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NEW SASS Shooters Handbook! ***UPDATE***

Misty Moonshine

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Version 22.3 of the SASS Shooters Handbook, dated November 2017 is now available online.


In addition to the correction of a few minor typos, clarifications have now been made within the handbook regarding several areas that have raised concern and questions since its release. This latest version attempts to rectify many of the misunderstandings. Please take a moment and review the latest version.


Misty Moonshine







Dear SASS Members,


I am proud to announce that there is a NEW SASS/Cowboy Action Shooting Shooters Handbook Version available! For some time, there has been a need expressed from our membership to condense all of the rules and guidelines into one, centralized resource book. Shooters no longer have to go into the RO 1 Course materials to receive critical information and guidelines.

Huge Thanks go out to the RO Committee for their hard work and diligent assistance in reviewing and fine-tuning the new format of the Shooters Handbook. Their insight and guidance has ensured that this publication is a world class resource and a reflection of the growing and evolving needs of our shooters. 


The new Version of the SASS Shooters Handbook is now available for download on the SASS Website, under Handbooks & Rules.

Here is a direct link to the Shooters Handbook page: CLICK HERE.


Happy Shooting,


Misty Moonshine



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17 minutes ago, Gold Canyon Kid #43974 said:

Great move. When will it officially become effective.  Front cover has a November date??


It is "official" now- as of its posting date. There are no rule changes - rather, a significant format change and the integration of information previously found in the RO Course documents.




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A big THANKS to you and everyone involved for your continued hard work to make this game even better.

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Thanks to all who worked to get this SINGLE document for us.

I know it wasn't easy; however, everyone who participated to make this happen should know that WE appreciate the hard work.

As for the old Manuals, well.....



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New SASS Handbook ... "Beech style front sights and sight hoods are allowed."

Misty, a commonly misspelled named for the combination front sight ... it was invented by Edgar B Beach and accordingly is the

Beach Combination Sight


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Thanks Misty, I booked marked it and I will print out a copy also to carry with me! Good job!!;)

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