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Where do dreams come from?


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I mean the stuff that happens in your dreams. Is it from real life, or something you've read, or seen in a movie, or what?


Last night I was a pallbearer at an Italian funeral. I think it was Italian, although by the end of it it appeared to have become Sicilian. We carried the coffin into the church. Set it on the floor. Took our hats off (we were in a church, after all) and set them on top of the coffin. Then, all of a sudden, we were taking the coffin back out. No service.  Weird.


Now - I've certainly never BEEN to a funeral like that. Never read of one like that, or seen something like it on TV or in a movie.


So where the heck did that come from?

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Alpo, I have pondered this for years. I dream in "Techni-Color" and have vivid dreams for the most part and often I have strangers in my dreams that I have never encountered in life.

For a while I was having dreams where I was on a new rail startup job every night. Each night it was entirely different from the night before but always about the same thing but with different problems. It was really starting to get on my nerves. I thought perhaps my current job and the stress of it was causing this so I rejoined an online career based social network to see what other job options might be available. The very day I did that the dreams about rail start ups ended.


Last night I was dreaming about a new form of Cowboy Action Shooting on dirt bikes...I was modifying my bike to hold a rifle and a shotgun scabbard and just couldn't get them mounted so I could retrieve them easily when I was riding it. Just as I got the shotgun scabbard aligned and tried it out riding down through the shooting bay I heard this awful noise...it was my alarm. I never got to see how shooting a 12 gauge would be from my nifty new bike...-_-

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50 minutes ago, The O'Meara Himself said:

The same place story ideas come from: Schenectady N.Y. (According to Cordwainer Bird, science fiction writer.)



But I've never been to Nacogdoches Schenectady.

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I spent last night trying to teach a new employee how to layout an 8.5x11' book.

Haven't had a new employee in 25 years and been out of the printing for 4 years.

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Pat, you sound a lot like me.:D


Every night of my life I have had very vivid dreams. Full color. Surround sound. I wish I could have been recording these for decade upon decade. Sometimes I wake up and can go back to sleep and continue the dream. Sometimes the dream comes back the next night. I have several reoccuring themes. Sometimes the core or the story of the dream comes out of absolute left field, something I would have never thought about while conscious. I actually look forward to going to bed so I can see what Adventure I'm going to have all sleeping. Oh and I rather enjoy being asleep anyway so it works out.


I've often wondered if there is another dimension or realm that our mind goes to while we are physically unconscious. A parallel life? Overactive imagination from being a voracious reader? Bored with  reality? Too much Stephen King or Isaac Asimov? Too many drugs in the 60s? (Does not apply to me. ;)). 


I love dreams and dreaming although as a child it was nightmares for me. Every night the same thing. For years the same nightmare. Night Terrors. They were bad. Somewhere along the line around age 9 or 10 I got over them but I have no idea what sparked those. 

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When I was a kid, I had a dream about hunting a rabbit in the house. He went down the hall and into the left bedroom. I followed him in, but didn't see him. I searched the entire room, including under the bed, in the closet, and in the toybox, but no rabbit. I decided he MUST be behind the door. I reach out and pull the door shut, and he LEAPS out at me, back feet first, like some kind of flying kick from a chop saki movie.


He must have had suction cups on his feet, because when he hit my chest he stuck there.


I woke up. :o


A few years back I dreamed I was in a gunfight, but the gun wouldn't shoot. Always a 1911, and it was like the thumb safety was on - no matter how hard I pulled the trigger, nothing happened. Dreamed this off and on for five or six years. Finally told my daughter about it. Haven't dreamed it since. Had a similar dream, about a knife fight. No matter how hard I stabbed, the knife wouldn't go in. After dreaming it three or four times, I figgered I'd see if telling Hazel would help. It did. Never had it again.


Now whenever I have a dream that I'd REALLY RATHER NOT have again, I call Hazel. "Hey baby. Let me tell you what I dreamed last night."


Always works. I tell her, I never dream it again.

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In a dream:

I have had my head chopped off on a guillotine.

I have had my head bit off by a lion.

I have been stepped on by an elephant  ( I woke up with a stiff back on this dream)

I have flown (like Superman) in dreams also.


I have been shot but it didn't hurt because I told myself I was in a dream.....figure that one out.

But when I got stuck in the back with a knife, I woke up feeling like someone had actually stabbed me in the back.


I've dreamed of being at the gates of Heaven

I've dreamed of being in a fist fight with the devil.


I have no idea where they come from.





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1 hour ago, Widder, SASS #59054 said:

I have flown (like Superman) in dreams also.

I can fly like Superman, too, but usually when I fly it's setting in a chair weird.

I've been shot in the stomach and woke up with a stomach ache

And I have a reoccurring dream that I went back to finish high school and can't remember where my locker is.

I actually did graduate high school, but got out in December of '73 and did not attend commencement exercises in May with the rest of my class. 

So, have you ever dreamt that you were eating a giant marshmallow and woke up and couldn't find your pillow?

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3 hours ago, Hillbilly Drifter said:

I believe that dreams are a result of your brain trying to interpret your imagination, which by the way is generated by your brain.

I hope not, cause my imagination is going off the deep end...To many very lovely ladies...And not enough time...




Need to get more fresh air and shooting...

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It is your brain detoxifying itself...  random synapses firing that your brain tries to make sense of the best way it can.  It is nonsense, but a needed cleansing nonsense.  That's why folks who can't sleep don't function properly after awhile... all that interference coming over the ethernet from Schenectady builds up!  Go sleepless for a week and you end up in drooling in a corner of a funny looking room with padding on the walls.  I tried it, 'tain't been right since!   Why am I here in Schenectady anyway.... it's 39 degrees and raining!

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