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Do you remember these?

Forty  Rod SASS 3935

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I awoke this a.m. to the Staler Brothers singing this song......and began to remember!


Telephone operators who knew your voice and would take time to chat a bit...especially if you were a little kid home alone.

"Service stations" that provided real services.  Now they won't even pump gas.

Aerosol shaving lather cans with a metal disk in the bottom that you ran hot water on and got a barber shop hot lather.

Monday night fights on TV.

Rubber booties to fit over your shoes.

The first Velcro you ever saw.

Doctors who made house calls.  My sister and I both lost our tonsils on the kitchen table the same day

The first ball point pens you ever saw.

Business class in Junior High that taught you how to write checks, balance your check book, make and count change, properly write and address a letter, etc.

Teachers who wore skirts or dresses (women) and shirts, jackets and neckties (men).

Jungle gyms, monkey bars, dodge ball, all on a sand or gravel yard surface.

10 cent hot dogs, 15 for hamburgers and  another nickel for cheese, washed down with a 10 cent root beer.

Two bit a gallon gasoline.

Saturday morning movies wit a feature film, at least one serial movie series, and 5 to 10 cartoons.

Polio shots (or sugar cubes)...Thank you Dr. Salk.

Having to sit in the corner...or worse the office if you stepped out of line in a class.

Ink well sockets in wooden desks.Hand wound record players with metal needles to replace worn ones.

Sky King, Space Patrol, Red Ryder. The Lone Ranger, Cisco Kid and others.

Send away offers on cereal boxes (send in three box tops and a half dollar and  get a toy.

Baking soda submarines.

Pop bottle deep sea dicers.

Wax lips, moustaches, and smoking pipes as well as candy cigarets.

Street corner drinking fountains.

Shoe store X-Ray machines.

Mustard plasters.

Buster Brown and his dog, Spot.

Cigarette ads on TV.

Burma Shave signs.

Red and green traffic lights with no yellow ones in the middle.

Student crossing guards.

Highways with no white lines on the outside.

Hay rides on wagons behind horses.

Meadowlark Lemon and Goose Tatum.

Inner tubes..great for swimming and riding down a snow covered hill.

Schwinn Commanders.

Digging up night crawlers and gathering rock rollers and selling them for fish bait.


Lots more!  LOTS MORE!


Ad yours .

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Discipline in schools

Manners and etiquette 

The Flintstones

Hunting on the way home from school.

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6 minutes ago, irish ike, SASS #43615 said:

I still have my Davey Crockett cereal bowel I sent away for.

Just what is a cereal bowel :lol:

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6 minutes ago, irish ike, SASS #43615 said:

OK spelling -28 points. Or is it a bowel? When I typed it I thought, now that don't look right!


Got news for ya Ike...everyone didn't think it looked right either.:)


I remember most of the list. Never had inkwells, two bit gasoline and a few of the others...but I remember and wax nostalgic for the rest.

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28 minutes ago, irish ike, SASS #43615 said:

OK spelling -28 points. Or is it a bowel? When I typed it I thought, now that don't look right!

A cereal bowel may just be real grainy.:P

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During the gas station wars in the early 70s, I remember 19¢/gal. That'd be under 2 bits! Then some ars wipe claimed we had a shortage and poof up over a dollar. Could still fill my Karman Ghia for under 3 bucks. Just today it cost me $3.73/gal.:angry:

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The Good Humor ice cream truck.

IPANA toothpaste 

The Dinah Shore Chevy Show 

Cigarettes for a quarter a pack

Sal Hapatica

Making “collect” phone calls 

Fire “call boxes” every few blocks in big towns.

Quilting bees


Bob Hope getting kicked off the radio, (“If women’s skirts get any shorter, they’ll have two extra cheeks to powder!”)

Do you know that the Flintstones was the first time that a man and woman were seen together in bed on television??

”EXTRA” newspaper printing when major events occurred.

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Brylcreem and the butch wax stick


Being able as a kid to walk through the neighborhood carrying a rifle and nobody seemed to notice.

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I remember all of those and I'm still younger than 40 Rod. :)

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1 hour ago, Tex Wilson said:

I remember all of those and I'm still younger than 40 Rod. :)

I think that MOST of us are younger than Forty Rod. And I remember most of them, too. Operators and inkwells are the only ones I didn't experience. 

How about Bug Spray trucks in the cities fogging for mosquitoes? We used to ride our bicycles through the fog. 

Mail delivery twice on Saturday.

As a young teenager, getting excited when the Sears Catalog came in the mail. And I DON'T mean for the toy section.:wub: 

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9 hours ago, Eyesa Horg said:

Raleigh cigarette coupons

'Nother good one.


I'll add:

Little wax bottles with something like KooL Aid in them.

Roll top pencil boxes. Tire inner tube repair kits that had a camel on the and looked lit a tobacco tin.

Window mounted swamp coolers for you car,  Went right along with a bolt on sun visor over the windshield.

License plate pictures in Life magazine every Spring so you see how many you could find while driving around the country on vacation.  Had 48 states, Alaska         and all Canadian Provinces, but not Hawaii.

Roller skate keys.

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8 hours ago, Blackwater 53393 said:

The Good Humor ice cream truck.

IPANA toothpaste 

The Dinah Shore Chevy Show 

Cigarettes for a quarter a pack

Sal Hapatica

Making “collect” phone calls 

Fire “call boxes” every few blocks in big towns.

Quilting bees


Bob Hope getting kicked off the radio, (“If women’s skirts get any shorter, they’ll have two extra cheeks to powder!”)

Do you know that the Flintstones was the first time that a man and woman were seen together in bed on television??

”EXTRA” newspaper printing when major events occurred.

I still buy Vitalis at Walmart and use it almost daily.  For a firmer hold I get Alberti VO-5 for grey, white or silver blond hair.  :P

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Our desks all had ink wells and we learned cursive writing using straight pens.

I recall having to suck the wax from the new nibs to ensure the ink would adhere to the nib.

Galoshes in winter over our shoes.

The Alberta school Curriculum, at least on the RCAF base where I lived, had a workbook with math, spelling, history of WWII etc,  in it. (I wish I had been able to keep it, but it got lost in one of our moves.)

Saturday morning radio shows: Cisco Kid; The Lone Ranger etc. (No TV that far north, at that time)

Later in the day: I was a Communist for the FBI; Boston Blackie; Take It From Here (BBC/UK show); "L" for 'Lankie (A Canadian/UK Bomber Command WWII story series); Max Ferguson CBC Show "Rawhide". Older Canadians will recall some of these.

Musical programs such as Hawaii Calls!

The Bob Hope Show; Jack Benny and Rochester; Amos and Andy.

My parents dancing together in the house while listening to "It's Make Believe Ballroom Time".



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I remember the desks with in wells but we had fat blue pencils with no erasers.


And we had drills where we hid under those desks because they could protect us from nuclear weapons.  Even in first grade I knew the drill was way stupid.  Sometimes we went to the basement, yea that was going to help.


Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom

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Answering an ad in Boy's Life magazine to sell Christmas cards and earn my first .22 rifle. That rifle was sent to me in the mail.

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Sending my box tops off in the morning mail.

Sitting cross legged under the mail box like Big Chief Mug Wump that afternoon, waiting for the return post

(never mind mail only ran once a day, in the morning)

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1 minute ago, Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770 said:

I almost forgot: the Breadman and the Milkman. Milkman delivered milk in glass jars with a paper top. There was a metal rack on the porch where we left our empty bottles and he exchanged them for full ones.


We had an insulated galvanized box that the full bottles were placed in if no one was home.  That ended somewhere in the early '60's.  I can recall being in London in the mid '70's and seeing bottles left on the doorsteps of flats.

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19 hours ago, Eyesa Horg said:

Brylcreem and the butch wax stick


Being able as a kid to walk through the neighborhood carrying a rifle and nobody seemed to notice.

Or having one hung from the back window of your truck...loaded no less either.

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Buster Browns dog was named Tige

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