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Another ? never ask by ALPO

Widder, SASS #59054

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Probably because there is white pepper and red pepper.

Although we don't refer to regular salt as white salt, there is pink salt, iodized salt, sea salt, Kosher salt, Epsom salt and probably some other kinds/types of salt that don't come to mind right now.

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28 minutes ago, Cypress Sun said:

Probably because there is white pepper and red pepper.

Although we don't refer to regular salt as white salt, there is pink salt, iodized salt, sea salt, Kosher salt, Epsom salt and probably some other kinds/types of salt that don't come to mind right now.

Costco sells Himalayan salt potato chips.

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First thing that comes to mind, "There's a question Alpo hasn't asked?"


Next is because salt is salt.   Even the fancy $42/# Pink Himalayan Salt is still salt.  About the only real difference you get in salt is the grain size and shape.


Pepper, on the other hand, does differ in flavor - black, white, green, and pink.   The difference may be subtle, but it can alter a flavor profile.


https://www.marionskitchen.com/article/types-of-peppercorn-varieties/#:~:text=Black peppercorns%2C which are the,and pungent than black peppercorns.




Also, if you have a white sauce and don't want black specs in it you use white pepper.  


Saying, "black pepper" also lets you know not to use red or chili pepper.

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7 minutes ago, Michigan Slim said:

Stop eating the mushrooms out of the yard, Widder. 


BUT, they're so ..... 'enlightening'.


..........Widder. (walking in a Widder Wonderland)




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While perusing this thread, I channeled Widder’s mom!


(Throug clenched teeth, with that distinctive growl in her voice) “Young man!! You quit it!! “JUST QUIT IT!!    NOW!!!”  :lol: :lol:

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Mom turned 96 last week.   She said she's not in a mood to argue with me anymore so she just

warps me over the head with a cast iron skillet........... of course, after she removes the corn bread from it.




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Mine’ll be 90 in the spring and she uses a rolling pin!!

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Rolling pins, swatters and wooden spoons are ALL formidable weapons in a Mothers hand.


Us kids also spent time on the back porch, at night, DARK, with no light, ..."where the

Boogie Man" can get ya.


The Boogie Man is alive and well at nightime in Knoxville, TN.   I've heard him make noises

under the back porch just before Momma let us back in the house.

WHEW..... some of those were close.   We could hear the Boogie Man at the bottom of the steps.




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My Mom was good for the musty sponge. She's 92 now and still doing quite well.

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7 minutes ago, Dirty Dan Dawkins said:

Why is the ocean salty?

Because it's full of sea salt:P

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