for introducing me to this product. My wife, Ophelia, is a 10 (in many ways), including her lead level. Now, we'll see what it does for her.


Pics attached.

Hawaiian Spirulina.jpg

Max, you sure it didn’t have anything to do with the chicken feet at the Tennessee State and the SE Regional?:D



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16 hours ago, Kid Rich said:

OK. Lets get it straight. I advised taking spirulina, however because it removes all minerals from your body I said take the vitamin in the morning and the spirulina at night. If you take them at the same time you negate the benefit of the vitamins. I dropped my Lead levels from 31 to 24 in 6 weeks when I first started. I only took 1 Spirulina at night and one vitamin in the morning. This same 6 week period I shot every weekend and nearly every thursday, so it does work but you do need to separate the taking of vitamins and Spirulina

Thanks for the clarification. However, I did drop from 22 to 2, so I'm still happy with the results.

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Mine got up to 11 after smelting some lead. Did noting and it dropped to 4 in 6 months. Guess I was lucky.

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2 hours ago, Marauder SASS #13056 said:

Thanks, Max!


Sure, Dave!!

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Mine was high until I started doing all the preventive measures at the range as others have mention.  I think my best piece of advise is to move the tumbler outside and then when you pour out the brass, wear a good mask (not the dime store version handed out at various places), and gloves.  Before taking the equipment back inside, I use Lead Off and wipe everything down.  Just my 2 cents worth.


Tennessee Snuffy

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In 2017 I was at 22. Year later at 6. Currently at 7. I started wet cleaning, covered bullets, using disposable gloves, washing hands after shoot, shower and wash clothes when I get home. 

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13 hours ago, Major Bill said:

In 2017 I was at 22. Year later at 6. Currently at 7. I started wet cleaning, covered bullets, using disposable gloves, washing hands after shoot, shower and wash clothes when I get home. 

I had already been doing all of that for years when I tested at 22.

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You can find a detailed 8-page white paper (free download) on reducing blood lead levels (BLL) for shooters in the "DOCUMENTS/PAPERS" section of the PRVC website at www.PRVCatLazyArrow.Com - or click HERE to go directly to that page.


My BLL was 18.5 four years ago and two months ago I tested 5.5 - got there by just taking Spirulina.


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18 hours ago, Major Bill said:

In 2017 I was at 22. Year later at 6. Currently at 7. I started wet cleaning, covered bullets, using disposable gloves, washing hands after shoot, shower and wash clothes when I get home. 


I don't know about letting these 2 and 6 year olds shooting with us. . . ... :o










Or did I hear that incorrectly.  :D


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I'm assuming that the US standard unit of measurement is µg/dL (micrograms per deciliter)



The Canadian standard is µg/L (micrograms per Liter) or µmol/L (micromoles per Liter). My report had both listed. 


I've been as high as 62 and as low as 42, but I suspect those to be 6.2 and 4.2 in US numbers. BTW, my levels are "Above High Normal" according to my report. 




The ASCII code for µ is ALT+230

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Hi Major Bill..

Thanks for alert on link -it appears that the server that hosts that site is down - try it later.


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On 12/16/2021 at 12:03 PM, Kid Rich said:

I've been taking the regular spirulina. We couldn't find the Hawaiian. Where did you find it?





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These are good brands - "Viva" is also a good Hawaiian brand. The powder works well in blended drinks, like protein drinks, and it adds an interesting flavor. Taking Spirulina has many additional health benefits.


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What makes the " Hawaiian" better. I take regular.

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There's a ton of info on line about the benefits of Hawaiian spirulina having do to with the controlled environments and pure-water pools in which it is grown (most Hawaiian spirulina comes from Kona, Hawaii), along with the super-strain of nutrients that are in the Hawaiian spirulina.


Here's one good resource:





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As Max knows, my BLL was at 33 a couple of years ago.  I have taken every precaution mentioned and it has come down but fluctuated between 17 and 22-until I took a leave of absence from CAS.  I’ve been very active in the sport for 16 years and dearly hate the interruption but after 2.5 months away from it, my BLL is now down to 13  the best it’s been in many years.  I am going to talk to my rheumatologist tomorrow about taking Spirulina, but may not be able to do so because of RA and the immuno-suppressant meds I take for it.

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8 hours ago, Cassalong Hopidy said:

As Max knows, my BLL was at 33 a couple of years ago.  I have taken every precaution mentioned and it has come down but fluctuated between 17 and 22-until I took a leave of absence from CAS.  I’ve been very active in the sport for 16 years and dearly hate the interruption but after 2.5 months away from it, my BLL is now down to 13  the best it’s been in many years.  I am going to talk to my rheumatologist tomorrow about taking Spirulina, but may not be able to do so because of RA and the immuno-suppressant meds I take for it.


Take the Centrum. Will not be as fast at the Spirulina but it will lower your BLL.

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13 hours ago, Sedalia Dave said:


Take the Centrum. Will not be as fast at the Spirulina but it will lower your BLL.

My Doctor almost laughed at me when I first mentioned the Hawaiian Spirulina. I think he equated it to snake oil. However, he's not laughing now.

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On 12/19/2021 at 11:45 AM, Sixgun Seamus said:

What makes the " Hawaiian" better. I take regular.

Kid Rich told me the Hawaiian is the best. I didn't do any research beyond that.

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3 hours ago, Max Payne said:

My Doctor almost laughed at me when I first mentioned the Hawaiian Spirulina. I think he equated it to snake oil. However, he's not laughing now.

My Dr. had no idea that you could do anything about BLL when I told him about Spirulina.


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1 hour ago, Kid Rich said:

My Dr. had no idea that you could do anything about BLL when I told him about Spirulina.


My doctor told me that I was t!he first person he ever dealt with that had high BLL. He had no idea what to do except tell me to stop shooting. My BLL fluctuates depending on my diligence for prevention. To cover his a$$, he had me sign a letter stating I refused his advice. I was the one who originally asked him to check it due to a previous thread on here otherwise he wouldn't have a clue. He printed out and gave me some technical white paper about lead that you would need a chemical engineering degree to understand. I've learned more about prevention here on the wire and talking to other cowboys with the same problem. He has no idea what to tell me other than stop shooting.

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Surprised to hear about the Docs that don't know how to handle elevated BLL. Most doctors who have industrial patients would know how to handle it. Anyway, the common prescript drug is ETDA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic  acid). It can have some side effects and has no nutritional benefits - whereas spirulina has no reported side effects and has great nutritional benefits. Cilantro works well, too, but not as effective as spirulina.


Back when I wrote the above referenced white paper as an article for The Cowboy Chronicle (March, 2017), I ran the article past my doctor to get his input, and he scoffed at spirulina, too. But he changed his tune when he watched my BLL go from 18.5 to 5.5 since then.


Don't forget - the doctors are still "practicing!!!"


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