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Major E A Sterner #12916

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About Major E A Sterner #12916

  • Birthday 06/05/1960

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  • SASS #
    12916 Life
  • SASS Affiliated Club
    Circle K Regulators, DbarD Wranglers, Boot Hill Regulators,Matamoros Mavericks

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  • Location
    Held hostage in NY(But I'm spying on the Yankees)
  • Interests
    Shooting, Old British Motorcycles,Shooting, Harleys, Shooting.SV188
    "When tyranny becomes law rebellion becomes duty" Thomas Jefferson

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SASS Wire Vet

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  1. The 44 mag Flattop Blackhawk Ser# 18339 was made in 1959, Ruger stopped making them in 1962 Manufactured from 1956 to 1962 44 Magnum Blackhawk Serial Year 1 1956 741 1957 5996 1958 14258 1959 22232 1960 26680 1961 28515 1962
  2. I've used them for a couple years, Only time I had a problem was when my rifle was real dirty and I would get FTF, I tried those in my pistols and they fired.I'm shooting 3 screw .357 Blackhawks with 15 Lb springs and a pair of Jimmy Spurs Bisley Vaqueros. Rifle is an Uberti 66.
  3. The sheath I pictured is the correct one for the vintage,They changed the color about mid year 1977, I had the original but it got lost in one of my moves.
  4. I'm looking to replace the sheath for my Gerber Mark 2, Either an original or replica. It looks like this...Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.
  5. No, it was his dog, he had an interesting sense of humor from what I've been told. He passed away before I was born.
  6. Me and my Bonneville
  7. My Grandfathers Henderson, sorry it's sideways.
  8. I am sad to report that Catskill Bob passed away on Aug 30,2022. lifetime member of SASS He participated in many SASS competitive events across the nation. Bob had a wonderful sense of humor that showed up wherever he went. Here is a link to his Obit. https://hagan-chamberlain.com/tribute/details/896/Robert-Glywa/obituary.html
  9. Hi Joe, Rooster was way off on the grips, Ruger never used the red eagle in the single actions as Alexander Sturm died before they were produced which is when Bill Ruger switched to the black eagle.As for the grips on the gun they are factory, also known as squashed chickens if memory serves me. But there are some folks you can't reason with. Ruger has used a bunch of different types of eagles on their single actions including one around 1967-68 that had neck feathers. It took me a while to figure out the differences over the years but that just adds to my knowledge and enjoyment of the subject.Oh, and I didn't buy the gun, a friend of mine that is on another forum did,I was just the middle man that got the information to the buyer and seller .


    Major E.A. Sterner

    1. Joe LaFives #5481

      Joe LaFives #5481

      Thanks - I knew that Sturm died in 1951 but I didn't want to walk all over Kevin's (Howlin) post.  Some folks think their experience counts as the only truth.

  10. It is with great sadness that I have to report the passing of SanFernando Slim SASS #20521L, on Monday February 8 2021 due to complications from pneumonia. Please keep his family in your thoughts and prayers. The family will be having a memorial service later in the year when family and friends can attend.
  11. SASS Alias: Major E.A. Sterner SASS #:12916 Life Where you are from:Mid Hudson Valley NY How long you’ve been Cowboy Action Shooting:22 years
  12. Happy Birthday SASS,I've been here for 20 years as well,Chili Pepper Pete must have joined the same time I did.
  13. Here is the response I got from the NY State Police pistol permit office. "As long as the individual who is loading the handgun has a valid pistol permit, it is permissible under the law. Please re-contact me if you have any further questions." Inv. C.A. Hunt, NYSP-Pistol Permit Bureau
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