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Glock Models...explained.

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I'll never heal from the emotional confusion that a Glock-45 shoots 9mm bullets.


That reminds me of a dude I encountered at a gun show many years ago who was selling a .45 Government Model who insisted that it was a 9mm. That despite the caliber being spelled out plain as day on both the slide and barrel. There was more to the story but that's enough to show you what a crackpot he was.


I wish Glock had never started using the word “Perfection” as their slogan. Folks that don’t like Glocks use it as an excuse to disparage the brand and quite honestly, no gun is “perfect”. I think they should gone with “Glock, way better” and left it at that. :P



That reminds me of a dude I encountered at a gun show many years ago who was selling a .45 Government Model who insisted that it was a 9mm. That despite the caliber being spelled out plain as day on both the slide and barrel. There was more to the story but that's enough to show you what a crackpot he was.

It got left in the car for several days in the summer down South and shrank due to the heat and the humididity.


I wish Glock had never started using the word “Perfection” as their slogan. Folks that don’t like Glocks use it as an excuse to disparage the brand and quite honestly, no gun is “perfect”. I think they should gone with “Glock, way better” and left it at that. :P

The fanboys locking onto the advertising catchphrase  like it's some holy relic hasn't helped the cause either. 


I really don't have a problem with the guns other than their ergonomics don't work for me.  The fanboys, on the other hand, irritate me and I enjoy returning the favor.


The fanboys locking onto the advertising catchphrase  like it's some holy relic hasn't helped the cause either. 


I really don't have a problem with the guns other than their ergonomics don't work for me.  The fanboys, on the other hand, irritate me and I enjoy returning the favor.

1911 fanboys?


I like my 1911s but my Glocks are the real deal if things get serious. Glock 19 with me nearly 24/7


Well ... plastic striker guns (Glock or otherwise) hold lots and lots of bullets ...

AND ...

You can never have too many bullets ... unless you are swimming or on fire!! ^_^




Photoshopped, but still the hope deep in the dark little heart of every glockaholic...


Is that a Glock Gen14 ?       GW


Is that a Glock Gen14 ?       GW

Nope...that’s the Glock all the 1911 boys want...perhaps one day...maybe 37 years from now...


So your saying it will happen, we just have to be patient?         GW


To the original point, I'm very glad they went with simple sequential numbering.  There are not enough P's, K's, Z's or W's that sound like V's in my computer to spell all the German names needed to take the place of the model numbers.


I'd rather buy from a company telling me their goal is Perfection.  Somehow "Taurus:  Not as bad as you've heard", is not confidence inspiring.


I love Glocks.

I love 1911's

I like the M9



I also love when a Glock groupie talks about perfection - followed up with a discussion on how they are putting a better trigger, better sights, and a match barrel on their brand new perfect pistol.

...I also like how they defend Glock telling people not to shoot reloads because of the hexagonal rifling


I love that almost as much as I love watching a 1911 cultist rambling on about timeless reliability - and how much money they spent having the throat reworked so it will feed semiwadcutters and how much tighter the gun shoots after having a gunsmith hand fit the lugs and the barrel bushing - and how dry firing the pistol or letting the slide go forward is bad for the trigger


I have witnessed 25 plus years of HARD use and abuse with hundreds and hundreds of thousands of rounds fired through M9's with nothing more serious than the locking block failure and yet, EVERYONE seems to know a guy that had a Beretta slide fly off and hit them in the face during routine marksmanship training.

...except for the fact that nearly 100% of those folks have no valid 1st hand observable knowledge of such an event taking place.


The fact is - "my" favorite type of handgun is simply a more better more higher quality brand than "your" favorite type of handgun - it's science.


Thje REAL fact is, fire arms are tools - there are different tools for different jobs - like all tools, they need maintenance and if they are used enough, they will break.

...except for what I shoot - mine is perfect


You can never have too many bullets ... unless you are swimming or on fire!! ^_^ 


I often hear Tacticool™ types repeat the saying "nobody who survived a gunfight ever wished that they had less ammo in their gun".


Apparently they've never had their own gun taken away from them. ;)


An article I just read, the author said he believed the first shot was the most valuable.    GW



Goes to show that everyone has a flaw and makes bad choices :P

Yep, he eventually saw the light. :P



I often hear Tacticool™ types repeat the saying "nobody who survived a gunfight ever wished that they had less ammo in their gun".


Apparently they've never had their own gun taken away from them. ;)

Training makes a difference. ;)

I had several try to grab my gun when I was a LEO. None succeeded-they learned about, 'pain compliance', PDQ.

And YES, after surviving 2 gunfights. I carry at least 2 full reloads on me.


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