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Texas Slim's Gun Collection For Sale

Kachina Kid

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Quite a collection. Just one thing about the pictures, they all are upside down on the page where they are posted, it'd be helpful if you could rotate all of them 180 degrees.




Quite a collection. Just one thing about the pictures, they all are upside down on the page where they are posted, it'd be helpful if you could rotate all of them 180 degrees.


Sorry about that sir! All pictures have been fixed!!!


Sure would be nice if a person could look at those pictures without the dang Web site trying to download a virus blocker and not let you get out of it.


What do you mean you don't NEED all those guns, of course you do! 😍


Thank you for sharing though, really nice inheritance he left you!😚


Caliber on all the marlins? Any 32's?


17 & 19 calibers?


I'll take #26

What caliber is # 20 &21?

both #20 and #21 are .45 caliber.

What do you mean you don't NEED all those guns, of course you do!


Thank you for sharing though, really nice inheritance he left you!


Caliber on all the marlins? Any 32's?


17 & 19 calibers?

marlins are .38 and .45 and 45/70


#17 is 30-30


#19 is .38


Looks like numbers 16 and 19 are both 1866's. What caliber are they?


54 and 56 are not Bond derringers,Just a heads up


What cal is #20 and #33........ 1873 short Rifle and Marlin 1894


What length barrel on #18 Winchester

Do you know it's manufacture date and octagional barrel or not

Any work done on it



20" barrel

i believe it was manufacturing is is 1965-1966

not octagonal barrel

I dont believe there is work done on this gun.



Thank you


What can you tell me about the Henry 22 for $400?


He has a SASS# on his avatar, so I believe he is plus he has a plethora of cool guns for sale!


Any work done on # 19 the 66 in 38?


Barrel length on 45 46 47?


Hi Jimmy,

We are all very sorry for your loss. Your dad was respected by everyone who knew him. I sent you a text. If you didn't receive it or you would like to discuss, you can call me at 405-409-9442.

Your dad will be missed by everyone who knew him.

Flat Top


Umm is this seller even a SASS member. He just created his profile yesterday.

Yes I am. I shot with my Father years ago and I have my membership certificate as well.

He has a SASS# on his avatar, so I believe he is plus he has a plethora of cool guns for sale!

Thank you!


Any work done on # 19 the 66 in 38?

I am not too sure about this one, but work might be done on it. I can provide more pictures if need be.


Barrel length on 45 46 47?

Barrels measure 4 3/4"




Hi Jimmy,

We are all very sorry for your loss. Your dad was respected by everyone who knew him. I sent you a text. If you didn't receive it or you would like to discuss, you can call me at 405-409-9442.

Your dad will be missed by everyone who knew him.

Flat Top

Got your message! Thank you!!!



Is it a golden boy, silver boy or steel frame?




Sent you a PM on shotgun #32, which manufacturer and what is the model#?







I have not had a response to my message and am concerned about my purchase (others have now shown interest). Please respond to my message if possible. I can pick them up next week.





I am taking # 16 (rifle) and # 47 (vaqueros) thanks

Guns are set aside for you Bob!


Thank you sir!


Is it a golden boy, silver boy or steel frame?

Could you please be more specific with which rifle you are speaking of?


Thank you


what is the model number of the Charles Daly entry 14? Is it a double, pump, o/u or what? If it is a double barrel side by side model 500 I will take it

The Charles Daly is a Side by Side.




Sent you a PM on shotgun #32, which manufacturer and what is the model#?





I replied to your PM, sir!




I have not had a response to my message and am concerned about my purchase (others have now shown interest). Please respond to my message if possible. I can pick them up next week.







I replied to your PM,


Sorry about the late response.


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