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11 minutes ago, Black Angus McPherson said:


Hmmmm, that LOOKS like English..... sort of.   I wonder what it means.

Anybody not white is allowed.

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43 minutes ago, Black Angus McPherson said:


Hmmmm, that LOOKS like English..... sort of.   I wonder what it means.


26 minutes ago, Alpo said:

Anybody not white is allowed.

Not quite. No white male heterosexauls allowed. That way they include everybody. Except the people that actually accomplish anything.

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30 minutes ago, Alpo said:

Anybody not white is allowed.

Oh yea white transsexuals, homosexuals and non binary are allowed!

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When the Chargers left for L.A. we pretty much gave up on NFL football. My wife and I had season tickets for 20 or so years and enjoyed tailgate parties at the Murph. Tailgating in the RV on game day made it even better. We will watch the Super Bowl and have family over for a big meal but we’re just not the fans that we once were. I doubt San Diego will ever have an NFL team in my lifetime.

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1 hour ago, Creeker, SASS #43022 said:

Not in the mood to scream into the abyss today.


Shouldn't you be practicing...you know...to win multiple World Championships and all.:rolleyes:

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Stop watching the NFL when they didn't kick Colon Crapernik out of the NFL for life.

Take a "knee" against the people and country who gave him everything he needed to make millions of dollars playing football? 

And the NFL just kept pushing the DEI crap on all the American people who built the NFL into a "non-profit" organization?

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7 hours ago, Black Angus McPherson said:


Hmmmm, that LOOKS like English..... sort of.   I wonder what it means.


Straight white man bad.  We hire based only on the basis of race and gender identity, ability doesn't matter.

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5 hours ago, Yul Lose said:

When the Chargers left for L.A. we pretty much gave up on NFL football. My wife and I had season tickets for 20 or so years and enjoyed tailgate parties at the Murph. Tailgating in the RV on game day made it even better. We will watch the Super Bowl and have family over for a big meal but we’re just not the fans that we once were. I doubt San Diego will ever have an NFL team in my lifetime.


I was irked, but then thought that they were returning to Los Angeles.

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12 hours ago, Gateway Kid SASS# 70038 Life said:

Actually, yes I have written the NFL directly. Got a nice email form letter thanking me for my interest in professional football and my concerns. The email went on to tell me that pro sports figures were people too and allowed to express themselves as they saw fit and the NFL was merely recognizing their constitutional rights. Same letter to my hometown Broncos and virtually the same (practically word for word) response. I had been a Broncos fan since ‘72 but as we all know fans don’t really count except as a revenue stream. As far as college football goes it has never really been high on my radar so not watching it wasn’t much of a change anyway. 


:FlagAm:  :FlagAm:  :FlagAm:

Gateway Kid


Good!   One of the ~0.001%, if that many.


I got the form letter, then responded that they lied and pointed out the times that the NFL fined, or threaten to fine, players and teams for supporting police, or Christian business owners.  Didn't get a response to that.

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As one that was a huge football fan, Cowboys and Bears. Either attending or watching on TV. We rarely missed a game. But when the kneeling started it became a touch and go watching here and there. But when they began playing the Black Anthem, which in my opinion is dividing patriotism. First it was aired, then played during commercial break, but it was still there. I gave the game up completely.

Sometimes you have to take a stand and stand for what is right and not waver in your beliefs, so me and the wife took the stand not to watch any Pro Football ever. We now go to local High Schools and watch and support them rather then the advertisers of the Pro Games.


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56 minutes ago, Marshal Dan Troop 70448 said:

But when the kneeling started it became a touch and go watching here and there. But when they began playing the Black Anthem, which in my opinion is dividing patriotism.

This seems to be a common theme. What I can't understand about the league, (or Disney et al), is why they continue to do this. It HAS to have hurt them financially. Are there so many sports fans out there that are more into sports than the things that make this country great? 

My Father was a HUGE sports fan. He watched so much sports that it drove me away from it. But I can't imagine that he would keep watching through all this. 

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1 hour ago, Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770 said:

This seems to be a common theme. What I can't understand about the league, (or Disney et al), is why they continue to do this. It HAS to have hurt them financially. Are there so many sports fans out there that are more into sports than the things that make this country great? 

My Father was a HUGE sports fan. He watched so much sports that it drove me away from it. But I can't imagine that he would keep watching through all this. 

I've seen quite a few games this year and I've yet to see anyone kneel during the National Anthem. They quit doing that a couple years ago.

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10 minutes ago, Rye Miles #13621 said:

I've seen quite a few games this year and I've yet to see anyone kneel during the National Anthem. They quit doing that a couple yaers ago.

No, but the Black National Anthem is played still at all NFL games. Its played before the National Anthem so most viewers on TV are unaware of this still happening. 

All this does is divide us and remind us rather then unite us as Americans.

By the way its spelled "years" rather then "yaers", LOL.

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26 minutes ago, Marshal Dan Troop 70448 said:

No, but the Black National Anthem is played still at all NFL games. Its played before the National Anthem so most viewers on TV are unaware of this still happening. 

All this does is divide us and remind us rather then unite us as Americans.

By the way its spelled "years" rather then "yaers", LOL.

I don’t care if they play the supposedly black national anthem which isn’t an anthem at all. It’s a spiritual song. At least they’re not kneeling during the real anthem. I just enjoy a good football game period!

BTW thanks for the spelling error. I see it now!:P

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8 hours ago, Rye Miles #13621 said:

I've seen quite a few games this year and I've yet to see anyone kneel during the National Anthem. They quit doing that a couple years ago.

I suppose that it's not fashionable anymore, or perhaps been overdone to the point that it wouldn't make the headlines that the kneelers would like. Either way, (and once again, I have NO interest in football), the fact that the league allowed this to go on, did nothing to try to stop it, and not only did not denounce it but said that it was okay would be the reason I would continue to have a problem with them.

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4 minutes ago, Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770 said:

I suppose that it's not fashionable anymore, or perhaps been overdone to the point that it wouldn't make the headlines that the kneelers would like. Either way, (and once again, I have NO interest in football), the fact that the league allowed this to go on, did nothing to try to stop it, and not only did not denounce it but said that it was okay would be the reason I would continue to have a problem with them.

I think the league and many owners stopped players from the kneeling. That’s why we don’t see it anymore. I watched all the playoffs and there was no kneeling. I’m over it already. I didn’t like it when it was happening but it’s over. 

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2 minutes ago, Rye Miles #13621 said:

I think the league and many owners stopped players from the kneeling. That’s why we don’t see it anymore. I watched all the playoffs and there was no kneeling. I’m over it already. I didn’t like it when it was happening but it’s over. 

I seem to remember that the league said that it was okay and that most owners didn't want to get into it with their players. 

As for it being over, that may be, but unless and until the league itself, and every single one of those overpaid, spoiled and pampered jackasses stands up and makes an apology to the fans and the country that allowed the opportunity to make their millions playing a GAME for showing such disrespect to them and it, I won't be over IT. 

Since I'm not, never have been, and never will be a fan, I'm sure that my opinion means nothing to those who are, but that's my stance on the subject.   

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12 minutes ago, Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770 said:

I seem to remember that the league said that it was okay and that most owners didn't want to get into it with their players. 

As for it being over, that may be, but unless and until the league itself, and every single one of those overpaid, spoiled and pampered jackasses stands up and makes an apology to the fans and the country that allowed the opportunity to make their millions playing a GAME for showing such disrespect to them and it, I won't be over IT. 

Since I'm not, never have been, and never will be a fan, I'm sure that my opinion means nothing to those who are, but that's my stance on the subject.   

You have the right to watch or not. That’s just fine with me!  I also have a right to watch a good football game! Baseball is my # 1 favorite but football is a close second. I’m looking forward to a good battle of a game! 

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Grew up in the Chicago area and loved the Bears, but if the Bears weren't going anywhere then the Packers.  Watched every game I could.  Then moved to San Diego and now it's the 80's Chargers and got to go to games and tailgate party's.  

George Halas, one of the founders of the NFL, Vince Lombardi, Don Coryell, and all the other coaches and players who are not with us anymore are probably rolling over in their graves witnessing what the NFL has turned into. 

Very sad, very sad.


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What is this NFL you speak of? A super bowl is what I put my popcorn in so I have enough for the movie I am watching.



Seriously, I have never watched a entire NFL game or the Super Bowl.


The only time I have watched any football was when I was married and my father-in-law had it on at his house where we were spending the holiday.

I went to 2 football game parties in Alabama for colleges games at my friends house when I lived in Alabama.

Everybody was really into the football game, I was there for the food as I was single at that time.


I don't know who is playing in the Superbowl this year and could care less. However, I can say the same about profession basketball, hockey, the Olympics, Nascar , Soccer, college football and any other televised sport on TV. On occasion, I will follow the St. Louis Cardinal baseball to see how they are doing as part of my family follows them and I just need to be informed enough to not stick my foot in my mouth when attending family events.


I use to watch professorial wrestling with my son and have attended a dozen or so matches with him, but now that he is out on his own I have not watched it in the last couple years.

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On 2/1/2024 at 2:04 PM, Black Angus McPherson said:


"DEI"?  I have no idea what that is.  Does anyone care to fill me in?



DEI stands for Division Entitlement Indoctrination. It's a woke term used by the leftist liberals.

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32 minutes ago, Tex Wilson said:

DEI stands for Division Entitlement Indoctrination. It's a woke term used by the leftist liberals.

It stands for Diversity Equity Inclusion 

Yes a woke term used by leftists !

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25 minutes ago, Lone Spur Jake SASS #7728 said:

The only "Leftist", honest, hard working, law abiding American citizen I ever heard of was Rocky Balboa.

Am I missing something?

Stallone is an  antigun Hollyweird hypocrite! Rocky on the other hand was fake!:P

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1 hour ago, Tex Wilson said:

DEI stands for Division Entitlement Indoctrination. It's a woke term used by the leftist liberals.


1 hour ago, Rye Miles #13621 said:

It stands for Diversity Equity Inclusion 

Yes a woke term used by leftists !

As I said before, it means no white, heterosexual men.

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I will be watching with the misses.  I used to watch the Raiders & 49ers including preseason.  I favored the Raisers until Al Davis made them the LA traitors.  However, at one point in the late 90's I'd stress about the 49er's when watching their games.  So, I stopped watching the Raiders & 49er's games except for post season.  The misses still watches most games. 

P.S. My daughter has been a 49er's fanatic since Steve Young was the starting quarterback.  Her husband has been a big Raiders fan until the Raiders moved to Lost Wages.  Now that the both Oakland sports teams will both be in Vegas when the baseball venue is completed he lost any interest in the A's & Raiders.  He has forever boycotted the baseball & football teams across the bay.

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9 hours ago, J.D. Daily said:

I will be watching with the misses.  I used to watch the Raiders & 49ers including preseason.  I favored the Raisers until Al Davis made them the LA traitors.  However, at one point in the late 90's I'd stress about the 49er's when watching their games.  So, I stopped watching the Raiders & 49er's games except for post season.  The misses still watches most games. 

P.S. My daughter has been a 49er's fanatic since Steve Young was the starting quarterback.  Her husband has been a big Raiders fan until the Raiders moved to Lost Wages.  Now that the both Oakland sports teams will both be in Vegas when the baseball venue is completed he lost any interest in the A's & Raiders.  He has forever boycotted the baseball & football teams across the bay.

Enjoy the game!!Go Chiefs!

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