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Rye Miles #13621

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I have this morning ritual which I'm sure is shared with many of you. I have coffee, OJ and some breakfast sitting at my kitchen table with the NEWSPAPER. I've been doing this for years. My liberal rag the Plain Dealer has cut home delivery to 4 day a week. Well…BYE! There's another smaller local newspaper The News Herald (which is affectionally called the Newsless Herald) that takes about 15 minutes to read! I buy the Wall St. Journal and read it for 2 days! I also read some magazines too. I'm going to have to get a laptop and go wireless and read the news at my kitchen table electronically! How about you??


Rye ;)


The paper we liked went out of business about 5 years ago so we took the San Diego Urinal Tribune until they raised the delivery rates so high two years ago that we stopped it. We don't really miss getting the paper.


My iPad or the TV gives me all the news I need.


Gave up Newspapers so long ago, I can't remember. My morning ritual is to sit at my computer and read the news from the web. Got my coffee and a breakfast bar.


I read the Wall Street Journal and get the rest of the news from the Internet. Anyone with assets has to read their local paper for the Legal Notices. Ours is an useless weekly. The man paper is the Spokesman/Review out of Spokane. Unfortunately, its editorial policy is so absurdly misinformed liberal that I dropped it.


Years ago, I had an office in an ughh big city and commuted 87 miles from the end of the track to downtown in a private car. I read the Wall Street Journal, the Journal of Commerce, the New York Times, the Chicago Tribune and the Chicago Sun-Times. On the return trip, I read the Chicago American and the Chicago Daily News. The Internet was slow and pretty much inaccessible.

The afternoon papers have died, the New York Times has editorialized even in the news making it useless ad we have mobile access to breaking news on the Internet.




I don't get a newspaper, the Hartford Courant is such a liberal rag that it isn't worth paying for and I can read the news online.


The online Courant is starting to make you register to read the stories, which I won't do. The Courant has also sent fliers saying get a year's subscription for $1, which tells me they are in trouble. With a little luck there will be some unemployed "journalists" who long ago gave up any pretense about ethical reporting.


I stopped subscribing to our local Gannet bird cage liner when they started charging me an extra $12 for paying by check, instead of letting them dip into my bank account automatically.


My wife misses it more than I do, mostly for the crossword puzzles.


Finally gave up on the Kansas City Star after years of increasing subscription rates and decreasing content. I cancelled my subscription two years ago when an edition of only 8 pages was delivered.


Didn't like reading online at first, but now I'm used to it. Actually prefer it these days as I can get the news that interests me.


I stopped subscribing to our local Gannet bird cage liner when they started charging me an extra $12 for paying by check, instead of letting them dip into my bank account automatically.


My wife misses it more than I do, mostly for the crossword puzzles.

Lots of puzzles are online now, J-Bar. For example:




I have the Philadelphia Inquirer delivered daily. It's nearly always there by 7am, and I read the front section before I head off to work. I save the local news, business, food, and comics for when I return from work.


When I'm done with the paper, I shred the newsprint (not the glossy ads) by hand and drop the pieces into a plastic tub. When the tub is full, I fill it with rain water (caught off the roof of the garage), and a few drops of dishwasher detergent. About 2 months later, I'll remove the wet paper, which has now become a mass of fiber, and put it into a press. The press is specially made to squeeze out the remaining water, and leaves me with nicely stackable bricks of compressed paper to burn in the wood stove. The bricks need to dry for a month or two before they can be burned. A month of Philadelphia Inquirer yields about 15 bricks, which is enough to run the stove about a day during the coldest months.


I used to put the paper out for recycling, until I found out the cost of newsprint went down so much that our township was paying for it to be removed. So, my burning it in my stove not only saves me money, it saves the township money as well.


My experience with the Austin rag was that it served mostly to transfer black ink to my fingers and clog up my recycle bin. I stopped it and then had folks point out the occasional worthwhile article or notice. So, I went digital only. I copy the two daily crosswords, enjoy Dilbert, scan the obits and check for news of interest to us hill folk. Recycle with a keyboard entry.


The ONLY reason I used to get the paper was so the dog could snag it and bring it into the house. (literally)


She's 16 now, has lost most of her teeth and can't run any more. Last year they raised the price so I cancelled. The dog doesn't seem to mind.


I only use I have for newspapers is that it makes a good landscape barrier.


The Atlanta Journal Constitution is the paper here and I quit them well over a decade ago. Their editorial staff was populated with supporters of all the usual leftist crap, after one too many antigun diatribes by that bunch and their ongoing support for leftist politicos like Cynthia McKenney AKA "the cutest little communist in Congress" I figured there was no point in giving them money to support their cause.


Haven't taken a paper since Fargo the Labrador Retriever was a puppy - and he passed on from old age several years ago.


Laptop with morning coffee... local newspapers charge a fee to access online, so I get the local news from radio.


Our local tome, The Dove Creek Press only comes out once a week. At 5 pages, it doesn't take long to read. I never really got into the habit of reading the paper in the morning anyway, unless I was on an afternoon shift.


I quit taking the newspaper in 1970. I figured that when I started reading editorials on the front page

that the news was something that was missing. After a closer examination, I found that the editorials

were mixed throughout the whole paper. I called and cancelled my subscription.


That served several purposes, One less bill to pay, didn't have to take the paper out and stack it in the garage

until I could recycle it, and a third thing, I don't really catch that many fish that I need all that newspaper around.

AND, we buy toilet paper at Costco.


The little weekly paper comes out on Wednesday. It has all the gossip I can stand.


I sit at my computer and scan several News sights after watching Fox news on the T&V in the morning. The local paper "The Columbia Spitune" is exactly what you would expect in a college town, ultra liberal with nothing to say that you didn't hear from the talking heads on the networks the night before.


Our free weekly paper is only good for the TV section. It is so far left, it would make fish stink.


yeah - sad to see the 'in-your-hand' papers going the wayside - future happens I guess.


I still go to the store on occasion and get a newspaper....to use for lighting my charcoal chimney for the Weber ;)


GG ~ :FlagAm:


I read the comics and scan everything else in the Springfield News Leader. Miss Lorrie reads it.

GenerAlly done with coffee and tea in the morning. She tells me when there is something she thinks I should read.


I still get the Canton Supposi.......er Repository. Morning delivery, at least when the weather's good. Comics and crosswords mostly are what's read. The rest..........meh! Don't get to read it until my part time work's done though :blush:


we still git tha paper on tha weekends....it's tuu expensive ta line tha cat's litter box wit laptops..... ;)


Newspapers? The only newspaper worth reading is the "Cowboy Chronicle". The rest of what you need to know can be found on the web at various sites like the NRA's.




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