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Do you lock the doors?


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Much like many other things in Canada, it's easier to target the law abiding than it is to confront crooks.

Recent Example: The temper tantrum and melt down our Prime Minister had after a shooting by an illegal firearms owner, using an unregistered firearm.

He banned the LEGAL transfer of FEDERALLY REGISTERED handguns by LEGALLY Registered firearm owners and REDUCED the mandatory sentences for the criminal use of firearms in the same legislation.

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Visited the daughter in down town Washington D.C.  Left my truck bed cap unlocked so someone wouldn’t cause damage just to discover the bed was empty.  Daughter told me lock the cap otherwise a homeless person would take up residence. 

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1 minute ago, Matthew Duncan said:

Visited the daughter in down town Washington D.C.  Left my truck bed cap unlocked so someone wouldn’t cause damage just to discover the bed was empty.  Daughter told me lock the cap otherwise a homeless person would take up residence. 


When are you going to be in the Tampa Bay area?

I kinda need a place to stay on my way to Indiana.

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Not just yes but HECK YES!  Why make it easy for some car thief or irresponsible kid to take your car?  And how would you feel if the thief killed or seriouly injured somebody?  Maybe you won't be held legally liable but I can't begin to imagine the anguish you would go through.

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Some one had to do it!


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My FIL, who I was not fond of,  wired up a system so that his van could not be started without the proper code. This 25 years ago, but he was a Military tech guy.  When he passed on unexpectedly, they had to track down his girlfriend to get the car moving.  Sounds like a plan.

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