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Westboro Baptist Church Goes To Mississippi – And Loses

T. H. O' Sullivan

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I have to say that I deplore wanton violence such as described in that article.



On the other hand...is anyone deserves a beating, those thugs would be very high on the list


I'm not a fan of beating up the guy, but I do like how the rest of the event was handled.


I lived in Brandon, MS for four years and my younger daughter was born there. I can believe every bit of this article that things happened exactly as described.


On second thought, I have no problem with giving the guy a whooping. If he was just pumping gas, he could have stayed anonymous and been treated with friendly respect like everybody gets treated down there. For him to get a thumpin' meant that he shot his mouth off in some inappropriate fashion.


I have to say that I deplore wanton violence such as described in that article.




In the case of the Westboro folks, I hope we get many more opportunities to deplore wanton violence just like this.


In the case of the Westboro folks, I hope we get many more opportunities to deplore wanton violence just like this.

And all the people said "Amen!"


Violence is never the answer. Well, almost never... Ok, often times it not a good answer. Alright, these people need their butt kicked every time they show up to protest a military funeral.


Sounds like folks know how to stick together down there, good for them! ^_^


While I wholeheartedly agree that violence ain't always the answer, sometimes the most appropriate thing to do is open a can of whoopa**.. ;)


In the case of the westboro bunch, that proverbial can should have been opened a looong time ago!


Hopefully it will get opened again if need be..


Quite often a good a**kickin' will help build character! :D

Guest Tennessee Stud, SASS# 43634 Life

I have to say that I deplore wanton violence such as described in that article.


I have to say that I deploy wanton violence such as described in that article. (Many times in the past.)


By all means... and not pussy-footin' round it... would thoroughly enjoy it in such a case as described.




From the way the large crowd that gathered couldn't remember any details, as per the article, I'd dare say the feller let his alligator mouth write a check that his hummingbird @$$ couldn't cash when called upon. He needs a history lesson, folks have ended up as gator poo in that state for WAY less than what he was doin'.


If he was hoping on some sympathy from the good folks over in Mississippi, mayhaps he shouldn't have come to town aiming to disrupt them honoring one of their own. :unsure:


I ain't one to say that violence is a credible answer to many problems but I also fully realize that sometimes you just run into folks that just flat out need a mud hole stomped in their behinds. Knowin' what I do about Phelps and his kin, I also sorta figger that it was LONG, LONG, LONG overdue.


This hateful Westboro bunch is said to be planning to protest Charlie Daniels one day show in Branson, MO on Thur. this week. Maybe they have decided disrupting military funerals is getting a little to chancy. FYO a counter protest is said to be in the works.


I really don't see the problem, here. Just give them a permit to stage a demonstration on the other side of town. Seriously. And if you really want to drive the point home, issue the permit for them to protest in front of the local sewage treatment plant. Again, seriously.


This hateful Westboro bunch is said to be planning to protest Charlie Daniels one day show in Branson, MO on Thur. this week. Maybe they have decided disrupting military funerals is getting a little to chancy. FYO a counter protest is said to be in the works.



I’m sure that Charley will have a few interesting things to say to those fools. He isn’t known for being exactly politically correct.

Maybe they should come to Pittsburgh this week instead, that would be even more interesting. Can you imagine what Uncle Ted would have to say to them, hell he would probably BBQ one of the rectal orifices


Those people are dispicable, unfortunately, I smell a law suit coming after that. that's how they support what they're doing :angry::blush:



Based on their track record, that was my very first thought. Then I thought again and asked, who are they gonna sue? They've got no idea who did any of this and no witnesses.


I really don't see the problem, here. Just give them a permit to stage a demonstration on the other side of town. Seriously. And if you really want to drive the point home, issue the permit for them to protest in front of the local sewage treatment plant. Again, seriously.


Having been involved in a case where a protest was handled sort of like that, I think they would have a good 1st amendment case unfortunately. :angry:


This hateful Westboro bunch is said to be planning to protest Charlie Daniels one day show in Branson, MO on Thur. this week. Maybe they have decided disrupting military funerals is getting a little to chancy. FYO a counter protest is said to be in the works.


Generally there are a lot more reasonably drunk fellers at a Charlie Daniels concert than a funeral.

I would advise against a protest there. :lol:


On second though...go ahead. :)


Skidmore, Missouri.

Folks just need another town meeting prior to Westboro arrival. :FlagAm:


The first amendment is a restriction on Congress... how can it be interpreted to allow indecency? (I know, I know. Just sayin'...)


Their stunts may go over in towns that are ardent believers in the rule of law, respectful of bogus judges and ACLU claims but please, why in the heck did they think the could pull that crap off in such a state as Mississippi?


Maybe they'll try rural Alabama next. I know, maybe they'll hit North Georgia. There's plenty of hill folk that would gladly end their shenanigans for good.


I don’t know any more about these oxygen thieves than I read online and hear on the news. But given their seething hatred for people who groove on their own genders, would it really come as a shock to people when the head guy croaks, they’ll find a tutu and ballet slippers in his size hidden in the back of his closet?


As much as I would like to give these Westboro folks a liberal application of mace, pepper spray or Taser, the sad part is they bring little kids along on these hate demonstrations. They get the little ones brainwashed at an early age and by the time they're seven or eight they already know how to waive signs condemning everyone and everything. The kids can't be blamed or attacked because of purely evil parents.


Yep, that's what I'm going to refer to this kind of behavior by the Westboro Baptist Church.....Evil.



Black Mesa Ranch

New Mexico


There's an old saying here in the South, which has even proved to be a valid legal defense:


"Some folks just need killing."


And, no, it was never presented that way in court, but it has surely been implied by many a defense attorney with positive results.


I don’t know any more about these oxygen thieves than I read online and hear on the news. But given their seething hatred for people who groove on their own genders, would it really come as a shock to people when the head guy croaks, they’ll find a tutu and ballet slippers in his size hidden in the back of his closet?


My theory as well. ;)


I don’t know any more about these oxygen thieves than I read online and hear on the news. But given their seething hatred for people who groove on their own genders, would it really come as a shock to people when the head guy croaks, they’ll find a tutu and ballet slippers in his size hidden in the back of his closet?

That's what I was thinkin', too. To quote the Bard, "Methinks, he doth protest too much!"

That's what I was thinkin', too. To quote the Bard, "Methinks, he doth protest too much!"
I worked with a guy like that many years ago when I was working for a newspaper. The guy had a hatred for gays that bordered on an insane rage. Used to talk about all the ways he should be legally allowed to harm them and how much they'll burn in hades for their evil, stuff like that. One night, he was off and one of the copy editors came running into the composing room with a huge smile, waving copy of an article one of the stringers wrote about a mass police bust of a well-known gay bar (the bust was for drugs, the type of bar wasn't why they raided the joint). Guess who resisted arrest when being carted out of the place? Yep, the same guy who hated gays so much. We had quite a long laugh over that. He came back to work the next day after making bail and wouldn't look anyone in the eye. He had to spend a week in the county lockup and quit soon afterward.

When the Westboro terrorists tried their stunt here in the Panhandle, the Patriot Guard did not let them get within shouting distance of the church or the interment.


Tarred, feathered and run out of town on a rail -- our ancestors had a better solution than we can get away with these days.


Not too long ago, WBC also tried a little stunt (protest) here in Houston at a museum I work at. They were gonna protest a veteran who was going to speak on the horrors inflicted by others on innocents that often accompany war.


They were legal with a permit alright....granted by the city...one that also keep them a minimum of 100 feet off of the museum property. Which meant across the street. Local Police and museum security were in place to curb any "cuteness" or encroachments by WBC and other more sane folks at hand.


Just as WBC member (maybe 6 or so) began starting they're little tirad and all....up roll The Patriot Guard on their Harleys right into the museum parking lot across from them. And everytime WBC started one of their chants or vile mouthings or sign waving....they'd get drown out by the roaring and rumbling thunder of the Harleys being revved up to max.


WBC packed up and left within 10 minutes of starting their little show. HPD did nothing to curb The Guard. Just stood there and grinned. ^_^ Atta' Boy, HPD!


Hats off to The Guard!


Made my heart just plum swell up with pride. ;)


And everytime WBC started one of their chants or vile mouthings or sign waving....they'd get drown out by the roaring and rumbling thunder of the Harleys being revved up to max.



I hope they had the exhaust pipes pointed right at them.


I wud like to see a lawsuit to make them remove "Baptist" from their use! I taint gotta say anymore bout thit!


I like that town!!!


If we wernt so PC things cud be handled without all the hubub!




I wud like to see a lawsuit to make them remove "Baptist" from their use! I taint gotta say anymore bout thit!


I like that town!!!


If we wernt so PC things cud be handled without all the hubub!



Me too, but the problem is there really isn't such thing as governing bodies (much less only ONE) when you are dealing with Baptists. Baptists are the polar opposite of the Roman Catholic Church organizationally speaking. Roman Catholics have got a clear chain of command from the pulpit of the local church right up to the Pope (and supposedly from him to the Almighty Himself). In comparison, Baptists exist in could be interpreted as utter chaos. In a Baptist church, the church itself is a self contained, independent entity that's accountable to no one but the membership and God himself. If the congregation wants to get rid of a minister, they call a vote- not the Bishop, Archbishop, Cardinal or anybody else- and vote him out. Membership in the local Baptist association of churches is voluntary, as is membership to ANY of the national or international organizations like the Southern Baptist Convention. All you can really do is just disclaim any association with them. ANYBODY can hang a shingle outside a building and call it a Baptist church like Phelps and his kin did.


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