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If they are REAL serious.........

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Will they give up their money?


Washington    $1

Jackson      $20

Grant          $50


I doubt it.


Will they change their last names?

I doubt it.





Will the State of Washington, home of CHOP, be forced to change its name?

43 minutes ago, South-Eye Ned said:

Will the State of Washington, home of CHOP, be forced to change its name?

Columbus, Ohio is taking down the statue of Columbus! They’re talking about changing the name of the city! It’s our capital of Ohio! Crazy!:wacko:


Yeah!  Change the name!

Call it:   Mji Wa Wapumbavu


Cat Brules

1 hour ago, Rye Miles #13621 said:

Columbus, Ohio is taking down the statue of Columbus! They’re talking about changing the name of the city! It’s our capital of Ohio! Crazy!:wacko:

Cowards.. Caving in to idiotic anti-everything morons.

3 hours ago, Rye Miles #13621 said:

Columbus, Ohio is taking down the statue of Columbus! They’re talking about changing the name of the city! It’s our capital of Ohio! Crazy!:wacko:

Hillary, Ohio?

Ginsburg, Ohio?

Barack,  Ohio?

Yeah, that's it! Barack, Ohio. Rolls right off the tongue.


For as educated as these powers purport to be, they are nothing more than adolescents who possess college degrees.

I pray every day that soon, responsible adults will return to administer our Country.


Our IQ societies go from Mensa all the way up to Mega. These dims are in the one below Mensa.  DENSA!!!  :mellow:


What human being is perfect, and without faults?  Everyone, with two brain cells in sync, knows slavery was wrong, and should know it was the mindset of that day and age.  That doesn't negate the good things they did, and stood for.  Every mortal that has ever lived, except one, have done lots of stuff wrong, knowing it was wrong.  I have, you have, we all have.  Human beings are a mixture of good, and bad, and indifferent. If you only wanted monuments to those folks that never did anything wrong, you'd have nothing there....which...by the way, seems to be the unstated goal of some people.  To "throw the baby out with the bathwater". 

Jefferson, among others wrote: "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal.  That they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness."  He wrote those words, and yet he owned slaves.  Does that void the words?  No!  That is the ideal that we all strive for, as imperfect human beings.  The words are right up there with Scripture, yet were written by an imperfect man, and a hypocrite, some would say.  What our official documents say, and stand for, are worth respect, and worth fighting for.  Written by imperfect human beings, they never-the-less, are true words, and they represent the highest goals a nation has ever sought to achieve.  I will not disrespect the documents, or the flag, or the imperfect men, that wrote those words.  I am not perfect, so I have no right to do so. 

I have read a lot about Dr. King, in my long life.  From what he wrote, and what he did, he would be ashamed at the vandalism, and radicalism, and lawless ness, and the attempt to cover up, and hide, history.  He fought all his life, and finally gave his life, to achieve those goals, and for what that flag represents. 

No, I am not trying speak for him.  Just read his own life, in his own words, and see what he was striving to do.  If you go by his own words, this ain't it!!!   




12 hours ago, Wild Will Bartell said:

For as educated as these powers purport to be, they are nothing more than adolescents who possess college degrees.

I pray every day that soon, responsible adults will return to administer our Country.


I'm afraid that ship has sailed - there is no way of getting the tooth paste back in the tube without someone getting a bloody nose.

15 hours ago, Wild Will Bartell said:

For as educated as these powers purport to be, they are nothing more than adolescents who possess college degrees.

I pray every day that soon, responsible adults will return to administer our Country.

The problem is....What is the college degree in....


Texas Lizard

21 hours ago, South-Eye Ned said:

Will the State of Washington, home of CHOP, be forced to change its name?


The solution here is obvious, and we've already done it here - Seattle is located in King County, which was initially named for William Rufus King.  WR King was Vice President when King County was incorporated.  President at the time was Franklin Pierce, and Pierce County (where Tacoma is located) was incorporated and named at the same time.


Some years back, we (King County) decided that we were going to name the county after Martin Luther King instead.


So really we just need to find a new "Washington" to name the state after.   We will have to change the seal though (King County did)


3 hours ago, Texas Lizard said:

The problem is....What is the college degree in....


Texas Lizard

The way things are looking now, probably Anarchy-101.


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