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Prayers needed//See Good News

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Big John Denny is going in for angeoplasty tomorrow (Friday) morning. I will post the results as soon as I hear from John tomorrow..


Lets get needed prayers up.



Guest Joe West, SASS#1532 L Regulator

Prayers up for one of the best pards ever.



Payers up for all cowboys listed and unlisted!

Thank you all for praying for my pardner. You just never know when it may be you.

I am sure glad this forum allows this type of communication among Gods people (cowboys) and the little ladies too

Vance :rolleyes:


BJD introducing himself to a new posse and about to read the stage instructions on the first stage: "Now, if you're not a spotter but you happen to see a miss, just raise your hand...................and place it over your mouth."


I'll be thinking of you Big John.


May the healing hand of the Lord be on our Pard tomorrow!




Thanks M.R.D. I'll send word ta' the man upstairs fer him.


Prayers up from Texas.


Prayers up from here in the Northwest.


Prayers headed his way from Dakota Skipper & Prairie Dawg


Prayers Up for BIG JOHN, Best Wishes for a Speedy and FULL Recovery. Ron

Big John Denny is going in for angeoplasty tomorrow (Friday) morning. I will post the results as soon as I hear from John tomorrow..


Lets get needed prayers up.




Prayers up for one of the good guys!! Big John is one of those dedicated people who keep this game going. I haven't been as active in SASS as I have wanted to be, or thought I would be, but when I CAN make it to a shoot, I always ask to be on Big John's posse. He's a lot of fun.


Ornery Cuss


Prayers up for Big John.


Thanks, McKenzie, for passing the news along!


Prayers are on the way for Big John Denny.


S. Cain


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