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Straight Razors


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So how many out there uses these sharp instruments of skin destruction if not used properly ?

Once in a while or Daily ?

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Many years ago when I was young, dumb, and adventurous I started using one.  It came with a removable guard which you would use until you became proficient and then you would remove the guard and either get a good shave or slice your throat.  After a while it just lost its appeal and I went back to safety razors.

Funny thing, I never liked electric ones. 

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Never have and never will. Too many options like electric for example and since I have a beard I only shave parts of my face. Cheeks and neck.

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Don't need much but a little trimming here and there!


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Started out with a safety razor and Wilkinson Sword blades.


Went to an ejector razor for a short time.


Went a throat cutter for a few years.  Hands started shaking (I'm old you know!)


Went to multi blade throw aways...still use a five blade model for trimming.


Back to the safety razor and Wilkinson's again and get a really decent shave if I take my time.


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Bought the 20 something pack disposables from Sams for $20 + tax. Dual blade ala Trac II type. Only shave twice a week anyway and one lasts a month. Straight razor...no way...no how.


Mrs. Sun just bought 4 razors, made for females of course, for $25...go figure.

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I owned a straight razor for years. I used it once. 
Here’s a piece of information you should keep in mind. If you’re sitting around drinking beer and whiskey shots with a few friends and someone says “You should give straight razor shaving a try. It feels great.”

1. Don’t decide after your friends leave to give it a try. 
2. Styptic pencils really sober you up and hurt like a bear on 2 1/2” long razor cuts.

3. Don’t use your wife’s fancy hand towels to wipe up blood.

4. Electric razors are fairly safe.

5. Razor scars disappear fairly quickly. If you’re looking for a sexy scar to enhance your tough guy appearance try another method.


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I forgot to mention something in my last post. 

At 16 I started using shaving cream and those cheap Bic razors. I used that system of doing things only my razors got more expensive and fancy. When I was 28 my wife bought me a Remington electric razor. I liked it, even though I would have to shave twice a day as the shave wasn’t as close as a razor. 
One day I dropped my electric razor. It bounced then hit the bottom flange of the toilet. I picked it up and checked it out. Everything looks okay until I started shaving. I didn’t realize the “foil” or screen was broken.  I sliced open a nice little gash under my left jaw line. It hurt like crazy. 
If I get a tan and I turn my head the right way one could see a faint scar under my left jaw. 
For a month or so I shaved with shaving cream and a razor and then I bough a Norelco. No foils. 
Eventually I got a Braun shaver and that is all I use. 
Since 1989 I have used an electric razor. I wouldn’t go back to the old way of shaving unless somehow electricity vanished from the face of the earth. 


Danged Otto changed Braun to Brain. 
Brain Shaver…I think that’s a mixed drink I encountered in the Virgin Islands. :lol:

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I have used a straight razor off and on for 30 or more years. I have a helpful hint.


Don't shave when you are mad.


We came home from being off somewhere one day and I discovered that somebody had shot out the passenger window of my truck.


While waiting for the police, needing something to do to keep me from walking around kicking walls and the dog and the children and trees and stuff, I decided to shave. I did fine on my cheeks and my neck, but when I pulled up my ear to get that little bit of hair that grows between the ear and the face, I almost cut my earlobe off.


Don't do it when you're mad.

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3 hours ago, Diego Kid #4631 said:

It's what I use. Took a while to become proficient, but gives the best results. Rarely do I cut myself. Also, a good cake soap also makes a difference. 

I still use cake soap...Camay, because it's what my wife used.


Tried an electric.  Three or four different ones.  Never thought much of them.  I do use an electric beard and mustache trimmer, though.  Beats scissors.

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Never tried a straight razor, use a safety razor for my shaving.

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I'll never forget the first time (and only time) my barber used a straight razor to give me a shave. I had only gone to him for a few times at that point. I always was a horror movie fan and my gal (at the time) had just rented Dressed to Kill, with Michael Caine as a killer that killed with a straight razor, and watched it a few day before.


My barber announced that he was going to give me a shave "on the house" because he didn't have anything else to do. I didn't really think anything about...until he pulled out that straight razor and started running it back and forth across the strop. That's when that little thing in your head says "There's no one here but him and me...I hope he's not some kind of deranged killer". Even thought I was highly apprehensive about it, I let him do it. Gotta tell ya'll, I wasn't impressed. The shave was okay but not as close as the Trac II razor I was using at the time. He never offered to do it again and I never asked him to do it again.


I'm still going to the same barber 42 years later. I sure do hope Fred, my barber, never retires.

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When I lived in a small town with a small town barber, he took off my deer season beard with a straight razor. Best shave I ever had. 

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Safety razors were invented for a reason. In my hands, it would take me 45 minutes to shave and I’d probably still look like Raymond Massey in Arsenic and Old Lace. Besides, shaving to me is a chore, so the quicker the better. 

A barber I went to used one to trim the back of my neck and around the ears. He was very skilled with it. That was over 50 years ago.  

Since the whole AIDS thing came on the scene decades ago,  I don’t think their use is allowed anymore in Kansas without specialized protocols and training. Translation - too expensive for too little demand. 


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Don’t care for electric, seem to get ingrown hairs.  Have 2 straight razors I use occasionally. Usually use the disposable hoes.     GW

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Dad gave me his safety razor in 1962, when he went to an electric.
I still use it today.
Never had the guts to try a straight razor, even though I have a NIB one from Craftsman that must be at least 60 years old.

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13 hours ago, Abilene Slim SASS 81783 said:

Safety razors were invented for a reason. In my hands, it would take me 45 minutes to shave and I’d probably still look like Raymond Massey in Arsenic and Old Lace. Besides, shaving to me is a chore, so the quicker the better. 

A barber I went to used one to trim the back of my neck and around the ears. He was very skilled with it. That was over 50 years ago.  

Since the whole AIDS thing came on the scene decades ago,  I don’t think their use is allowed anymore in Kansas without specialized protocols and training. Translation - too expensive for too little demand. 



I forgot about the neck, ears and sideburn shaves. He does that every time. Guess I just don't think about it after all these years. They require the same "continuing education" certificates here also as he has them posted prominently.


Ya know, if one really thinks about it, your barber is probably the person that gets the closest to you while you're in a vulnerable position, that you least know yet for some reason, trust.


I've been to my barber's house, had drinks with him and his wife on occasion...but how many do that?


Glad to have a long time barber.B)

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