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And I lived to tell about it.

Finagler 6853 Life

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I can only share with the Saloon as if I shared this in any other forum that my dearly beloved would see, I wouldn't survive.


So the other day, my bride says to me, what would you think if I changed my hair color to grey?  Now me and the missus are in our mid-sixties.  So grey hair on a woman of her age and caliber would look natural.  For as long as I have known her, she has been a bottle blonde.  A real looker.  I've never known her as anything else.  If she were to let her hair go natural, it would be a mousy brown as that is what her sisters look like.  So I thought about this question a moment and I knew there was no correct answer.  I was being set up.  If I were to say, you look great just the way you are, I'm sure she would reply, what's the matter?  Don't you think I'd look good with grey hair?  If I said that she would look great with grey hair, I'd bet she would say, what's the matter?  Don't you like my hair the way it is?


So I took an entirely different approach.  Being the time of year it is,  I said very carefully and slowly, is Halloween coming early this year?  If looks could kill, I'd be dead.  She did chuckle after a moment with a reply, I hate you.  Hey but I lived!

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I used to tease my wife because when we moved to the ranch she didn't get her hair done as often and would get a silver stripe down the top of her head - I'd refer to her as the Badger Queen.  Not too long after that she let it go silver and it is actually more attractive.  I also lived to tell the tale.

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This is a great thread. :lol:

I have done many daring things in my life, but I do not dare answer my wife too quickly when she asks me questions like these. I do ponder it a bit, just like Honest Abe. :D

I am a bit crazy, but I am not stupid. ;)


My wife is a natural blond. Her hair is turning silver & blond. She asked me “What do you think of my hair? Is it too gray? Should I do something with it?”

Seconds passed as I contemplated the response she obviously wanted judging by the look on her face.

”Honey, I love the Arctic Blonde look you’re sporting. Hey, do you want to have pizza tonight?”


I lived to tell about it, and yes, we had pizza. 

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1 hour ago, Finagler 6853 Life said:

I can only share with the Saloon as if I shared this in any other forum that my dearly beloved would see, I wouldn't survive.


So the other day, my bride says to me, what would you think if I changed my hair color to grey?  Now me and the missus are in our mid-sixties.  So grey hair on a woman of her age and caliber would look natural.  For as long as I have known her, she has been a bottle blonde.  A real looker.  I've never known her as anything else.  If she were to let her hair go natural, it would be a mousy brown as that is what her sisters look like.  So I thought about this question a moment and I knew there was no correct answer.  I was being set up.  If I were to say, you look great just the way you are, I'm sure she would reply, what's the matter?  Don't you think I'd look good with grey hair?  If I said that she would look great with grey hair, I'd bet she would say, what's the matter?  Don't you like my hair the way it is?


So I took an entirely different approach.  Being the time of year it is,  I said very carefully and slowly, is Halloween coming early this year?  If looks could kill, I'd be dead.  She did chuckle after a moment with a reply, I hate you.  Hey but I lived!

Day ain't over yet :lol:

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I've never understood the whole hair dye thing.


My mother was 80 when she died. Her hair had gotten thin over the years, and it had turned gray. And about once a month she would go to the pretty parlor and get her hair done. But it always come back home gray. Because she was in her seventies and she had gray hair.


I know this woman who's about 10 years older than me, so she's fast approaching 80. She has dark brown hair. Most of the time. Every once in a while I see her and she has gray hair, but then the next time I see her she has dark brown hair again.


I used to work with a guy that was in his sixties. He made no bones about dying his hair. Said he thought he looked better with brown hair.


Me - I raised kids. I earned every last one of them gray hairs.

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You all just do not know how to give your wife's a good answer.


If my wife asks me about her hair, or clothes or if her but looks big. I simply  ask her if she want me to tell her the truth or if she wants me to tell her a lie. She rarely ask me my opinion anymore.

I am like Alpo, I have earned every dam Grey hair and wrinkle on my head

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Mary started finding gray hairs in her teens.  In 20s had gray patches.  By 30s she was completely gray unless you lifted up and looked under.  That didn't bother as much as older women assuming she was ther age." Remember back in WWII when we had food rationing? ". 


She did color her hair when she worked in an office.  But has let it go the last 30 years. She's completely platinum blond now. 

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i generally fein deafness when this chit happens at my house , there is no right answer and no win in this discussion that should be called a disagreement from the start , good thing about it is she will do as she pleases and you will like whatever she chooses to do , win win in the end i guess , i just cant quite figure out why it takes such a difficult road to get there 

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My wife has always had medium brown her since I met her 40+ years ago. The reason why is she colors it about every 3 or 4 months to keep it that way or she would be grey. I got white hair and have had since I was 16. I called it grey once when getting it cut and the barber said it wasn't grey, it was white and he should know after all the heads of hair he has cut. I asked him the difference and he said it was a different color pigmentation. So now I just put down white for hair color and no one has ever questioned it. 



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I quit coloring my hair a long time ago due mostly to the time and cost it took to maintain it.  {My hair grows rather quickly so I was in the salon every 3 - 4 weeks.}  Most of the coloring was to even out my natural blond color.  After chemo my hair grew back grey and curly.  I left it alone, except to get it cut.  I was happy to have hair and didn't care what color it is.  I still don't and that's 10 years later. 

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I heard grey hair referred to as "Mature Blond" ... struck me as reasonable ...

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So I started as blond (actually that was referred to as tow headed when I was a kid), changed to brown with the onset of puberty, but now that I'm old I'm mature blond?

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On 10/2/2023 at 11:24 AM, Finagler 6853 Life said:

I can only share with the Saloon as if I shared this in any other forum that my dearly beloved would see, I wouldn't survive.


.  For as long as I have known her, she has been a bottle blonde.  A real looker.  I've never known her as anything else. 

Glad you spelled this right....Anything else and we would be attending a .......You get the picture....


Texas Lizard

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My grand daughters were stressing over their hair damage.
I asked them, "Why do you constantly color and tinker with your hair, and not expect it to have problems?"


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