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Studies indicate…

Dirty Dan Dawkins

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1 hour ago, PowderRiverCowboy said:

So does that figure out to appx 81 million ?:) 

Something like that

18 minutes ago, Wallaby Jack, SASS #44062 said:

1 in 5 ........ who are the other 4 ?  :huh:

They’re not in the saloon I guess

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48 minutes ago, Rye Miles #13621 said:

Where did you get that statistic? I’m serious. 


Just now, Gungadin said:

I have to suspect they are counting depression?

Possibly flatulence and constipation as well

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49 minutes ago, Gungadin said:

Boy we are really getting loose with our definitions.  And where does this statistic lead the grabbers?



I’m not worried about that. It’ll happen in the end anyway with the way they indoctrinate school kids. I’ll just enjoy it while I can, cause I don’t see many of us signing up to be teachers, school board, principals etc 

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46 minutes ago, PaleWolf Brunelle, #2495L said:


Here's one SOURCE

That’s interesting but they haven’t asked every person in the US. They didn’t ask me or anyone I know!

Its just like the political polls, they poll 1000 people and come to the conclusion that 60% of Americans are in favor of blah blah :lol:

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14 minutes ago, Rye Miles #13621 said:

That’s interesting but they haven’t asked every person in the US. They didn’t ask me or anyone I know!

Its just like the political polls, they poll 1000 people and come to the conclusion that 60% of Americans are in favor of blah blah :lol:

9 out of 10 doctors…..

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23 minutes ago, Rye Miles #13621 said:

That’s interesting but they haven’t asked every person in the US. They didn’t ask me or anyone I know!

Its just like the political polls, they poll 1000 people and come to the conclusion that 60% of Americans are in favor of blah blah :lol:


27 minutes ago, Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770 said:

Let's see here, it's not me, it's not Alpo, (he asks a lot of off the wall questions, but nothing crazy), it's not Powder River Cowboy, it's not Forty Rod, so it must be Subdeacon Joe!

It’s me. I confess!

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2 hours ago, Dirty Dan Dawkins said:

One in five Americans suffer from mental illness over the course of a year.


How many SASS members frequent the Saloon?:rolleyes:


Probably less than one in five so that blows the above statement out of the water!:P

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46 minutes ago, Forty Rod SASS 3935 said:

I put this in the same category as the 600,000 people that a U. S. Congress critter claimed die each month from gun violence: it is pure unadulterated, gold plated, star spangled, diamond encrusted BS!

Yes and it leads to the question...What is the incentive for this Bravo Sierra?  What are you selling?  We need more critical thinkers.  Hell, we need more thinkers.

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im also taking issue with this statistic - it seems these days that everyone wants to take a small sampple poll then extrapolate results that they then can call a consensus [im beginning to hate that word]  then they call it science [which it isnt] and cram some new liberal program or tax down our throat , 


agree BS 

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The jibber-jabber in the NIMH source I posted is typical of all such "scientific" surveys that extrapolate data from a comparatively small "select" representative group.

They remind me of the "anonymous" drug & alcohol use surveys some of us were given in the 60's.

One post-survey discussion revealed that the results were purposely skewed by the majority of participants...either by denial or over-exaggeration.
The same can probably be applied to current firearm ownership surveys...IMO.




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I suppose I could do a survey asking if a subject has had a diagnosis of mental illness in the last year.


But I could instead ask if someone has had a day where they were sad in the last year...


But that is not the definition of depression, so it might be better to ask:


In the last year, have you ever had a day where you did not feel motivation?


Lack of motivation is the definition of "depression."


But my point is: A question, worded correctly, can produce a desired result.


I did not follow the link, I tend to read only peer-reviewed studies.


And another criticism of medical surveys... Considering drugs, I really do not care how effective a new drug is compared to a placebo, I really care more how it compares to the best available currently prescribed drug.


But I am only an engineer, not a doctor.

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OK , ive had a day when i didnt "feel like" doing what i needed to do - but i did it anyway , might have been unhappy with not doing something i wanted to , but gee - aint that just life ? tomorrow ive got to attend a family meeting on 'moms' care - im not looking forward to it , somewhat sad to think she is in the situation she is , but its an update on her status and we need to know so ill meet with the staff along with the siblings , it doesnt make me have a mental health issue ......it just means this part of life is hard right now , 


yesterday i started a project that ill hopefully finish in the next couple days , im not happy about it as i see the potential for a lot of things going wrong , might make my day miserable , but not a mental health issue ..........just life , with a little past experience mixed in to make me uncomfortable with the potential bad day , 


a month ago i had a really bad day with an ambulance ride and medical change of life .....but not a mental health issue , im just not buying the results they served up , its like they are creating a crisis in this nation to serve their own need ....wonder how much we spent in tax dollars to get that study and how much was spent after these results were delivered ? 


somebody is getting paid ....................

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4 minutes ago, watab kid said:

somebody is getting paid ....................

We talked about this sort of thing a while back. I said it then and I'll say it again: When somebody pays for a "study" be done, it's to find a specific result. And whoever DOES the study is GOING to find that result. 

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9 minutes ago, Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770 said:

We talked about this sort of thing a while back. I said it then and I'll say it again: When somebody pays for a "study" be done, it's to find a specific result. And whoever DOES the study is GOING to find that result. 

and i agree with you there - but ill add that often they are intended to get grants for themselves and funding for their pet projects too 

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be careful there , you canuks and aussies could find yourselves seeing even higher numbers ....after all your governments are way more socialist than we are .................oooooooooooooo , i can believe i actually said that as a compliment to us , we have fallen so far into marxism that i fear we will see violence in the streets over it and all of my life i thought we were above it , 


but if nothing else - stirring the pot will keep folks thinking and talking , hopefully avoiding that 

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In Claremont, CA, a town of many colleges, I once  long ago encountered a group of seven men waiting for a seat in a cafe.  One had a full beard, one had a goatee, three of us (including me)had mustaches and I commented (being the smart ass that I am) that my recent survey found that 5/8 of the men in Claremont had facial hair.


They looked confused, all except one older gent who grinned and said "Fishing for government grant, are you?"  I told him I hadn't really considered that and he said "Well, think about it.  Damn near everyone else in town is doing it."


Finally a couple of the younger guys caught on and we had a good laugh...........but I did think about it for a long time, maybe 45 seconds.

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I have counted the responses then read the responses. I have come to the conclusion that 4 of every 5 Saloonitics need mental help. 
Bottles has arranged for this help and has invited him here today for anyone that may need to speak with him. 
Gentlemen, may I introduce to you, all the was from Britain, Sir Lunatic! Doctor Emeritus Cum Laude laude laude don’t dose grits taste fine…

He will set up practice across the alley for anyone that needs…Hey! Y’all come back here! This is rude!


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