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Breakfast steak


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Is this a normal phrase up north?


There is an author. He has several dozen books. I suspect he comes from Pennsylvania. Many of his books take place in and around Philadelphia. Many others of his books that are not taking place up there have characters from there.


Quite frequently in his books his characters will be in the restaurant ordering breakfast.


"Breakfast steak, pink in the middle, eggs yada yada yada."


Occasionally, but nowhere near as often as breakfast, they will be getting lunch, and they will order a luncheon steak.


We don't have breakfast steaks or luncheon steaks down here. We know, for example, that if you go to Waffle House and order steak and eggs, the t-bone that arrives with your order (and yes, the Awful Waffle gives you a t-bone for steak and eggs) will be maybe 3/8 of an inch thick, while pretty much anywhere you go and get a t-bone for supper it's going to be at least three quarters and maybe a full inch, or thicker. So yes, there is breakfast date and there is supper steak, and the steak you get when you order steak at lunch time is normally as thick as a supper steak but it's nowhere near as big - maybe 6 ounces instead of 14.


But we never ask for that. Until I started reading his books I never heard of a breakfast steak. You just order "steak and eggs" and you get what they bring you.


So, this is my question. Is "breakfast steak" a normal term up in the Frozen Northland? Also, do people not know what medium rare is and have to specify "pink in the middle"? :lol:

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I have heard the term “breakfast steak” everywhere I have lived, even as a kid. 


I have seen it on menus all across the country. 


It seems that it’s usually a thin sirloin so it can be grilled quickly. 

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Schoolmarm bought a pack of nice breakfast steaks at the local grocery here in Middle Tennessee last week!


I see it on menus around here all the time.  You can throw a couple on a hot griddle or in a hot skillet and flip ‘em after a minute and they’ll be medium rare about half a minute later!!


Fabulous on a hot biscuit with some tomato and a little salt and pepper!!


When I was a kid, living in New Jersey, my grandma served ‘em with sautéed peppers and onions on toast for breakfast and lunch.



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I've heard the term breakfast steak, everywhere I've lived........... PA, IL, VA, MN, TX, NJ

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Mary and I went through a little town in Southern Iowa about lunch time. Had the luck to spot a doughnut shop that served a few item.  They had three small tables and a few stools along a bar.  Country fried steak sandwich was the day's lunch special.   It was HUGE.  Dinner plate size. We ate all we could and brought the rest home for another meal. Next trip through the little town we were licking our chops in anticipation of stopping again.  It was closed, out of business. 



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Never really heard anyone refer to a breakfast steak, breakfast sausage yea! A steak is a steak!!

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1 hour ago, Rye Miles #13621 said:

Never really heard anyone refer to a breakfast steak, breakfast sausage yea! A steak is a steak!!

About every place that serves breakfast down here has a breakfast steak and eggs opinion. Just usually a small steak - maybe 6 oz. Sometimes a porkchop and eggs. 

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14 minutes ago, Warden Callaway said:

About every place that serves breakfast down here has a breakfast steak and eggs opinion. Just usually a small steak - maybe 6 oz. Sometimes a porkchop and eggs. 

I never go out for breakfast maybe that’s why I haven’t heard the term used. 

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42 minutes ago, Warden Callaway said:

About every place that serves breakfast down here has a breakfast steak and eggs opinion.


Sometimes a porkchop and eggs.

Every place I eat down here has "steak and eggs" as one of the things on the breakfast menu. I've just never seen it referred to as "breakfast steak".


Coming through Kentucky one year I found a place that served pork tenderloin and eggs. Asking about it later I found out that was very common - in Kentucky.


58 minutes ago, Warden Callaway said:

Next trip through the little town we were licking our chops in anticipation of stopping again.  It was closed, out of business.

Going north one year we were driving through Watseka Indiana. Almost to the Illinois state line. And I was telling all my passengers about the restaurant we were going to stop at for lunch. And how good the food was. And how they were going to be eating till they could almost burst because it was that good and it smelled that good and you couldn't help it. And it was up here around the bend. Right up there by the stoplight. That green building with the GREAT BIG BLACK HOLE IN THE ROOF??


Fire in the kitchen about 3 months earlier. So we ate at McDonald's.

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2 hours ago, Alpo said:

You above the Macon/Dixie line? Does it snow where you is?

I am about 10 miles below the M-D Line. It does snow here. Not a lot. 

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1 hour ago, Pat Riot said:

I am about 10 miles below the M-D Line. It does snow here. Not a lot. 

Unless you moved quite a bit South recently, you have the wrong MD line in mind.


You might be thinking of the Mason-Dixon, which is that surveyin' line up there someres around Maryland and West, by God, Virginia.


When Rolan Kraps was courtin' Bea Itchin', her Mama referred to him as a Yankee. He protested, saying that he lived in the Atlanta area. She explained that Atlanta was quite a bit north of the Macon Dixie line (Macon being in the southern part of the state).


But actually I was replying to the Marshall, who said he did not live in the Frozen Northland. I'm pretty certain that he's in New Hampshire, which is almost as far north as you can go and still be in the US of A.


But then you had the audacity to reply after him but before I posted back to him, so it looked like I was talking to you. :P

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I Ben all over the country and haven’t head term” breakfast Steak. It’s always been steak and Eggs. 

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47 minutes ago, Alpo said:

But then you had the audacity to reply after him but before I posted back to him, so it looked like I was talking to you. :P

Audacity? :lol:

Your post was after mine. Perhaps using his name or quoting his post would have made it clear. ;)

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Did anybody go look at Father Kit's link?


I finally found their prices. $100 a pound. 2 pounds of sirloin, a pound and a half of t-bone, and a half pound of filet mignon. $399.95.

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2 hours ago, Alpo said:



But actually I was replying to the Marshall, who said he did not live in the Frozen Northland. I'm pretty certain that he's in New Hampshire, which is almost as far north as you can go and still be in the US of A.


Yes pretty far north but Minnesota and westward are farther north by a good bit.

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16 minutes ago, Marshal Mo Hare, SASS #45984 said:

Yes pretty far north but Minnesota and westward are farther north by a good bit.


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Up here we order it "like this Steak & eggs ... Pink in center & eggs hard... pan fried potatoes,,, ( not Hash Browns ) Sourdough Bread Toasted ... Coffee Black...


Jabez Cowboy

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I can’t remember the last time I had steak and eggs for breakfast! Now I got a serious craving for a steak and eggs breakfast!:P

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Denny's doesn't even say "breakfast steak"

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2 hours ago, Rye Miles #13621 said:

I can’t remember the last time I had steak and eggs for breakfast! Now I got a serious craving for a steak and eggs breakfast!:P

Great minds…

I am going to settle for a hamburger. No steaks in the cooler. ;)

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We don't do steaks for our monthly lodge breakfast, but we do provide Artery Assassins™
These start out as biscuits 'n gravy, with a quart of half-half in the gravy, plus ground in sausage.
The biscuits are drenched in melted butter, then warmed 30 seconds in the microwave before going to the egg chef.
He loads 'em up with ground cheese, peppers, onions, ground sausage and tops 'em with eggs or scrambled eggs.

A full order is a "Full Ass" or "Big Ass" and two biscuits, four halves.
A "Half Ass" is a single biscuit.

These are very popular.

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Do you happen to see that warning notice about the eggs, there at the Denny's site?




Will only be served upon the customer's request.


I thought that's what placing the order was - my request.


"I'll have a short stack and two eggs over easy."


You suppose you have to get down on your knees and beg to get non-cooked-to-death eggs?

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21 minutes ago, Alpo said:

Do you happen to see that warning notice about the eggs, there at the Denny's site?




Will only be served upon the customer's request.


I thought that's what placing the order was - my request.


"I'll have a short stack and two eggs over easy."


You suppose you have to get down on your knees and beg to get non-cooked-to-death eggs?

Must be their lawyers!

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9 hours ago, Rye Miles #13621 said:

I can’t remember the last time I had steak and eggs for breakfast! Now I got a serious craving for a steak and eggs breakfast!:P


On a related note, chew that steak well.


We had a "men's breakfast" Saturday mornings once monthly at my church for several years. Fun, and it got guys in who were members but seldom attended services-- a familiar situation.


A couple times per year were steak and eggs, instead of the usual bacon or sausage. One time, a heavyset gent began to choke on his steak; his breathing stopped, he stood up, and his tablemates called for help. I was the only one big enough to get my arms totally around him. Did the Heimlich maneuver. It worked; steak popped out.


I had to do the maneuver one other time; a lady choking at a restaurant. It worked then, too.


So chew the steak well. And learn the Heimlich thing. It works.

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I've always heard it "steak and eggs". One time my dad (not breakfast) ordered a chicken fried steak. Usually they are on the thinner side and sometimes have that perforated tenderizing done to them. When they brought my dads it was a thick nice looking steak but chicken fried. Never saw one like that before. 

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45 minutes ago, Smokin Gator SASS #29736 said:

I've always heard it "steak and eggs". One time my dad (not breakfast) ordered a chicken fried steak. Usually they are on the thinner side and sometimes have that perforated tenderizing done to them. When they brought my dads it was a thick nice looking steak but chicken fried. Never saw one like that before. 

Me neither! :o

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