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An elderly man walks into a lumberyard and applies for a woodcutter job. The boss, eyeing him skeptically, folds his arms.


“You’re awfully old for this kind of work,” the boss says.


The old man grins confidently. “Age doesn’t matter when you’ve got skill. I can fell any tree with a single swing.”


The boss raises an eyebrow, unconvinced. “Prove it.”


Without hesitation, the old man strides outside to a five-foot tree. With a mighty swing of his ax—THWACK—the tree crashes to the ground.


The boss blinks in surprise, but the old man isn’t done. He moves on to a ten-foot tree and cuts it down just as easily. Then he tackles a thirty-footer, and it falls just the same.


Finally, the old man approaches an 80-foot redwood. He adjusts his grip, takes a single swing, and—CRASH—the massive tree tumbles like it’s made of matchsticks.


The boss, now completely stunned, stares at him. “That’s unbelievable! Where did you learn to chop like that?”


The old man shrugs nonchalantly. “Practiced in the Sahara Forest.”


“The Sahara Desert?” the boss corrects, confused.


The old man grins slyly. “Yeah, that’s what they call it now.”


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Dem boys could party! 

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A woman lawyer stood before a judge and was requesting the postponement of an upcoming trial date because she was pregnant. The judge denied her request. “Your motion is denied, counsel, because you knew when you were getting yourself pregnant what the trial date was.” The woman vehemently shook her head. “That’s not true, your honor, “she said, passionately, “I guarantee you, as an officer of the court, that when I was getting pregnant, the trial court date for this case was not even the last thing on my mind.”

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