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I heard from a shooter yesterday that had to call 3 Motels before he got a room. If you haven't booked your room I suggest you do it soon. I also heard good things from some folks who booked AirBNB's the last couple of years. 


If you haven't sent in your entries it's time. Papa Dave is processing them as soon as he can.  


We'll be shooting 12 Main Match stages, normal Side Matches, Wild Bunch, Warmup and Black Powder all for the same price.




Don't forget "Are You Tough Enough To Wear Pink?" on Thursday.


I hope to see everyone there!



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Oh no :o I see I’m going to have a slight issue on Thursday.  I’ll have to make sure my “pink outfit” doesn’t interfere with my black powder shooting.  You’d have to kill a cat to get a better mental image of me with a wardrobe malfunction. :D

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Sedalia Dave and Tequila Shooter,

I look forward to meeting you both at the TN State.   I don't think we have met

but its possible.


I plan to shoot this year, but don't expect any fireball predictions.




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2 hours ago, Widder, SASS #59054 said:

Sedalia Dave and Tequila Shooter,

I look forward to meeting you both at the TN State.   I don't think we have met

but its possible.


I plan to shoot this year, but don't expect any fireball predictions.





Widder - I’m hurt that you don’t remember me.  I was at TN State the last time you took on Redknee, I was on @Tennessee williams posse.  I guess I’ll have to make a bigger impression on you this year :ph34r:

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2 hours ago, Tequila Shooter said:


Widder - I’m hurt that you don’t remember me.  I was at TN State the last time you took on Redknee, I was on @Tennessee williams posse.  I guess I’ll have to make a bigger impression on you this year :ph34r:


1 hour ago, Sedalia Dave said:

Well I missed Widder last year. Looking forward to meeting him ftf this year.


To be honest, a lot has happened to me the past 2 years, especially last August with open heart surgery.

Sorri I didn't remember the occasion.   In our sport/game, we meet SO MANY new people all the time

that it is hard to remember.

But, I'm glad you remember me and Red Knee battling with our 97's.   He is GOOD, real good.

That year, 2019, he was running his best ever with the 97.   And I think he may have run one of his

fastest times that year.   His 6 on 6 was around 4.80, maybe even 4.70's.

He is fun to watch, as are many others that show up at the TN State.


SD:  I couldn't help but miss last year, although I did send that beautiful Henry .22 for the raffle.

I may not be very competitive this year, but its such a fun match with some great folks, that

I'm planning to be there and participate.


See you BOTH in October.   I hope to be on the posse with TN Williams and SLATER.

Maybe they can put us together also.




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19 hours ago, Widder, SASS #59054 said:

Application is in the mail!


TN Williams is in hiding.




With Sedalia Dave smoking up the place, Widders' smart remarks, and Tequila Shooter being...well himself, darn right I'm hiding!

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22 minutes ago, Barkeep Casey said:

Come on out TN...........


Don'tcha know baiting is illegal in Tennessee?

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Did you notice that restaurants in Murfreesboro and around middle Tennessee have to serve

TN his nanner puddin in a 'spark proof' styrofoam container.


He also has to use some asbestos lip gloss to keep from getting 3rd degree burns on

his mouth from 'smackin'  at each bite.


Hey, I don't make this stuff up.




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2 hours ago, Ocoee Red #31751 said:

Here's ole Tn Williams with some nanner puddin!


You can tell by the look on my face, that. Was. Good. Puddin!

I didn't know you snapped that one. I'm gonna have to ninja some pictures myself:ph34r:

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My app will go in the mail as soon as I get home near the end of this week, Going to Call Ray and reserve my regular 5 campsites. See everyone at Wartrace.

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Well I've sent in my paperwork and my probation officer will be in attendance.



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Don't forget the Chili cook-off Thursday night. I've got 1000 primers that says no-one can cook a better pot of chili than me. Prove me wrong cowboys & cowgirls. I got a special recipe straight from Hop Sing hisself, Hoss approved, & confirmed by Little Joe. I sent all the way to the Black Hills for special ingredients from Sitting Bull's hidden cache, recently discovered by an archeological team from the University of Tennessee. Don't let the futility of your efforts to beat me hinder you from bringing your mediocre entry to the contest.


PS: those primers may or may not be pre-fired, as I feel it important to QC each one personally. I wouldn't want to deliver untested product in the unlikely event that someone else actually shows up with edible, delicious chili! 

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you ain't gotta chance against TN Williams, should he decide to make his legendary 'Jarassic' chili.


He uses a few possum carcasses where the meat is properly aged, and marinates the meat

in a special sauce.   He calls it his special recipe and won't reveal what it is.   He refers to it only as

his secret 'DQ' sauce.

After its marinated for a few more days, he lets it simmer on an outdoor fire for a couple days.

The reason he has to use an outdoor fire is because his Bunkhouse Boss won't allow such

stench in her kitchen... :)


Anyhow, after taking a couple bites, you won't want to eat anyone else chili.

Matter of fact, you won't want to eat anything for a few days..... :)


Its not overly spicy, but the taste will linger on your dying taste buds for a while.


TN Williams 'Jarassic' Chili.   Sure to take a bite out of the competition.






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6 minutes ago, Widder, SASS #59054 said:

YADDA YADDA some other stuff.....


TN Williams 'Jarassic' Chili.   Sure to take a bite out of the competition.



"Jarrassic" chili huh.  Let's deconstruct this name and see if we can glean anything about it.  "Jarr-ass-ic" chili huh.  By golly I got it, a jar of the chili will ic yore ass up!  I believe Widder is right, you take a little of ole TW's Jarrassic chili and you won't be able to eat anyone elses, you'll be too busy holding court in the porcelain throne room. :ph34r:



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We will be adding Elder Statesman Gunfighter to our State Championship this year if we get enough interest. If you have already sent in your Registration and would like to change contact Papa Dave.




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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm looking forward to this one!  I hope to be able to add the Iron Cowboy to the shooter's list.  I hear he might want to make a bet involving nanner pudding with @Tennessee williams .


TW this is probably the best place for that smack you were talking about earlier....

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you might be better off keeping Iron Cowboy away from TW.    Remember, TW is the guy

what put chicken feet and raccoon pecker bone on Purly's gun cart last summer and

jinks the whole blame posse.


And if any of you Wire Pards think I'm joking or trying to be funny, ain't so.

TN really does stuff like that at some local matches.   He's one of them 'black magic'

type back woods folk.   He and Krazy Kajun have that Louisiana swamp water running

in their veins, instead of normal red blood.




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4 minutes ago, Roy's creek Dan, SASS 73697 said:

It will be our first time to shoot Tennessee State, Highland Scotty and myself are looking forward to a great match. 

Great to have you! And just in time to see a good ole Tennessee whoopin'. Me and Cap'n BB, both being from the southeast don't really care which one of us gets the whoopin' just as long as one of us gets one.

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1 hour ago, Captain Bill Burt said:

I'm looking forward to this one!  I hope to be able to add the Iron Cowboy to the shooter's list.  I hear he might want to make a bet involving nanner pudding with @Tennessee williams .


TW this is probably the best place for that smack you were talking about earlier....

That's just like you. Trying to bring in a ringer. I got some extra speshul hoodoo in the works for ya. I've had my kin take off work from moonshinin and ginsengin the last 3 weeks to hunt up 2 albino possums and a 3 legged frog. A female Turkey beard and a hickory burl left and it's Katie bar the door for you!

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Really looking forward to meeting you RCD.   Its a long haul from Oklahoma (land of Red Knee fame).


If possible, we'll have to visit Bell Buckle Cafe.


RCD:  I just got one quesiton.   You are just as famous as Red Knee with that 97 of your'n.   He

wasn't able to get the job done when he was at Wartrace last time so I was just wonderin if he has

recruited one of the 'big boys' to come here and do his dirty work for him?





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Two albino possums out trump a raccoon pecker bone, even on leap year.


I hope you're happy now Capt.  This could be so bad that you won't even win

a Jack Daniels Friday nite door prize.


EDIT:  SouthWestern legend speaks of the curse of 2 possums.   It is known south

of the border (and must be whispered, not spoken out load) as:

'Dos Las Palabra Mala Blanco Tiacuache'.


meaning: double curse of the white possums.

Hey, a feller can't just make this stuff up.




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10 hours ago, Tennessee williams said:

That's just like you. Trying to bring in a ringer. I got some extra speshul hoodoo in the works for ya. I've had my kin take off work from moonshinin and ginsengin the last 3 weeks to hunt up 2 albino possums and a 3 legged frog. A female Turkey beard and a hickory burl left and it's Katie bar the door for you!

Hey, the Burt genes are strong in this one. There may not be enough albino possums and three legged frogs in the world to help you.


Just remember the number 13.  It should be familiar to you.  If it's not, go back and look at the scores from last year. 

10 hours ago, Widder, SASS #59054 said:

Two albino possums out trump a raccoon pecker bone, even on leap year.


I hope you're happy now Capt.  This could be so bad that you won't even win

a Jack Daniels Friday nite door prize.


EDIT:  SouthWestern legend speaks of the curse of 2 possums.   It is known south

of the border (and must be whispered, not spoken out load) as:

'Dos Las Palabra Mala Blanco Tiacuache'.


meaning: double curse of the white possums.

Hey, a feller can't just make this stuff up.




I'm as happy as a pig in s***.   Ole TW will be so focused on getting by the Iron Cowboy that I may just slip right by both of them. 


Be ready TW





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49 minutes ago, Captain Bill Burt said:

Hey, the Burt genes are strong in this one. There may not be enough albino possums and three legged frogs in the world to help you.


Just remember the number 13.  It should be familiar to you.  If it's not, go back and look at the scores from last year. 

I'm as happy as a pig in s***.   Ole TW will be so focused on getting by the Iron Cowboy that I may just slip right by both of them. 


Be ready TW





Yeah, yeah, yeah. You finished 12th overall and I finished 13th. What you're forgetting was I had 2 broke knuckles from knocking that door down to get those kids out of that orphanage that I thought was on fire. That's rough on a duelist.:ph34r:

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11 minutes ago, Tennessee williams said:

Yeah, yeah, yeah. You finished 12th overall and I finished 13th. What you're forgetting was I had 2 broke knuckles from knocking that door down to get those kids out of that orphanage that I thought was on fire. That's rough on a duelist.:ph34r:

I thought you sprained your back carrying that blind elderly lady down off the mountaintop she was stranded on...?

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