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John Wayne was he too stiff necked?

Mezcal Charlie

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5 hours ago, The Shoer 27979 said:

John wayne was 4f because of a football injury


I heard he had a deferment from people who worked in hollywood between the 50s-70s… none of them knew the precise reason.

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OMG!!!!!!  "BREAKING NEWS: JOHN WAYNE WAS NOT PERFECT"   And who was perfect?  Does anybody know someone who was "perfect?"

Was he a good father?  All his children seem to think so.  He had multiple marriages.  So what.  Did he make great movies about WWII to try to bring Americans to support the war effort?  YES!  Was he pro America, not anti America?  YES!  Why he didn't serve in WWII has been beaten to death by the "media" people and never proven that he didn't try to enlist.  

If any of you don't like his movies, don't watch them.

If you personally don't like him, that's your business.


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17 hours ago, Smuteye John SASS#24774 said:

Let's not even mention Bugs and Daffy.:o

I’m afraid that footage showing both Daffy and Bugs in drag has come to light. Apparently they were dressing that way for years. 



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There's a centuries-old saying: "comparisons are odious". Essentially it means that they are meaningless.


Take the comparison of Wayne and Jimmy Stewart that started this thread. We only know of these two men because they were movie stars; in lots of 'major motion pictures' of their time. Nobody would have ever compared them otherwise, because nobody would have heard of them.


The only real comparison, then, if any, is as actors. Each has strengths and weaknesses. You wouldn't even compare them even then, had they not both been prominent in Westerns.


To compare their personal characters and conduct outside of movies makes no sense at all. 

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Thank you to all who posted. My wife had a procedure this morning (why I couldn’t sleep) and this thread kept me occupied. Debate always distracts me and made the morning easier. Results came back negative so it’s a good day. 

I hope I didn’t stir up anyone too bad. He is an icon. Not for his personal life but for the body of his work. I don’t care about his personal life and will continue to enjoy his movies. I just wanted to poke the bear. 

Again, thanks for the distraction. Oh, and no did say a bad word about Ted Williams. 



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3 hours ago, Mezcal Charlie said:

Thank you to all who posted. My wife had a procedure this morning (why I couldn’t sleep) and this thread kept me occupied. Debate always distracts me and made the morning easier. Results came back negative so it’s a good day. 

I hope I didn’t stir up anyone too bad. He is an icon. Not for his personal life but for the body of his work. I don’t care about his personal life and will continue to enjoy his movies. I just wanted to poke the bear. 

Again, thanks for the distraction. Oh, and no did say a bad word about Ted Williams. 



I once saw a documentary about Ted Williams with many interviews with him in later life. Based on his own his words, I doubt I’d have cared for him personally. 

Having said that, I admire his accomplishments and I don’t see any contradiction in that. 

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3 hours ago, Hardpan Curmudgeon SASS #8967 said:

This has been one of the oddest discussions I've seen here in a looong time....  :mellow:


Yeah, but at least we ain't talking rank points or adding categories or more rules fer once. ;)

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11 hours ago, Mezcal Charlie said:

Thank you to all who posted. My wife had a procedure this morning (why I couldn’t sleep) and this thread kept me occupied. Debate always distracts me and made the morning easier. Results came back negative so it’s a good day. 

I hope I didn’t stir up anyone too bad. He is an icon. Not for his personal life but for the body of his work. I don’t care about his personal life and will continue to enjoy his movies. I just wanted to poke the bear. 

Again, thanks for the distraction. Oh, and no did say a bad word about Ted Williams. 



One of my favorite stories about Ted Williams is when a reporter was interviewing him after he retired, the reporter asked,"How well do you think you would do against today's pitchers?" Ted said, "I'd probably come close to .300."

The reporter was surprised and said, "Really?"

Ted said, "Well I am 70 yrs old!!

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11 hours ago, Abilene Slim SASS 81783 said:

I once saw a documentary about Ted Williams with many interviews with him in later life. Based on his own his words, I doubt I’d have cared for him personally. 

Having said that, I admire his accomplishments and I don’t see any contradiction in that. 

No, he wasn’t necessarily the most personable of guys. But he was a great athlete and, in my humble opinion and simpleton understanding of baseball, would have been the greatest player in the game had it not been for WWII and Korea. 

Even though he could have gotten the

2-A waiver, he enlisted and was a hell of a pilot. I am always impressed with sacrifice for country and I am impressed with pilots. He missed his best years and when the Korean War came, he went again. 

War hero, and in my book anyone who went is a hero. Not everyone is Audie Murphy but risking all for country means a lot. Athlete, outdoorsman and I’ve never read that he beat his dog or his wife. The only downside I see was the Ted Williams guns left something to be desired. 

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18 hours ago, Lone Spur Jake SASS #7728 said:

…  Does anybody know someone who was "perfect?"...


I know of one.  The Political leaders had Him crucified. 

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On 8/23/2023 at 1:43 AM, Hardpan Curmudgeon SASS #8967 said:

This has been one of the oddest discussions I've seen here in a looong time....  :mellow:


even odder = Alpo didn’t start it

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FYI John Wayne has been dead for 45 years.  No one really gives a crap anymore.  This thread is right up there with "What would have happened if Custer had taken a Gatling gun to the Little Big Horn."

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48 minutes ago, Larsen E. Pettifogger, SASS #32933 said:

FYI John Wayne has been dead for 45 years.  No one really gives a crap anymore.  This thread is right up there with "What would have happened if Custer had taken a Gatling gun to the Little Big Horn."


Duh...the Indians would have had a Gatling Gun...

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This is an interesting topic on a broad scale.


What talents or achievement are outweighed or outweigh precieved or real wrong doing.


Then there are some that do some great things and are very talented.


One example comes to mind is Steve Buscemi 


Accomplished actor and on 9/11 he went to his old latter house, put on gear and started sifting thru the ruble on rescue efforts....he did not advertise this.


Example the other way is Ferdinand Porsche designing the Beetle for Adolf Hitler...loius Vutton making there uniforms, Mercedes-Benz giving them cars...BMW making war machines...Bayer Asprin supporting them....freaking mess.


I try very hard to enjoy entertainers for there entertainment.


Hollywood is a place now that is becoming hard to support in anyway

 and I don't really spend money with them anymore than I have to.


But the real truth as to this argument is when you start to dig into anyone from our countries past you have to set a big bottle of salt on the research and just know you may find things that are unsettling.


Companies and individuals that owned slaves

Severe misogyny 

Marriage of 12-13 year olds.

And several other behaviors that are not proper today.


I'll just put it to this. 


A man's shortcomings do not lesson his achievements....but they most certainly give you the right to not praise them or even acknowledge them.


John Wayne was a favorite of my dads...real fan.


He knew nothing about the Man, Just the Duke...same for me.


I was raised to have real people in my own life be my heros and to see men that bettered the world as idols.




Founding fathers(and we know they aren't squeky clean)


There are people that cross both lines.


Keanu Reaves seems like a model citizen, a gun guy, extreamy generous and by EVERY ACCOUNT a humble and caring man...still not my hero or an idol.


Jim Carey has become a left wing nut....still hilarious. 


John Stewart is a left wing mouthpiece...isn't that funny...I no longer give him the time of day.


If we look to modern people to make heros, look to scholars and political TRUTH tellers.


Thomas Sowell

Jordan Peterson

Robert Kennedy Jr (I know, democrat, but at least a JFK style)

I've recently started to really really like Vivek Ramaswany


And while it may be a funny thought.... a super important effort has been made by Joe Rogan to circumvent mainstream media that is bought and paid for.


Geeez...sorry, just realized I blacked out and started rambling....im done lol

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3 hours ago, Cypress Sun said:


Duh...the Indians would have had a Gatling Gun...



'Cause Autie Custer had already moved from cocky to terminally stupid without it and having the Gatlings would have only made him more aggressive in a situation where being neither seen nor heard was the best move.

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On 8/22/2023 at 3:42 PM, Widder, SASS #59054 said:

WOW.... I'm just glad nobody has brought up the atrocities of Mickie Mouse and Superman.





And Mighty Mouse was an alleged cocaine addict.



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44 minutes ago, Dirty Dan Dawkins said:

A great mind indeed...

I don't wanna hijack this thread about my ideas on the subject.


But in today's world he is probably the closest thing to a true leader in the black community....unfortunately because of Democrat brainwashing black people don't listen to him.


His talks on the history of slavery are amazing

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