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People are losing their minds over a “gross” detail in this unbelievable photo of a monster carpet python. WARNING: Graphic

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People are losing their minds over a “gross” detail in this unbelievable photo of a monster carpet python. WARNING: Graphic



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Admirable.  Those who battle constipation may be envious.

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2 hours ago, J-BAR #18287 said:

Admirable.  Those who battle constipation may be envious.

Takes me back to that picture of Greta.

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Imagine walking through the woods and seeing a huge pile of python excrement (only you don’t know what it’s from) and then realizing you’re not carrying a gun. I am not sure what animal I would think left that but my time in the area would be short and not because the python got me. 

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Imagine being that homeowner if they arrived home a bit later.  "What kind of demented neighbor would do this?  Who squatted on my doorstep?!"


Or, in the wild, would you suspect an elephant got lost in the swamp?


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This reminded me of an incident in my life from a long time ago. 

Miami Seaquarium


In the summer of 1968 my new wife (only one ever, honest) and I visited the state of Florida. We had flow into Miami and decided to visit the  Seaquarium before traveling on to see relatives. At that time they had a tank with Orcas that performed with human trainers. The tank had viewing windows below the waterline so that you could see the whales swim. As we were looking at the whales swim by, we were joined by a young father with two sons. One youngster was riding Dad’s shoulders while his slightly old brother walked in front. Just as we reached one of the windows a whale swam by the window with its’ belly against the glass. As the white underside slid past a fairly long appendage slipped out of an opening in the skin. Both boys immediately noticed this object. The younger son exclaimed while pointing at the appendage, “Daddy, Daddy what’s that?” As the father tried to mumble a reply and marshal the boys quickly along, the older brother replied at the top of his voice, “I think I.. know what that is!” The rest of the exchange between father and children was lost in the sound of laughter from my wife and myself.


Good memories of long ago times.





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according to what ive read some of these snakes can eat a small deer - thats gonna make for a real big poop , not sure why that surprises anyone short of never seeing it before , everything poops - some are real noticeable some seldom seen , its still there 

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Rah rah ree...


kick em in the knee


Rah rah rass...


Kick em in the other knee!

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