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There Is This One Guy Who Got a Stage DQ....

Jim No Horse

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Yes, really. I have witnesses. Titus, Drover, Alamo Kid, Fingers McGee, Doc Hurd, Tab...help me here.


Here are some of the witnesses.


Okay! Okay! I believe ya!

Now, please take yer hand off'n thet pistol, Little Lady.



Edited by Cat Brules, SASS #14086
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My little shooting partner uses a vicious, profane "Tough Toast". Allie Mo could use that as an alternative!!!

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My first MDQ came several years ago during the third match I ever shot when I broke the 170 with a loaded pistol. Second MDQ came during the first match this year after receiving a SDQ when I missed my holster on up-range side moving to the next station and broke the 170 with an empty gun. My fault. After that SDQ, the TO came over to the unloading table and began explaining to me why it happened and it's a good rule, etc and I listened to him while I unloaded the pistols. During the next stage at the loading table, I spun the cylinder for the second pistol and I had one piece of empty brass left from the last stage. MDQ.


Nobody's fault but mine. I shouldn't have allowed myself to become distracted but I did by listening to somebody when I should have been checking to make sure my pistols were clear. I was not a happy camper but stayed and picked brass. I chalk these DQ's as a learning experience and I'm looking forward to shooting the next match.

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We all need to shoot a loading table once in a while just to keep us humble and aware of safety first.


The scar remains in the table as a reminder. I leave as much attitude at home as is humanly possible. I love this game too much to have anybody tell me to go home and don't come back until you want to be civil.

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He left the match angry many months ago. Saw him Saturday and greeted him warmly. No mention of the past event! We had a great day.

So is there a guy who just puts a burr under your saddle? Is there a way to reconcile with him or her? An e-mail special note...a friendly word? Anybody got a story for me??? Thanks Jim

If doesn't matter in five years, don't waste five minutes on it today.


Take the higher road.

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I have gotten mad, but with myself for being stupid or not paying close attention. I have CRS bad anymore. Its always my fault not the RO and we have some good RO's. Bones Z is one of them. When I'm running the timer and someone messes up, I try and explain in a professional manor. But if its his fault and he gets mad at me, he can get over it.


That guy that went from stage to stage waiting and pushing the posse, and did not help at all the posse is what I got, would not have lasted long at all with me.


You all know why Allie wears those tall hats? HORNS ;)



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Yes, really. I have witnesses. Titus, Drover, Alamo Kid, Fingers McGee, Doc Hurd, Tab...help me here.


Here are some of the witnesses.



That would be Alamo Kid with his arm around you, Taquila Tab hiding behind the umbrella, and Marshall J.D. Oak in the chair. And yes, it happened just like you said.

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Let's see......

I have moved with a loaded shotgun.......

I have fallen down and had revolvers tumble onto the ground........

Oh well..... I screwed up.......


In the words of Black Jack Zak "Sometimes it sucks to be you".

Edited by Ace_of_Hearts
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I got a SDQ on the first stage once, walked to the shooting line ready to go and timer says STOP! your rifle hammer is cocked, not chambered but yep it was cocked, And boy did I get mad at( ME! ) how stupid could I be I said, Learned and never happened again.


Renegade Ripley

Yep nearly' done that a few times !!

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