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Hospitals.. and lost .. please read..

Deja Vous

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My father has endured some of the oddest healthcare I have ever seen. First off the stroke happened in Parker AZ and they were to take him by copter ... then plane.. nope copter again.. lol.. Ended up copter which could not fly so they landed so the plane took him part of the way and had to land so he took a ambulance.. Gosh, sounds like a country song, huh? Only thing missing is a pickup truck? or a Boat or train? loll So he got back to a hospital in Victorville. They sent him home and that night he started bleeding no details on the location per him.. lol.. anyhow. he had to go in Thursday last week to find out where the blood was coming from. They admitted him and promptly lost my father in a sea of charts. He was suppose to have tests done, but the NP told the DR that he was at Victory Valley while he was really at Desert Valley. so the doctore looked for him and thought he went home. I arrived back there on Friday and started asking questions.. come to find out my dad had been on a ice cube only diet for two days with no tests scheduled. So, we rode pretty hard on a few nurses and we got results. He got his test!!!!!!!!!!! He has an aneurysm by his heart, 39% use of his kidneys, colon issues from the cancer resectioning a while back, and of course the stroke and his bad back, and the pacemaker from his three heart attacks. Oh, and stomach ulcers. So, they scheduled him not for a CAT scan. He has had one for 4400.00 a dry one though .. so now they need to run one with liquid.. GEESH>> really a 92 year old guy with colon cancer an you run a DRY CAT? lol.. So, fine.. we now wait for that one to happen. I went up on Monday afternnoon to find out again they had lost him. This time they thought he had been discharged and they cancelled his test!!!!!!!!!!! So, again a 92 year old man suffers for two days without food or water.. he has ice chips.. geesh.. Finally they do the test and he is so hungry he is begging for food.. They are going to bring him a liquid tray, even though the DR said he can eat.. geesh really? So I got him some food from the Cafeteria. And we took him home..


tonight he is not feeling so well, but due to his past experiences he does not want to go back...


You have to watch them all the time.. they lose people, they cancel tests, they don't feed older people.. I admit my heart is broken over the care he got. I can not imagine treating anyone like that. I was so angry at one point I told them all to stop by my house, I wanted to put them all in a cage and not feed or water them for two days... gosh, I was so upset over all of this.. So, all I can say, is watch your loved ones. IF they are not able to fend for themselves, YOU need to be there.. I plan on being there for anyone I love... no way are they going to be lost and never found..

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My father has endured some of the oddest healthcare I have ever seen. First off the stroke happened in Parker AZ and they were to take him by copter ... then plane.. nope copter again.. lol.. Ended up copter which could not fly so they landed so the plane took him part of the way and had to land so he took a ambulance.. Gosh, sounds like a country song, huh? Only thing missing is a pickup truck? or a Boat or train? loll So he got back to a hospital in Victorville. They sent him home and that night he started bleeding no details on the location per him.. lol.. anyhow. he had to go in Thursday last week to find out where the blood was coming from. They admitted him and promptly lost my father in a sea of charts. He was suppose to have tests done, but the NP told the DR that he was at Victory Valley while he was really at Desert Valley. so the doctore looked for him and thought he went home. I arrived back there on Friday and started asking questions.. come to find out my dad had been on a ice cube only diet for two days with no tests scheduled. So, we rode pretty hard on a few nurses and we got results. He got his test!!!!!!!!!!! He has an aneurysm by his heart, 39% use of his kidneys, colon issues from the cancer resectioning a while back, and of course the stroke and his bad back, and the pacemaker from his three heart attacks. Oh, and stomach ulcers. So, they scheduled him not for a CAT scan. He has had one for 4400.00 a dry one though .. so now they need to run one with liquid.. GEESH>> really a 92 year old guy with colon cancer an you run a DRY CAT? lol.. So, fine.. we now wait for that one to happen. I went up on Monday afternnoon to find out again they had lost him. This time they thought he had been discharged and they cancelled his test!!!!!!!!!!! So, again a 92 year old man suffers for two days without food or water.. he has ice chips.. geesh.. Finally they do the test and he is so hungry he is begging for food.. They are going to bring him a liquid tray, even though the DR said he can eat.. geesh really? So I got him some food from the Cafeteria. And we took him home..


tonight he is not feeling so well, but due to his past experiences he does not want to go back...


You have to watch them all the time.. they lose people, they cancel tests, they don't feed older people.. I admit my heart is broken over the care he got. I can not imagine treating anyone like that. I was so angry at one point I told them all to stop by my house, I wanted to put them all in a cage and not feed or water them for two days... gosh, I was so upset over all of this.. So, all I can say, is watch your loved ones. IF they are not able to fend for themselves, YOU need to be there.. I plan on being there for anyone I love... no way are they going to be lost and never found..


You might want to contact the patient advocate or hospital administrator. And maybe a lawyer. :angry:

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You might want to contact the patient advocate or hospital administrator. And maybe a lawyer. :angry:



I have contacted her, and she is checking in to it. A lawyers probably not, we are not SUE people at all. But the State now, that is something I would do. I am a very happy person in most cases. But this really hurt me a great deal. Did you ever have this feeling of your heart hurting? I have twice in past three years, and this was one of them. My heart hurt and I felt so helpless. One of the comments made to me was his age.. geesh.. so a 92 year old deserves less why? I am considering a move back home to be there for him and to make sure he can stay home until the end. I have seen enough of our healthcare system to know I dont want him in it.

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Me would be talking to a lawyer, PDQ :excl:

What you had to deal with is 110% BS..........




You have met me Lumps.. I am not a very intimating figure.. lol... I can push when I need to but gosh I felt like I was not able to do enough.

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I am in total agreement with Ya' Deja.

I hate to even say this, but I do feel they Killed my Ma' when She last was in the Hospital.

I know You know, Deja, we've talked about my Ma' being on borrowed time,

and The Good Lord gave here that, but, I won't go there for what's done is done

and She is with Jesus now. I was just in the ER myself last week at the VA

hospital, for 4 hours getting tests, blood work, chest X-rays, EKG etc.

When they took me back for to look at me, I had my Brother Whiney go in with me.

I Do have a real concern, and I'm So Glad Yer' Pa' is doin' better,

and If You can be with Him, I do believe that is best.

I Will Pray that Everything works out for Him and You and the Whole Family.

I am sure there are a lot more of the Folks here that Know a lot more about these things

than I can even think of. I know some Real GOOD advice will be given here to help You out.

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Put a GPS on his leg...Its not going to help medically but at least you can find him...But I will put in some good words for him and you...


Texas Lizard



TLs.. your word is as good as gold in my book. tonight I am really looking at the stuff around me.. I need to.. I take life a face value, never thought about people who don't tell you the truth or will use you.. or lie to you.. I see life pretty simple.. and I want to keep doing it. The thing up there has unsettled me a bit.. But by tomorrow.. I will be fine again.. Life simply goes on.. and I keep on going with it.. lol

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I am in total agreement with Ya' Deja.

I hate to even say this, but I do feel they Killed my Ma' when She last was in the Hospital.

I know You know, Deja, we've talked about my Ma' being on borrowed time,

and The Good Lord gave here that, but, I won't go there for what's done is done

and She is with Jesus now. I was just in the ER myself last week at the VA

hospital, for 4 hours getting tests, blood work, chest X-rays, EKG etc.

When they took me back for to look at me, I had my Brother Whiney go in with me.

I Do have a real concern, and I'm So Glad Yer' Pa' is doin' better,

and If You can be with Him, I do believe that is best.

I Will Pray that Everything works out for Him and You and the Whole Family.

I am sure there are a lot more of the Folks here that Know a lot more about these things

than I can even think of. I know some Real GOOD advice will be given here to help You out.



I was very upset... I even offered to take them home and cage them up and not feed them for two days or give them water.. Geesh.. I was a pit bull for two seconds.. lol.. At times you have to wonder if they realy care, huh?

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1. watch the movie Hospital with Geo. C. Scott and Diana Rigg (1970's_) actually maybe not.


2. You need to seriously evoke the fear of God (or someone) I think maybe J3, 4Trod and I could spread some serious knee shaking in those people.


that is just inhuman. I am so sorry for you and your dad. I am just appalled.


wish you better luck and keep us posted.




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I feel for you and your dad Deja. While it's hard to do I've found it best to just move into the hospital right along with your loved one that's being treated. I've had to make waves a few times and that's not my normal self but when they are supposed to be taking care of someone I love and they're not, I can become quite fierce :angry:

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Deja, find out what government agency in AZ regulates hospitals, contact them, and file a complaint. They will IMMEDIATELY start an investigation. Government agencies exist to continue existing, so if your tax money is paying for them, at least get some use out of them. If all else fails, you can always contact the local TV station. They lay awake at night praying for stories like this. The best way to stir their pudding is air it out in the court of public opinion.

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Deja, prayers up for you and your Dad.

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There is some good advice above regarding contacting the applicable state agency and local TV station.


My personal approach would probably be to walk into the CEO or Adminstrator of the hospital's outer office and in the loudest voice possible start demanding answers as to why your father is being treated this way and why you shouldn't start looking for a lawyer to file a malpractice suit and why you shouldn't go to the local TV station and/or newspaper with this story.

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When ever I fall into the clutches of the healthcare system I think of my grandmother who Said that you were not only lucky but blessed if you got a doctor who was a good guesser!


And yes the film Hospital is recommended viewing



the sad fact is if you end up in a hospital you NEED someone else on your side checking and overseeing EVERYTHING as to the health care system you (the patient ) are nothing but a faceless open wallet and conduit to extract money from you and your insurance company or the taxpayer they have no real interest in you beyond the bottom line the Marcus Welby type of doctor or the Dr Killdare sort no longer exist consider yourself lucky today if you get a doctor that is fluent in the english language

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You might want to contact the patient advocate or hospital administrator. And maybe a lawyer. :angry:


These are the people to talk to. I had a similar experience with my father and when the patient advocate got into it, fur flew and all wrongs were righted immediately. Lawyer only if you are looking for damages.

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I used to work at a major Regional Medical Center and saw first hand some of the things the Administors pull. Like build a new million dollar state-of-art cancer wing and then lay off staff because of the cost and low patient count. Patients are usually treated by residents that work long shifts not your own doctor or a specialist.




The FIRST and MOST IMPORTANT thing you should do is move in your fathers room. Request a extra bed or a chair that expands in a bed be moved into the room. You and other family members should work out a schedule to be with your dad 24/7.


Second is keep notes. Be present for all visits from the Doctors, ask questions and write it down. Talk to the nurses and enlist their help with your fathers care. Remind them of procedures that have been ordered and when it is scheduled.


Years ago my father-in-law had a really bad knee replacement surgery with excessive pain. When he had the other knee done I discussed it with my mother-in-law and wife. They agreed to talk to the doctor about how much pain my f-i-l had with the first surgery. Well when the doctor came in my mother and wife sat there and never said a word! And my mother is a retired nurse. I got very pissed at them and followed the doctor out into hall and talked to him. At the same time the other doctor came slong and we had a brief 2-3 minute conversation in which I described his last surgery. They quickly identified what the problem was and my f-i-l second surgery went very smooth.


My point is doctors are busy and only spend a few minutes actualy talking to the patient and families. By being present you can have a big impact on your Dad's medical treatment.

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The FIRST and MOST IMPORTANT thing you should do is move in your fathers room. Request a extra bed or a chair that expands in a bed be moved into the room. You and other family members should work out a schedule to be with your dad 24/7.


Second is keep notes. Be present for all visits from the Doctors, ask questions and write it down. Talk to the nurses and enlist their help with your fathers care. Remind them of procedures that have been ordered and when it is scheduled.


This is absolutely the key to it all. I have had both of my parents in the hospital this year. My Mom was in for 4 weeks, the end of February thru most of March for surgery and recovery, my Dad broke his leg (the one with the replacement hip no less) and was in the hospital for 5 weeks for reconstructive surgery and physical therapy and, while he was in there, my Mom collapsed with cardiac problems and spent the last two weeks of my Dads rehab in the cardiac wing of the same hospital. My Mom is now scheduled for a pacemaker later this year.


Thank God I don't have a "Real Job" anymore as I was able to be with my parents almost constantly. One of my two brothers was also on hand to fill in as needed. Between us and a few other family members, we were pretty much there 24/7. The staff did a pretty good job most of the time, but there were periods where they were certainly overwhelmed. Part of the problem also lies with the patient, especially those with an independent mind set who don't like asking for help. The Nurses will make their rounds, ask if the patient needs anything, the patient will say "No I'm OK for now", and the nurse will go off to see their other patients. Five minutes later, the patient needs something and the nurse is only 90 minutes away! Being there, allows you to take care of the immediate needs, make sure they are fed, and eat what they are fed, and don't eat what they aren't supposed to eat. My Mom was scheduled for surgery, nothing by mouth except ice chips, and the kitchen staff brought her eggs and toast for breakfast. Had she eaten that, they would not have been able to do the surgery and everything would have needed to be rescheduled.


Most hospitals and their Doctors and Staff, especially the nurses, try to do the right thing. But it is a giant whirlwind of paper, proceedures, disconnected departments, and chaos. The patient, or thier family members, are the only ones who can keep it all straight. Being there can make all the difference in the world!


Continued prayers for you and your Dad.


Dogmeat Dad

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I have contacted her, and she is checking in to it. A lawyers probably not, we are not SUE people at all. But the State now, that is something I would do. I am a very happy person in most cases. But this really hurt me a great deal. Did you ever have this feeling of your heart hurting? I have twice in past three years, and this was one of them. My heart hurt and I felt so helpless. One of the comments made to me was his age.. geesh.. so a 92 year old deserves less why? I am considering a move back home to be there for him and to make sure he can stay home until the end. I have seen enough of our healthcare system to know I dont want him in it.


Whether or not you intend to sue, a letter from a lawfirm to the hospital will get their attention. This is difficult enough for your father with out mistakes by the staff.


I'm praying for you and your Dad.

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DJ, THIS is the time to turn OFF the NICE, and switch to the "B1tch" mode !!

Don't let those SOB's kill your DAD, they can and will. I have been where your are now with both of my folks.

Like you say, we did meet. Let me know if you would like me to meet you at the hosp, and I'll have a word or three with the staff ;)

Time for you to get "HARD" about this.



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Deja, I agree with Whiskey Girl. Contact a lawyer. Sometimes just a note will let them know that you are not to be triffled with. It is a big tough world out there and a lot of us have been sheltered from it. WE just have to learn to push back. Not nice, not fun, but that is the way of it, from my perch on the fence rail.

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Are u nuts?

Like I said above, watch Hospital, 1970s movie with Geo. C. Scott...sad thing about this movie is/was true. Hospitals have been the most dangerous place to be since ions ago.



and that i s all I am going to say on the subject. Don't even take away from the purpose of this thread.....the care or lack of that DV and dad are getting....PLEASE stay on the topic.



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My wife is a nurse with 44 years experience, not including training. She says that the attitude of most hospital staff and doctors towards an elderly patient is: "He has lived a long life. Let him go and concentrate on someone younger." Jeanie says that IF you stay right there and insist on proper treatment, they will give it. If you don't stay on their case, they will just blow off the patient and let them slip away. Part of this is due to understaffing by the hospital (trying to hold costs down) and part of it is due to the cost of medical care.

So, if you want to keep your dad going:


1) make sure that someone is keeping track of what treatment he is receiving, and what he needs, and make sure the two are the same;


2) A letter from an attorney to the hospital's manager asking why your dad was mistreated and demanding that from now on he receive proper and prompt care will work wonders, and is not that expensive;


3) If you can't be in the hospital all the time he is there, arrange for someone to visit daily;




4) Make sure that every one connected with your father question ANYTHING that they think is wrong, or that they do not understand and does not accept a brush-off.


Good Luck,


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I just brought my wife home from the hospital last night. 3 days because of a cross contamination of food. She's deathly allergic to shrimp. Her face was so swelled up that she looked like a Klingon. her hives look like welts. She has them over 40% of her body, fom head to feet. If I had beaten her, she couldn't have looked worse.... And a beating from me could be brutal.....lol Not her but you know what I am capable of doing with my background...

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Letters from lawyers are fine but they take days when you want results now. Hospitals have "House Managers" and they have a LOT of authorty. I have seen a House Manager override a doctor's order when they felt it was wrong. You can and should request to speak to the House Manager if you feel your father isn't getting the treatment he deserves.


I disagree with the "hard ass" approach. Many patients do not want to be in the hospital even though they are very sick. The last thing I needed when providing patient care was for the patient to be upset because a family member was upset and complaining.


The key here is to use the system to complain effectively.

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Are u nuts?

Like I said above, watch Hospital, 1970s movie with Geo. C. Scott...sad thing about this movie is/was true. Hospitals have been the most dangerous place to be since ions ago.



and that i s all I am going to say on the subject. Don't even take away from the purpose of this thread.....the care or lack of that DV and dad are getting....PLEASE stay on the topic.




Dang Curley, looks like ya got ur panties in a wad or sumptin. Chill out man.

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The only thing I can add is that Hospitals have more nasty contagious germs than a Kindergarten class!

Staph infections are everywhere, the recycled air pulls rhino viruses from one room into others! etc.


If you wannt GET sick, go to a hospital!


I was in the waiting room, awaiting the birth of my first grandchild, on Saturday. By Monday I had a horrible head cold and sinus infection. I have NEVER had a sinus infection. Coincidence? I don't believe in them. And no one lese I know has what I picked up there!


When you stick around a hospital, try to get and wear one of those filter masks. You may LOOK funny, but at least you might not get sick!




My dad was hospitalized with a minor thing, developed a MAJOR staph infection and TWICE we/they nearly lost him. His 2 day stay ran to 6 weeks! Never were we so happy as the day he left "the germ farm" and returned to "home sweet home".



Deja, don't let them get away with it!It makes no difference if he is 92 or 32. EVERYONE deserves prompt and correct medical attention, and no one should stand for 1% less than the very best care possible!


I know you said you don't SUE, but letters from attornies get attention.. every time!


You FIGHT for him, while WE pray for him!



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I am going to suggest you do everything possible with the patient advocate office before you get a lawyer. I have see it occur that a letter from a lawyer triggers a fear of a malpractice claim and it can make it really hard to get another doctor to take over care.


Prayers for your father and for this situation to be resolved>

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prayers up and good luck hunny

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Deja.... my prayers are with you and your dad. A few months ago my sister and I had a similar experience with our mom in the hospital. We determined that we were not going to leave her alone, so I took the night shift (sleeping? in a chair) and my sister took the day shift. I shudder to think what would have happened to her in the night if I hadn't been there. She was so disoriented that she kept trying to get out of bed and was seeing things that weren't there. As soon as she was able to come home we whisked her out of there - and this was a pretty good hospital, too! You did the right thing...we questioned and prodded and kept after the staff. They cared, but there were so many patients that they were running all the time. I'm not looking forward to the mess to come if the new "care" goes into effect.



Miss Cubbie

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I am sorry that your father had such a tough time recently, but maybe I can share some light on some of your observations and complaints. If your father had impaired kidney function, the physician would have not wanted to order a CAT scan with IV contrast as that could send him into renal failure. Also by Federal law, a physician has to write an order for a patient to be admitted to a hospital and a physician must make a hospital visit to that patient every 24 hours. Some physician knew that you father was in the hospital and that physician should have been available to answer your questions as to what was going on with your dad. It is good to be proactive when you are your family is hospitalized, but it is not the responsibility of the nurse to keep you informed. Contrary to an earlier post, the nurses are not in charge of patient's care in the hospital, but they are integral in the course of care. I hope that he makes a full recovery.

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