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It's Almost Friday Humor Thread

Subdeacon Joe

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The priest has just finished blessing the farmhouse.

Ambrogio, the farmer, gives him the envelope with the offering and gets up to accompany him outside. As soon as he is outside the priest stops and says:

- what a beautiful chicken coop you have, and what beautiful hens, do they lay lots of eggs? ... do you sell them all?

- do you want some, father?

- I would be happy to, thank you.

– of course, take some, father

– oh thank you

The priest enters the henhouse to get the eggs and notices some beautiful capons

– oh but how beautiful you have the capons too, my mother always made me broth. How good, how I like it now it's been a long time since I've eaten it …

– oh okay, okay, take one

– thank you, thank you

he takes the capon and bending down he sees some barrels

– but are those wine barrels?

– yes we have the vineyard

– would you do it? I'd like to try a glass. A little glass like that to enjoy

The farmer, a little disconsolate, accompanies him towards the cellar and says:

– Maria, bring me a bowl and a spoon

Once inside the cellar Ambrogio fills the bowl with wine and gives the spoon to the priest. He bends down and takes 3 or 4 spoonfuls and says – but how good it is really excellent, I really like it

– then take a bottle father

– oh thank you, thank you very much

finally the priest goes away and the wife says:

– But excuse me Ambros why did you make him taste the wine with the bowl and the spoon?

– Ostrega Maria if I gave him the glass, to drink he had to raise his head and he could also see the hams and salamis hanging from the ceiling …

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The wife of the world-famous painter Pablo Picasso noticed a sign of happiness coming over her husband when a blonde girl stood next to him while they were in the elevator... Suddenly the girl turned around, got angry and slapped Picasso hard and said to him: “This is a lesson for you.” When Picasso and his wife got out of the elevator, he swore to her out of fear of his wife that he did not do anything to the girl, so his wife calmly replied: I know that, I wanted, because it was I who touched her so that you would learn not to look at women again. Source: G.Vogue Encyclopedia

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This New York girl was going to Texas on vacation. And one of the things she planned to do was to have sex with a few of them Texas cowboys.


When she got back home one of her girlfriends asked her how they were. She said she didn't know. She was afraid to try.


"You know how they say 'everything's bigger in Texas'? They ain't lying. You should have seen the size of the condom rings in the back pockets of them cowboys. Scared me plumb to death. Here, see for yourself. I took a picture."




Edited by Alpo
found a better picture. the other one had a hole in the pocket
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A chicken farmer went to a local bar, sat next to a woman, and ordered a glass of champagne.

The woman perked up and said, "How about that? I just ordered a glass of champagne too!"

"What a coincidence," the farmer said. "This is a special day for me - I am celebrating."

"This is a special day for me too - I am also celebrating," said the woman.

"What a coincidence!" said the farmer. As they clinged glasses, he added, "What are you celebrating?"

"My husband and I have been trying to have a child, and today my gynaecologist told me that I am pregnant!"

"What a coincidence!" said the man. "I'm a chicken farmer, and for years all of my hens were infertile, but today they are all laying fertilized eggs."

"That's great!" said the woman. "How did your chickens become fertilized?"

"I used a different rooster," the farmer said.

“What a coincidence!"

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1 minute ago, Subdeacon Joe said:


Yep, ejaculation isn't likely to put out an engine fire!

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Torn... On-line translation? Otto? Or incompetent copy writer.


Ah well, never attribute to malevolence that which can be attributed to incompetence. "But" the plane crashed... (?) How about "and" or simply "The plane crashed shortly afterwards"?


I would expect this if the pilot ejected. And if the other, then why not mention the pilot was in the plane? And did he die happy?

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I was a sales rep in the Yukon Territory. I would often stop by this trading post/bar/restaurant and got to know the owner. One night he asked me if I could watch the place while he took food to a sick friend.

“Sure!”, I said.

Everything is humming along, suddenly a man burst through the door,

“Run for your lives! Big Jake’s coming!”.

Oh, crap. The place cleared out, I am hiding behind the bar when I hear the rumble of a Snowcat (big tank-like vehicle with bulldozer treads). The door slams open and a HUGE man covered in bearskins stomps into the place.

”Gimme a keg!!”.

I roll the keg from the walk-in refrigerator, he jams the tapper into it and sprays it into his face and mouth. When it was empty, I meekly asked him if he wanted another, he yells,

“You kiddin’ me? I’m outta here, Big Jake is coming!!”

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The Helsinki-Toronto flight had 400 passengers but only 200 lunches. The airline messed up, putting the crew in a tough spot. But one clever flight attendant came up with a solution. About 30 minutes after take-off, she announced:

"Ladies and gentlemen, I’m not sure how this happened, but we have 400 passengers and only 200 lunches! Anyone who’s willing to give up their meal for someone else will enjoy unlimited wine for the flight."

Six hours later, she made another announcement: "Ladies and gentlemen, if anyone wants to change their mind, we still have 200 lunches available!"

So, the takeaway? Finns and Canadians are really generous.

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Pilot was welcoming the passengers on the plane shortly after take off.......

"This is your Captain speaking, Thank you for flying with us this morning.

The weather is....."

Then suddenly he starts screaming his head off:

"Oh my God. Oh my God! Oh my God! It’s burning…It’s burning…This is going to hurt....It’s burning"

A ghostly Silence reigned!

After a couple of minutes, He gets back on the microphone talking to the passengers:

"I sincerely apologise for the incident but I just dropped a very hot cup of coffee on my lap...you should see my pants."

One passenger replies -

"Why don't you come here and see Our PANTS"

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A man was sitting on the edge of the bed, watching his wife as she gazed at herself in the mirror.
With her birthday approaching, he asked what she’d like as a gift.
“I’d like to be eight again,” she replied, still staring at the mirror.
On the morning of her birthday, he woke up early, prepared a big bowl of Coco Pops, and then took her to Adventure World theme park.
What a day! He put her on every ride in the park: the Death Slide, the Wall of Fear, the Screaming Roller Coaster, everything available.
Five hours later, they staggered out of the theme park. Her head was spinning, and her stomach was upside down.
Next, he took her to McDonald’s, where he ordered her a Happy Meal with extra fries and a chocolate shake.
Then it was off to the movie theater for the latest superhero saga, complete with popcorn, soda, and her favorite candy, M&Ms.
What a fabulous adventure!
Finally, she wobbled home with her husband and collapsed into bed, utterly exhausted.
He leaned over her with a big smile and lovingly asked, “Well, dear, what was it like being eight again?”
Her eyes slowly opened, and her expression suddenly changed.
"I meant my dress size, you idiot!!!”

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