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OK guys... we're not that bad are we?

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... exactly right ... at a raised volume, including certain Anglo-Saxon labiodental fricatives ...  ;)

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4 hours ago, Linn Keller, SASS 27332, BOLD 103 said:

... and this is why we have safety briefs ...


    .... "safety briefs" ....... is what we have to change just after performing/witnessing such incidents ........ often urgently ...  :blush:

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Idiots are not the only ones who get injured.  Safety seems so obvious, but it is not always so.  Things can seem perfectly safe, but have hidden hazards that nobody would anticipate -- many times even experienced people get nasty surprises from things they've done routinely. 


A habit I've acquired is to go onto the Internet and search/read about accidents that have occurred with tools and equipment that I use.  The OSHA sites pop up with some surprising, but awful accidents that I'm glad to be made aware of. 


For example the 60 cycle per second semi-pulsation of an older single-tube fluorescent light strobed a 60 RPM 18" swing vertical lathe flat still.  The operator stuck his hand into the giant chuck - lost his lower arm. 


Or a worker was finish-polishing a cylindrical wooden spindle on a lathe in a furniture factory, using high speed and too long of a sanding strip.  It wrapped his hand, twisting it off. 


Or the diesel engine of a front-entry skid-steer died from hot intake gasses while pushing logs up onto a burn pile, with no fast way out for the operator.  The operator perished. 

(Reading that, I removed the rear windows from my front entry equipment that I use for managing burn piles. )


Pretty much every tool or equipment type has its own list of fatal or disabling accidents. 

It isn't pleasant reading, but there's a lot of value in being aware.  





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I really like the 5 guys working on the power pole, that shows real team work and dedication. I really would have liked to see a video of them climbing over each other to get to the top. Hope the guy on top remembered all the tools he needed before he headed up !

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12 hours ago, Oak Ridge Regulator said:

Wonder if the guy with the chainsaw had anyone holding his beer


The guy pulling on the rope to keep the tree from falling is holding it.:lol:

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