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If you had to make do with a 3 firearm inventory....

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14 hours ago, Abilene Slim SASS 81783 said:

Not sure I could pare it down to three as circumstances dictate the selection. But I can get it down to 4 from my virtual collection. IMHO these meet the basic criteria for home defense and putting food on the table.


M1 Garand

.45 Colt 1911*

12 Gauge Remmie 1100

.22 Mossberg -- https://peashooter85.tumblr.com/post/82243732775/the-mossberg-model-42m-b-lend-lease-22-caliber


*Might swap that for an M1 Carbine, but ammo is not commonly available

No. Keep the pistol. You need an easily carried backup for the long guns.

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27 minutes ago, Dapper Dynamite Dick said:

Oh the horror! Even my "Training wife" allowed me to have 10 guns in the house!!!!

My "training wife" could not stand my banjo.
I still have the banjo.

3 minutes ago, bgavin said:

My "training wife" could not stand my banjo.
I still have the banjo.


I traded the "training wife" in for 3 shotguns, fantastic deal! With the current wife I had to buy her 11 guns until she found 7 to compete with. These days when she says "upgrade", I remind her who hasn't retired yet! :D


Hard call to limit it to 3 guns. My thought would be:

- S&W Mdl 29, 8 3/8" w/S&W shoulder holster. Sweet and accurate shooter.

- stock '87 SG.

- either a Marlin mdl 39A or Remington .270, just depends on circumstances. 


It's hard to look into the safes and only pick out 3.





Smith & Wesson .44 Mag for elk and deer, 2 .45 Rugers, 1 .45 Henry and a 10 gauge double for SASS, deringer, .44 Henry, long barrel 10 double, .22 revolver .38-55 and C. Sharps .50-140 for side matches and long range, .22 Model 41 and Les Baer .45 for bullseye plus my .44ccw revolver and .22 kit gun.


Three guns, impossible.  :rolleyes:




1 hour ago, Chickasaw Bill SASS #70001 said:

well the training wife , got rid of all my stuff, tools , boats, guns , and fishing equ 

...reckon it was a good trade . for her to be gone 


I traded her the house, the car, the furniture and the bank account, for the son.
I didn't think it was possible to put a house, car, furniture and a bank vault up her nose... but she did.
47 years later, I still have the son, and he calls my keeper (40 years) "Mom".

One thing I did lose, was my Remington #6 takedown.
This was a falling block 22 that came from my Uncle Floyd, to my Dad as a boy, to me as a boy, and then to a burglar.
I learned how to crawl through the sage bush in S.W. Idaho as a kid out stalking prairie dogs.
Only had one shot, had to make it count.


Like others, it would depend upon the circumstances, but I think I've narrowed it down to one......AH-64.


Small carry- LCP II in .380

Larger carry- .45 acp Shield

Largest carry- Dillon mini-gun (If my arms tire, I'll mount it)


I could do worse than my cowboy guns, given some serious ammo, which I have ready. I would have to settle for one pistol though. My gear includes a couple dozen rounds in the belt loops. I have sets in 44 Special, 38 Special/357, and 45 Colt. I would go with the 45 Colt set, my Baikal double, and my JM Marlin Cowboy.

1 hour ago, punxsutawneypete said:

Do you really think those who would restrict us to 3 guns would really let us keep 3 guns?


Look at it as more an intellectual puzzle and challenge than a political statement, and have fun!


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