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Leather Butt Stock Cover


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Looking to have a leather butt stock cover made for my 73.  Please let me know who does this kind of work. 


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Double Diamond makes some really nice butt stock covers. PM me for his contact info.







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Lots of companies sell covers that fit unaltered rifles (would that be a “stock stock”?).  I have a couple from Rod Kibler Saddlery with border stamping, nothing very fancy but they offer other embellishments.


My wife’s long guns have shortened buttstocks so a “factory” cover was not an option.  I shipped the stocks to Ricochet Roy who made covers to fit.  I was well pleased.

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Sassy and I have several obtained thru Cowboy Shooters Supply.  They are not supper fancy but with our alias and some tooling.  All a tad "over a Grant but under a Lincoln".  They are done by their supplier who does not advertise on web.  If you shoot any where in the NETX/SEOK  area lyou might run across  Texas Mean Gene, he makes some very nice tooled covers and as CSS covers, for whatever your stock cut is.  I believe these also under a Lincoln.   Aspen Filly does more of the fancy class, but with some awesome "style points" .  As I remember Palo Duro offers some fairly inexpensive, but very functional butt covers.

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I use functional covers from Mernickle.  See https://www.mernickleholsters.com/shop/Cowboy-Action-Accessories-c53182392.  However, those custom covers do look stylish.

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Just recently got a new CZ Coach.  Very well crafted except for the buttplate, which is a simple, stamped, sharp edged steel plate attached with small modern Philips screws.  Couldn't figure out why - here is my answer, a lot of SASS shooters use butt stock covers.  Never cared for them, but between an upcoming gun show and NC Ordinance I should be able to find a repro hard rubber / plastic one that will work.  Had to do that on my original '97 and it worked just fine.

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You know...when you aren't specific, you are gonna get the gammitt!!!


I like simple, so made mine from a) thick material b) faux leather and c) appolstery naugahide.

I just wanted to 'hide' the recoil pad. And have a bit of 'grip'.


Many make standard ones...

Some can really design.


Best starting place, I think, is to go to your SASS Vendors index and look there.


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37 minutes ago, DeaconKC said:

@Singin' Sue 71615 you murdered some poor innocent naugas to make your buttstock covers?!?!

I'm so disillusioned...


Like I always told my vegeterian sister...

"I don't kill 'em...I just eat 'em and use their parts."

Besides, vegeterian's are the ones to watch...they are eating all the beasties FOOD!

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I got one like this from Rod Kibler Saddlery, I like the alias and SASS number on the medallion!





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On 2/5/2022 at 6:43 AM, Yul Lose said:

Double Diamond makes some really nice butt stock covers. PM me for his contact info.







Snakebite, where are you?  Top one is perfect for you!

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On 2/5/2022 at 4:42 PM, Abe E.S. Corpus SASS #87667 said:

I shipped the stocks to Ricochet Roy who made covers to fit.  I was well pleased.

I am also very satisfied with my three covers from Ricochet Roy. He makes them for a lot of different gun models. For my Sharps he hadn't got a template yet, so I made one of paper and sent it to him. Worked well!

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