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Best College Mascot

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Another thread got me to thinking and because I didn't want to steal the thread about Frank Eaton, I thought I would start this one.


Anyhow, although I am a Tennessee Vol, I think the best mascot in all of College footbaal is:


The Seminole indian riding out on his horse and plunging that spear in the ground. That IS neat.






+100 (and Buick iz an FSU fan, so we watch em whenever we kin....)


How about Ralphie, the live buffalo (ok, bison) at the University of Colorado?


Ralphie started appearing at games in the 1960's. The song, "What's It All About, Ralphie" was popular. And the sound a buffalo makes when muzzled sounds like "ralph", so the name stuck.


Ralphie's wranglers get a workout, as you can see:




(BS degree, CU, 1967)


How bout Billy?


Bill the Goat is the mascot of the United States Naval Academy. The mascot is a live goat and is also represented by a costumed midshipman. There is also a bronze statue of the goat just inside Gate 1, the main gate to the Academy grounds. This statue also plays a role in "Army Week" traditions.

The Navy Monkey (which was really a gorilla) was the first mascot. It was the favorite animal of U.S. Secretary of the Navy George Bancroft, who established the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis in 1845 during the administration of President James K. Polk. Bancroft's favorite animal, the monkey stayed the primary mascot -- along with a cat -- from 1847 to 1851. The first Bill the Goat appeared in 1893. Currently, Bill XXXIII reigns as the 36th mascot and is the 33rd goat to be named Bill. His backup is Bill XXXIV.


I'm gonna say not the Buckeye from The Ohio State University. (eyeroll) Or the Battling Bishop of my alma mater, Ohio Wesleyan Univ. Although, he may be a bit better than a Quaker from Wilmington College.


Coolest? Maybe the Mountaineer from WVU?


I love college sports ! And enjoy seeing the various mascots. BUT if you truly want an experience of a lifetime, stop by the LSU campus in Baton Rouge and visit MIKE The Tiger in his pallatial resort accommodations totally funded by the Tiger Faithful. You will never forget it !

2 Gunz

Geaux Tigers


I'm gonna say not the Buckeye from The Ohio State University. (eyeroll) Or the Battling Bishop of my alma mater, Ohio Wesleyan Univ. Although, he may be a bit better than a Quaker from Wilmington College.


Coolest? Maybe the Mountaineer from WVU?


Although the mascot for Tennessee is SMOKY, they also have a mountaineer dresses mascot that dresses like on Davy and even carriers his flintlock rifle. But he ain't the official mascot. He's more like a cheerleader type person.





How about Ralphie, the live buffalo (ok, bison) at the University of Colorado?


Ralphie started appearing at games in the 1960's. The song, "What's It All About, Ralphie" was popular. And the sound a buffalo makes when muzzled sounds like "ralph", so the name stuck.


Ralphie's wranglers get a workout, as you can see:




(BS degree, CU, 1967)


That name is Alfie. What's it all about, Alfie. From the movie, Alfie. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfie_%281966_film%29



Correct, Alpo. The students sang "Ralphie" so much I never made the switch!! :D


I'm going along with the MAJORITY of students at Ole Miss!! Bring back Col. Reb!! :angry:


(note my signature below)


Correct, Alpo. The students sang "Ralphie" so much I never made the switch!! :D


Makes perfect sense. My 6th grade teacher's name was Mr. Pettis. We used to sing, to the Nestles Quik jingle - P E T - T I S, Pettis is the very best - Teeeaaaaa-chuuuuuuure. :D


Wellll Coming from Cali, we have some, well, different ones..........................


The UC Irvine Anteaters Originally started as a joke that never went away.


The US Santa Cruz Banana Slugs another joke gone on way too long and of course


The Stanford Trees


Have fun with this!!!


Hutto Hippos.


Oops, my bad, they are a high school team. Never the less, a cool and original mascot with the kind of big local following that you will only find with Texas Football.


Chosen as the best live college mascot in 2012, the most recent years I could find, two, count 'em, two, live lions, male and female housed in a habitat on campus. I graduated from UNA when Leo I was one year old.




Most awe inspiring thing I've ever seen at a sporting event is watching the eagle circle Jordan-Hare Stadium and land at the 50 yard line. Ain't nothing like it. It'll give you chills.


I'd vote for Oseola and Renegade down at FSU in a close second.




UAB Blazers......Stylish and warm...what more could you ask for....


I'm going along with the MAJORITY of students at Ole Miss!! Bring back Col. Reb!! :angry:


(note my signature below)

Bless your soul! Four generations of my family have graduated from Ole Miss and this bear mascot is ridiculous.


Well, all submitted are cool in their own way but the hands down winners are the schools of the



"Honor To Whom Honor Due"


Most awe inspiring thing I've ever seen at a sporting event is watching the eagle circle Jordan-Hare Stadium and land at the 50 yard line. Ain't nothing like it. It'll give you chills.


I'd vote for Oseola and Renegade down at FSU in a close second.


Sounds awesome indeed.


The best performance by a human I've ever see is watching Tommy Trojan riding into the Los Angeles Coliseum astride Traveler. He circles the field a couple of times then rides out to the center of the 50 yard line, jumps off and plunges his sword into the center of the field.


Uno and I attended the Stanford game one year. The Tree tried to spook Traveler as he was circling the field. The Tree got a little too close and was knocked over. They actually had to call medics to cart the Tree away. Once they removed the "hood" they found out the Tree was a petite girl. All in the stadium cheered when the girl waved to let everyone know she was conscious.


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