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Consecutive pair of Colt SAA's, would you pay more for them?

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I was looking around Gunbroker for a Colt SAA. I was going thru the sellers and discovered one seller that had 2 auctions going with the same configuration Colt (44spl, 3rd gen, 7.5 inch barrel). When I open the auctions and checked the specs, I realized the revolvers made a consecutive pair (checked serial numbers in the pictures) and to get them, you would have to win both auctions. 


My question is if you got both auctions, would they be more valuable as a consecutive pair?

If one went a good price, how much would you go over that price to get the second revolver? 

As always, you have a bidder that never bid on the first one and is running the price of the second one up.

It appears to me that nobody made the connection that these would make a consecutive pair including the seller as they were listed separately and the auctions both started at a penny. I would have thought they would have been listed together as a pair. Both auctions end at the same day and time and he also had a different Colt listed that ended at the same time.


Just interested in everybody's thoughts.




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My thoughts


I think it's kind of cool to have consecutive numbered pistols.


I wouldn't pay more to get consecutive numbers, but I think it's kind of cool.

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I’d pay more for a consecutive pair but not too much more! Maybe a couple hundred more for each but some people really gouge on consecutive pairs.

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Well, If some Nabob has a consecutive pair, and is selling 'em separately, there is something wrong.  Cravat Emptor.  Practically speaking, other than "it's kinda neat" there is no mechanical reason to lust after consecutive numbers even though I occasionally order a new pair of guns to be consecutive.  There is no guarantee the guns came down the same line, thru the same assembler, on the same day or even the same month.  I have also seen consecutive guns, one a 4.75 and the other a 7.5.


Oh, wait.  The original question > > > NO.  Of course, used Colt's are priced way beyond sanity to start with.

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Paid no more for these two consecutive numbered pair.  Black Friday sale at Cabelas.  There were none out on display so asked the salesman if they actually had any.  He looked it up and said they had 22 in back.  I told him if I liked them, I'd take two.  He came back with consecutive numbered pair. One of the best buys I've made.





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I think consecutive is sort of cool, but only worth a small premium to me personally.  In my observation on GB, pairs of anything rarely sell for more (per item) than singles sold in separate auctions.  Outside of SASS, owning a pair of the same guns is pretty rare among average shooters and even other shooting sports, so likely the seller knows their market and is trying to get the most by selling individually. 

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For me it would depend on the guns. If the main attribute was the consecutive numbering, then probably not. 
If they were custom or they had special work done, then maybe. 

Funny story:

Years ago I bought a Savage “Stevens Favorite” model 30 single shot .22. When I went shooting in the desert with a buddy of mine we always ended our shooting sessions with a .22 shooting contest of various targets at various distances. It was usually me, him and our kids. Until I bought that little Savage my buddy kicked my butt. 
Once I started using that Savage I began winning our little matches. 
When he graduated college and received his diploma I bought him a Savage “Stevens Favorite” of his own. 
We were sitting around one day comparing our rifles when we realized that they were consecutively numbered. His was one number higher than mine. 
I bought mine 6 months before buying his. I did get them at the same store but the man at the store said he had sold about a dozen of them after I bought mine. 
Just a cool little thing. 

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1 hour ago, Pat Riot said:

For me it would depend on the guns. If the main attribute was the consecutive numbering, then probably not. 
If they were custom or they had special work done, then maybe. 

Funny story:

Years ago I bought a Savage “Stevens Favorite” model 30 single shot .22. When I went shooting in the desert with a buddy of mine we always ended our shooting sessions with a .22 shooting contest of various targets at various distances. It was usually me, him and our kids. Until I bought that little Savage my buddy kicked my butt. 
Once I started using that Savage I began winning our little matches. 
When he graduated college and received his diploma I bought him a Savage “Stevens Favorite” of his own. 
We were sitting around one day comparing our rifles when we realized that they were consecutively numbered. His was one number higher than mine. 
I bought mine 6 months before buying his. I did get them at the same store but the man at the store said he had sold about a dozen of them after I bought mine. 
Just a cool little thing. 


Funny how things work out like that sometimes.:)

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When I buy two of the same kind of commercially made guns, I'm looking for a discount...not pay more. Although consecutive SN's are cool, it really doesn't mean anything other than they were made during the same time frame...maybe. It does add value for resale purposes, but only because people will pay more for them.

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1 hour ago, LawMan Mark, SASS #57095L said:

Consecutive serial numbers seem most desired by people who typically buy two identical guns, like us silly CAS shooters.  

Collectors like em too! They’ll pay more for them.

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1 hour ago, Cypress Sun said:


When I buy two of the same kind of commercially made guns, I'm looking for a discount...not pay more. Although consecutive SN's are cool, it really doesn't mean anything other than they were made during the same time frame...maybe. It does add value for resale purposes, but only because people will pay more for them.

When I used to visit Colt's Manufacturing in Connecticut, I was told that consecutively numbered frames did not necessarily mean they were assembled in order.  I have a pair of consecutive SAAs and they are two different guns in terms of their actions. 

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I purchased a used consecutive pair of Ruger OM Vaqueros in 38-40. Then I purchased a used consecutive pair of USFAs in 38-40 from Manatee. I ordered a conservative pair of Taylor Smoke Wagons in special order 38-40 but when they got here they were one number off. Just worked out that way. Did not pay extra for any of them.

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My guns are tools.

So long as they work I don't care what the serial number is or if they are consecutive.

I certainly wouldn't pay a premium for consecutive numbers.


:FlagAm:  :FlagAm:  :FlagAm:

Gateway Kid

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