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NRA Ponderings

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In today's mail was a notice from the NRA that my membership has expired. Huh? I just renewed 5-6 months ago. This comes on top of the weekly notices (no exaggeration) thanking me for my renewal and urging me to extend my membership.


This got me to thinking how much money they fritter away on marketing to its membership. Kinda like a church recruiting from the choir and altar society.


Seems to me they'd save many millions of dollars if they'd limit this stuff. The cost of postage alone must be staggering. And they could get rid of the flashlights, pocket knives and bags too. Those don't motivate me to maintain my membership.


The NRA is important to us, but sometimes I think they've gotten too top-heavy and are spending $$ that could be put to better use.


Just venting a little. Nothing more.  

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1 hour ago, Abilene Slim SASS 81783 said:

In today's mail was a notice from the NRA that my membership has expired. Huh? I just renewed 5-6 months ago. This comes on top of the weekly notices (no exaggeration) thanking me for my renewal and urging me to extend my membership.


This got me to thinking how much money they fritter away on marketing to its membership. Kinda like a church recruiting from the choir and altar society.


Seems to me they'd save many millions of dollars if they'd limit this stuff. The cost of postage alone must be staggering. And they could get rid of the flashlights, pocket knives and bags too. Those don't motivate me to maintain my membership.


The NRA is important to us, but sometimes I think they've gotten too top-heavy and are spending $$ that could be put to better use.


Just venting a little. Nothing more.  

My wife told me that I shouldn't do that in public. It was bad enough at home, and besides, it smells awful. 

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My wife and I get donation requests from Disabled American Veterans, Lakota Schools, and who knows how many others which come in thick envelopes full of address label stickers, greeting cards, and calendars inside. If they left out all that garbage they'd have enough money to double whatever people are sending them. I read somewhere that only a small fraction of the money you donate to charity actually gets used, with the rest going to "administrative costs". Sounds like the NRA is just as bad.


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I gotta believe they have proven to their own satisfaction that each solicitation brings in more than it costs, otherwise you are correct, it would not make sense.  I have been a Life Member (actually Patron) for a long time and the NRA honors my request to not send any solicitations.  Call them and request no more mailings and they should stop stuffing your mailbox.

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2 minutes ago, J-BAR #18287 said:

I gotta believe they have proven to their own satisfaction that each solicitation brings in more than it costs, otherwise you are correct, it would not make sense.  I have been a Life Member (actually Patron) for a long time and the NRA honors my request to not send any solicitations.  Call them and request no more mailings and they should stop stuffing your mailbox.

Yes, they are very responsive to your requests about the mailings, I made one call and the mailings stopped. Life member also.

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3 hours ago, J-BAR #18287 said:

I gotta believe they have proven to their own satisfaction that each solicitation brings in more than it costs, otherwise you are correct, it would not make sense.  I have been a Life Member (actually Patron) for a long time and the NRA honors my request to not send any solicitations.  Call them and request no more mailings and they should stop stuffing your mailbox.

If you still want to hear from them but not by mail, they will also just send you email; that's the option I chose - Benefactor Member

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I do not agree with everything the NRA does. But I’ve never Completely agreed with any organization I have ever belonged to. Not the Army. Not my police department. Not the VFW. Not any outfit I can think of.

Nobody’s perfect.

Except my wife of course.

But the NRA gets my support for their work protecting our rights. The other things are just small stuff.

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I agree with UB, they're the best thing we've got going and have probably saved us from losing most or all of our gun rights. But don't overlook your state rifle/gun associations also. Illinois has a very active ILLINOIS RIFLE ASSOCIATION, and I think they were very effective in our gaining Conceal Carry. They see some of my money...     For what my opinion is worth, I would feel guilty if I only owned one gun and didn't at least give a little support to the NRA.

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Been a Life member since the 60's, Endowment since 2000. Never get any junk mail or emails as I called them and requested that not send any.  I also send them an annual contribution, as they are the best organization to represent me when it comes to the 2nd Amendment. I also bought my son a life membership when he was 18. 

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7 hours ago, Abilene Slim SASS 81783 said:

Please read the original post carefully. At no time was there any aspersion or criticism of the NRA’s mission and its support for us. 


And I didn’t say that. If I had a problem with your original post I would have quoted you.


I have been around here long enough to know that one minor complaint turns into “drama queens on ice”. Just wanted to make a note for folks to think about what the NRA has done for all of us.

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Myself and Both of my Grandsons are Life Members of the NRA.


I also belong to GOA.

Gun Owners of America. 

You should look in too it also.

They are ZERO Compromise on your gun rights .

And the have had a louder voice as of late then anyone else !


With all that said .

We are under Attack and Need to fight back NOW More then Ever .


We need to Support both organization. 


We the People are pissed off ,

Our Second Amendment rights shall Not be Infringe Period ! 


WOW I feel better now :D

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10 hours ago, Pat Riot, SASS #13748 said:

Where would we be without the NRA?


Think about that. ;)



The flow of membership upgrades (both me and Cimarron are life members) has tapered off of late but I 'spect it'll pick back up. The constant solicitation of funds IS a bother and at times I question why they spend so much on that stuff. I am not entirely happy with the NRA right now; I disagree with how they just tossed bumpstock owners under the bus and indirectly, offended many thousands of the full-auto community.


I get it. They probably thought lets pre-empt the bozos, toss out a little chum and the sharks (bumpstock-seeking sharks, that is) will go bother someone else. Of all people, the NRA staff should KNOW we as a group MUST stand together. They should KNOW the other side simply uses ANY excuse to erode our Second Amendment rights. I understand why that the NRA treats the full auto community as it does. Minimizing the very class of weapons the Second Amendment was specifically designed to protect is an effort in damage control. If they, meaning them reg'lar folks knew the legal firepower available to the average joe (if he had the money that is, LOL) they would soil themselves. Lets not upset the fudds, housewives and semi-snowflakes the NRA says. I see that and the whys of what they do.

But I don't agree. (but when I have some more spare funds, that's gonna go to the NRA too)

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I get stuff from them even though I'm a life member, they say that's not enough!! :lol:


That's okay don't bother me a bit, they're looking out for us!! I'll send 'em some $$$ now and then! It's all good!

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16 hours ago, Utah Bob #35998 said:

I do not agree with everything the NRA does. But I’ve never Completely agreed with any organization I have ever belonged to. Not the Army. Not my police department. Not the VFW. Not any outfit I can think of.

Nobody’s perfect.

Except my wife of course.

But the NRA gets my support for their work protecting our rights. The other things are just small stuff.

Smart man, Bob. 

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DON’T FORGET THE SECOND AMENDMENT FOUNDATION. They are consistently the most enthusiastic partners in national and local pro gun owner litigation!


They’re like a pro gun owner ACLU, only they are CONSISTENTLY on our side!


I belong to all three organizations, NRA,GOA,and SAF!!



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Been a life member since I was 16.  Sometime around my early 30's they suddenly stopped sending me gobs of fundraisers.  Yeah, they sent it while I was in college, and when I was new to the workforce and not getting paid what I'm worth.  But right about the time I start getting paid more than I'm worth .. no more fundraising letters.  I called em once and asked them what happened and they said they'd get me back on the list.  Then I got a couple of telephone calls and I told them to take me off that list immediately.  I have never and will never give money to someone who calls me out of the blue.  Besides, it was the content of the letter that I always like reading.  How else am I to know what parts of the sky are falling? 



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