Texas Jim Henry, SASS #20616 Posted January 10, 2011 Posted January 10, 2011 Yesterday, I attended the Dallas Safari Club annual expo at the Dallas Convention Center. I'm not a DSC member, and would only qualify minimally as a hunter, but it seemed like it would be a good way to kill a few hours on a Saturday. I ended up spending almost six hours there. Heck, there were about 1,200 exhibitors, and I didn't come close to seeing everything. The highlight of my visit was running into Larry Potterfield, founder and CEO of Midway USA. We struck up a conversation, where I told Larry that I had been a Midway customer since the early days, and how much I appreciated their major sponsorship of the Wednesday night line-up of shooting shows on the Outdoor Channel, including Cowboys!. That, in turn, led to a discussion about the recently announced hiatus the program had been placed on. Larry did not explain what (if any) role he played in that decision, However, he did ask me if I would conduct an informal poll in order to get a sense of what CAS shooters would like to see in the program. So, please consider this an invitation to take a "blank slate" approach to what you'd like to see on Cowboys! if you were in charge of the program. Feel free to be as specific or as general as you want. Should you desire to comment on personalities, please be as respectful and constructive as possible. Talk about program content... what you'd like to see, whether it's been covered previously, or is something new. Do not feel constrained by what has been done in the past. Remember, the premise is that you are in charge and can format the show any way you like. Should you prefer to share your thoughts privately, please feel free to PM or email me through my SASS Wire profile. My intention is to compile your input and pass it along to Mr. Potterfield. This is an opportunity to have input to a major player in shooting sports television, so please don't let it go to waste. Regards, TJH
Big Sage, SASS #49891 Life Posted January 10, 2011 Posted January 10, 2011 I really liked the program. Thought it was even better with Tupelo Flash. One thing I think they could do is feature some of the larger regional and annual shoots. I realize this would probably increase the cost because of more travel, but would get more of people envolved. Just a thought. Great job TJ.
Deuce Stevens SASS#55996 Posted January 10, 2011 Posted January 10, 2011 I really thought that Tupelo did a good job as the host, he's may be a bit flashy for some folks but it is TV afterall. I know that they have a very limited budget but it would be real nice to showcase some shooters from the east side of the country and get to a few bigger matches in the same area. Just a thought, probably will never happen but worth a try.
Grizzly Dave Posted January 10, 2011 Posted January 10, 2011 I really liked the program. Thought it was even better with the new host. One thing I think they could do is feature some of the larger regional and annual shoots. I realize this would probably increase the cost because of more travel, but would get more of people envolved. Just a thought. Great job TJ. That was my thought as well. I'd like to see coverage of some of the matches that I've heard tell of, but may never make it to. I would think you might well be able to get folks to volunteer to take video to be used, wouldn't be "pro" quality, but cut together you could have some nice segments. Show lots of folks shooting, not just the top guns, but some normal folks as well, and interview them about what they like about the match. Maybe highlight some local clubs and what makes them tick. I've enjoyed the segments this past season on gunfights and the Cody Museum, and the major guns used in SASS, but you can't really cover that stuff every year or it gets stale. Maybe a short segment each show, "greenhorns corner" or some such that covers guns, gear, categories, guncarts, and all that sort of thing. A segment on stage writing might be good too. I'd also like to see Longhunter on there more, the few segments I've seen him on there I like alot, no offense meant to Evil Roy, just a personal preference. Oh, and lastly, just a pet peeve on mine, change the promo spot on the outdoor channel that talks about "blah blah blah and wild mustang roundups" I ain't seen a wild mustang round up on Cowboys yet, not that there might not have been one once upon a time, but it sure ain't a major part of the show. Thanks Grizz
Red Rider Rudy Posted January 10, 2011 Posted January 10, 2011 Maybe use videos sent in by clubs? They could edit them to fit? A lot of shows use to use amateur videos?
GunClick Rick Posted January 10, 2011 Posted January 10, 2011 Run it through RFDTV (just a thought)on a weekend line up and better time slots?Have a question on tips before you go to commercial and give the tip or the answer when ya come back.Have a history contest send in answers by mail or text and win a Stien Stogie or one of Tupelos hats Involve the audience~~ Old time turkey shoots and such. What did Annie Oakley and Buffalo Bill use for targets in there exhibitions? Hint they were different colors~~ ~~Answer when we return~~
Colorado Slim Posted January 10, 2011 Posted January 10, 2011 Being a newby to the sport I enjoyed the show a bunch. I do agree with several of the suggestions already made on here. Send email to the clubs and ask them to submit video from their bigger shoots. The producers would edit content and I am sure you could get 2 - 3 club shoots on every show for less than 2 to 3 minutes air time. I liked Grizzly Dave's suggestion of a greenhorns/tenderfoots corner. That could be done in 1 to 2 minutes as well. This would still allow time for dicussions of new guns, old guns and major shoots around the country. I too wish to put my two cents in on Tupelo Flash too, I thought he did a very good job. Speaking for the newby's, we need the good info that can be passed on with a program like this, especially, when we do not have clubs close by to help us stay actively involved. I hope this helps.
Poppy Posted January 10, 2011 Posted January 10, 2011 If it wasn't for Cowboys I would not have found this great American sport of some of the best eople i have ever met. As for the show I liked Tequila and Tupolo about the same and i really dig wolf bane. The big problem i had with the show is that it was only 30 minutes and after commercials, Bob Boze Bell and suchit only left about 10 minute or less of actual show. I would like to see more matches, not just the maor ones and maybe tech stuff about the guns and such. I enjoyed the midway segment and thought it was appropriate for them to have a segement and always enjoyed their stuff. I'm going to miss the show. I have always dvr's the shows and watched even the re-runs. If it does not make it back i would like to Thank L. Pooterfield and his company for everything he has done for this sport and wil continue to buy his products when i can. T.J.M. ... Thank you for taking the time to get us involved and hopefully people on this site will stand up to be heard.
GunClick Rick Posted January 10, 2011 Posted January 10, 2011 ~~Answer when we return~~And now back to the Cowboys show with The Tupelo Flash and the answer to todays question.. http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y283/gunc...rick/201_46.jpg These balls were cold packaged in barrels full of sawdust and occasionally full barrels of these are located. Most are found in barns adjoining the areas on which the trap clubs were located. Another source comes from the use of these balls as Christmas tree ornaments handed down by several generations in some families. Because of the many companies making these balls, many varieties exist today, and in almost every color imaginable. The most popular of all was amber, which came in shades from a honey color to almost black, depending on how much coloring was added to the glass. BOGARDUS GLASS BALL PATD APR. 10 1877, in a rare green color Tupelo,take it away..
Marshal TKD, Sass # 36984L Posted January 10, 2011 Posted January 10, 2011 Cover more shoots in general. Local as well as State level and above. Give the public a feel for the local clubs. My wife was on Shooting USA when they covered The Last Stand a few years ago. It made her day. Me all I got was my arm filmed while running the timmer. Guess I stayed out of the way good and proper.
Guest Cinch, SASS#29433 Posted January 10, 2011 Posted January 10, 2011 Firstly, I can't believe that Cowboys couldn't make it on a network that shows nothing but "canned" hunts. A lot of folks that I talk to are getting tired of seeing/hearing someone sit in a blind, all camo'd out and whisper like they are getting ready to stalk some ol'wiley deer... with a feeder in the background. Heck them animals are just coming to dinner and you can stand leaning on your tailgate talking, enjoying some Redman, drinking coffee, and they will still come... Now as far as Cowboys: Time for a new channel? I was watching Pursuit cause I canceled my directv package that they package to make more money from folks that wanted the Outdoor channel. No Cowboys equals no Outdoor channel!! A lot of the shows on Outdoor channel are starting to have some hot babe doing the "canned" hunt. Maybe Cowboys needs to follow a couple of shooters in a reality type format as they get ready and then go shoot. They could have one hot curvy gal (even if she's off the street and she could get gunned up go to Evil Roy's school etc.) and then Capt Baylor and his bride as they travel from shoot to shoot. With the cancellation of Cowboys we are never gonna get to see Mr. Potterfield finish that old rolling block!!
Guest sawyer#34250 Posted January 10, 2011 Posted January 10, 2011 I understand that commercials provide the funds to run the train, however I feel that the show was commercial heavy and content light. I also agree that local club information and videos would help promote SASS around the country not just Tin Star and Founder's Ranch. Thanks to Mr. Potterfield and Midway for Wednesday Night at the Range!
Bear Saint Paw Posted January 10, 2011 Posted January 10, 2011 I agree with all the posts above but especially these two; ...I'd like to see coverage of some of the matches that I've heard tell of, but may never make it to. I would think you might well be able to get folks to volunteer to take video to be used, wouldn't be "pro" quality, but cut together you could have some nice segments. Show lots of folks shooting, not just the top guns, but some normal folks as well, and interview them about what they like about the match. Maybe highlight some local clubs and what makes them tick. I've enjoyed the segments this past season on gunfights and the Cody Museum, and the major guns used in SASS, but you can't really cover that stuff every year or it gets stale. Maybe a short segment each show, "greenhorns corner" or some such that covers guns, gear, categories, guncarts, and all that sort of thing. A segment on stage writing might be good too. I'd also like to see Longhunter on there more, the few segments I've seen him on there I like alot, no offense meant to Evil Roy, just a personal preference. Oh, and lastly, just a pet peeve on mine, change the promo spot on the outdoor channel that talks about "blah blah blah and wild mustang roundups" I ain't seen a wild mustang round up on Cowboys yet, not that there might not have been one once upon a time, but it sure ain't a major part of the show. Thanks Grizz Firstly, I can't believe that Cowboys couldn't make it on a network that shows nothing but "canned" hunts. A lot of folks that I talk to are getting tired of seeing/hearing someone sit in a blind, all camo'd out and whisper like they are getting ready to stalk some ol'wiley deer... with a feeder in the background. Heck them animals are just coming to dinner and you can stand leaning on your tailgate talking, enjoying some Redman, drinking coffee, and they will still come... Now as far as Cowboys: ...A lot of the shows on Outdoor channel are starting to have some hot babe doing the "canned" hunt. Maybe Cowboys needs to follow a couple of shooters in a reality type format as they get ready and then go shoot. They could have one hot curvy gal (even if she's off the street and she could get gunned up go to Evil Roy's school etc.) and then Capt Baylor and his bride as they travel from shoot to shoot. With the cancellation of Cowboys we are never gonna get to see Mr. Potterfield finish that old rolling block!! ( Now I always liked watching Jasmine Jessie on there and thought she should have more apperances )
wheelgun luke Posted January 10, 2011 Posted January 10, 2011 Definitely gonna miss the show until the network comes back to their senses. It and impossible shots are the only ones on DVR that the family is forbidden from deleting. I really enjoyed the segments on the different shooters. How could you not enjoy Jasmine Jessie, and of course Holy Terror - I feel like I watched her grow up on the show. Listening to the shooters is what allows you to really feel the heartbeat of the game -- getting to know the people. I feel like I know Tequila, Evil Roy, and Tupelo personally. And I got to see what a character T-Bone Dooley is before I ever went to Comin At Cha. I remember the episode with Lead Dispencer and to get to see him shoot was amazing. But, once you get involved with the sport you find out there are many people like that. Ever heard of Possum Skinner? I hadn't until I started shooting with the Orange County Regulators, and he will amaze you too. Even like Griz said they should feature some of the less known shooters also. Let people see some of the Buckaroos and Buckarettes shoot, all the way up to the Range Boss. In other words, let those that are not involved yet, see how family oriented this sport is. I have been amazed since I got into the sport last year how many great people are involved. They will never run out of interesting people to feature on the show if they move around. Also, they should feature a different local club each week. That may be the part that I really didn't understand before I finally took the plunge to get involved last year, was how many great shooting clubs there are around. I did not expect the local ranges to be as nice and the people as hospitable as they are to newcomers. Make it a roadtrip around the country. The big shoots are great, but they need to cover the local monthly matches as well. Finally, keep the tips coming from the experienced shooters. For example, how do they load their double, or decide which order to shoot the targets on stages that have the option (ie gun transitions). I don't think it would hurt for them to talk about their equipment and why they chose what they did (make, model, caliber, modifications, leather, gun carts, etc.) But resist the urge to make it an advertisement for one particular model. Let the shooters give their preferences. Hope to see Cowboys back soon Thanks to Larry for his support of all of our shooting shows!! (Tell him he can look up my account -- he gets my support in return)
Sixgun Scotsman SASS #68879 Posted January 10, 2011 Posted January 10, 2011 I really thought that Tupelo did a good job as the host, he's may be a bit flashy for some folks but it is TV afterall. I know that they have a very limited budget but it would be real nice to showcase some shooters from the east side of the country and get to a few bigger matches in the same area. Just a thought, probably will never happen but worth a try. +1 Scotsman
Slowhand Bob, 24229 Posted January 10, 2011 Posted January 10, 2011 I do not get the Outdoor channel so my comments may not be pertinat to the situation. There are two things I would like to see and Im thinking this would be a good venue for them. A minute or two devoted to 'This Week in History' would be great if well done and I would especially like to see a pointers piece devoted to a specific person and skill, such as Lassiter on Gunfighting, Fireball burning them down with the '87 or Red River Ray and the double. Other items of interest might be 'The Gear Corner' where one or two lesser items are featured for the cowboy/cowgirl each episode. This would be for the less seen items applicable to our sport, remember the summer shirts or how about those Josie Wells coats, etc?
Doc Windshadow Posted January 10, 2011 Posted January 10, 2011 They were also filled with feathers to "put on a show" when hit.... that must have been one weird job "So you are a chicken plucker then?" "Nope got promoted; now I stuff the feathers into glass balls so folks can shoot at them" "?!?!?" Cheers Windy ~~Answer when we return~~And now back to the Cowboys show with The Tupelo Flash and the answer to todays question.. http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y283/gunc...rick/201_46.jpg These balls were cold packaged in barrels full of sawdust and occasionally full barrels of these are located. Most are found in barns adjoining the areas on which the trap clubs were located. Another source comes from the use of these balls as Christmas tree ornaments handed down by several generations in some families. Because of the many companies making these balls, many varieties exist today, and in almost every color imaginable. The most popular of all was amber, which came in shades from a honey color to almost black, depending on how much coloring was added to the glass. BOGARDUS GLASS BALL PATD APR. 10 1877, in a rare green color Tupelo,take it away..
Doc Windshadow Posted January 10, 2011 Posted January 10, 2011 Yup budget would be the problem on the things I would like such as some eastern coverage; There was a show on the History channel a few years ago hosted by the Carradine brothers Wild West Tech and while it had its share of howlers it was very entertaining http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0407461/ on reflection I think a lot of that is down to the 2 hosts and to the writing which in many cases on Cowboys to me can be one of its weaker areas so one of my suggestions would be for the writers to sit down and look at the Wild West Tech shows to see what sort of 2 to 5 min spots that could be "inspired" by that show Cheers Windy PS I agree about Long Hunter; Jim is just a better presenter "screen presence" IMO
Anvil Al #59168 Posted January 10, 2011 Posted January 10, 2011 Guess I am going to buck the trend. But think they need a new host. Now don't get me wrong. I think Tupelo did a good job. But after talking with some customers that are shooters. But not Cowboy shooters. They did not care for him so much as we (the cowboy shooter) did. And you have GOT to think of more than just the cowboy shooter when making this. Think Longhunter would be great. But he may not have the time. Think T-Bone would be great also. As others have said. Show more shoots across the country and not the same old places. Might even quickly show what some of these match have to offer after the shooting is over. Like the U.S. Open with the Pit Masters BBQ, Rodeo, the nice place they have to offer for the meet and greet and awards gathering. I always tell those customers I spoke of above. About all the stuff we have going on after the shooting at a lot of these matches. And they say they don't offer anything like that at the other shooting sports that they go to. Would be nice to see just a little of that. Show more people shooting different categories. A good one would be on Double Duelist with Nuttin Graceful. Talk about transitions??? DD is full of transitions. The above is just my opinion of course.
Gold Canyon Kid #43974 Posted January 10, 2011 Posted January 10, 2011 I think the shows did a good job of showing our sport. I do not believe showing a lot of shoots around the country is what is needed. What is needed is more viewers. These new viewers are not existing cowboy shooters. The show can not survive even if every SASS member watches every single week. That audience is just too small. If any changes are to be made it should be to interest more folks in the show and as a fall out interest more folks in the sport. I thought the discussions on picking guns and gear were some of the best parts of more recent shows. Lately the show has become a bit more commercialized but no more so than any other shooting show on TV.
Noah Cash Posted January 10, 2011 Posted January 10, 2011 Additional segments on other areas of the sport, clothing for example, The styles of the past, the reasons why some clothes were made the way they were. Why did the true cowboys wear scarves? the reasons for the chaps, the difference between the woolies and the batwings and why. Some leather work and how it is done and why. Get some of the custom manufacturers to show how these holsters are made and the time spent in carving leather. Tupelo did a good job but how representitive was /is he of the AVERAGE cowboy?
Crosscut Jack, SASS #67759 Posted January 10, 2011 Posted January 10, 2011 We have enjoyed watching Cowboys now that our cable company decided to carry it. Like already said more variance in the shoots showen. More State and local shoots. I would also like to see information how to slick up the guns that we all use. The actually shooting hints that have been given have been helpfull. Crosscut Jack
Angry Ned Posted January 10, 2011 Posted January 10, 2011 This show got me interested in taking up the sport. I found the new shooter segments to be very helpful in learning some of the fundamentals. The history of the wild west (custer, buffalo bill to name a couple) were not done that well; leave that stuff to the History Channel. Seems like commercials take up a lot of the show--I know the bills need to be payed. Ned
Christopher Carson Posted January 10, 2011 Posted January 10, 2011 Never was able to see it. I think the only way we can get the Outdoor Channel added to our cable service is with a package deal that includes a whole bunch of other sports channels (like I would ever want to watch somebody else play golf or cricket)... -Chris
Arcadia Outlaw, SASS 71385 Posted January 10, 2011 Posted January 10, 2011 Basically I would like to see more shooting. The show seems to burn up time with intro & other filler. The episode that got me started in SASS was the "Young Guns" episode,the one with China Camp was real good & also the ones with Evil Roy hosted by Tequila. I dont care for Tupelo as host ,he is doing a better job than when he first took over but I think they could do alot better. The recent coverage of EOT was ok,the part with Badlands Bud was great but that was like 3 minutes the rest of show was filler show more shooting. I would like to see shooting first as in a shooting sport & clothing & what not secondary. Regards AO
Gateway Kid SASS# 70038 Life Posted January 10, 2011 Posted January 10, 2011 I really enjoyed the show until personal finances said something had to go. In order to get the outdoor channel I had to buy a whole package of stuff I never watch. But if I were king for a day I would 1: Change hosts (sorry Tupelo). I think he did a good job, but friends who don't shoot CAS felt luke warm at best about him. We need to attract LOTS of others if we want to keep a show on TV. 2.: Keep the L. Potterfield segment. He always had something informative to say, besides he pays a lot of the toll so should get a pretty good plug. 3: How about a how to choose a gun segment (one per show) then have someone who is a master demonstrate the use of that firearm? You could literally do hundreds of pieces just on this subject. 4: Once a month (using the guns from the previous three shows) have a "name" shooter use those guns on a full stage. 5: A couple of times a month have a video or two of shooters (any level) taken by a local club member from somewhere around the country/world featured as "this is CAS" segment. (If you look at some of the videos on "Youtube" we have some pretty good photographers involved in CAS). Cost would be minimal (maybe credits at end of show or something) and I bet lots of cowboys/cowgirls would love to submit their video. 6: A couple times a month have something on the costuming requirements, sources for clothes, accesssories, leather, hats etc. A nice lead in for potential advertisers maybe. And clothing is a big part of CAS. 7: Maybe a month or two before a big match show some of the highlights from the previous years event, people at vendors, a few stages being shot, the aftershoot good times, food etc. Just some thoughts Regards Gateway Kid
Buckshot Frank Posted January 10, 2011 Posted January 10, 2011 I wasn't going to respond to this thread because I have never seen the show, but you did ask for a clean slate so here goes. Now that I have gotten into CAS, the show that I would want to see would consist of 4 elements in every show: 1. Tips and Techniques 2. Equipment Reviews 3. Gun Story, historical documentary (i.e.. history of the Winchester model 1873, etc.) 4. Match Coverage
Anvil Al #59168 Posted January 10, 2011 Posted January 10, 2011 Basically I would like to see more shooting. The show seems to burn up time with intro & other filler. The episode that got me started in SASS was the "Young Guns" episode,the one with China Camp was real good & also the ones with Evil Roy hosted by Tequila. I dont care for Tupelo as host ,he is doing a better job than when he first took over but I think they could do alot better. The recent coverage of EOT was ok,the part with Badlands Bud was great but that was like 3 minutes the rest of show was filler show more shooting. I would like to see shooting first as in a shooting sport & clothing & what not secondary. Regards AO Yep. More shooting. When I mentioned showing some of the other stuff in my post. I did mean to do that very quickly and then get to the shooting.
Allie Mo, SASS No. 25217 Posted January 10, 2011 Posted January 10, 2011 I really enjoyed the show until personal finances said something had to go. In order to get the outdoor channel I had to buy a whole package of stuff I never watch. But if I were king for a day I would 1: Change hosts (sorry Tupelo). I think he did a good job, but friends who don't shoot CAS felt luke warm at best about him. We need to attract LOTS of others if we want to keep a show on TV. 2.: Keep the L. Potterfield segment. He always had something informative to say, besides he pays a lot of the toll so should get a pretty good plug. 3: How about a how to choose a gun segment (one per show) then have someone who is a master demonstrate the use of that firearm? You could literally do hundreds of pieces just on this subject. 4: Once a month (using the guns from the previous three shows) have a "name" shooter use those guns on a full stage. 5: A couple of times a month have a video or two of shooters (any level) taken by a local club member from somewhere around the country/world featured as "this is CAS" segment. (If you look at some of the videos on "Youtube" we have some pretty good photographers involved in CAS). Cost would be minimal (maybe credits at end of show or something) and I bet lots of cowboys/cowgirls would love to submit their video. 6: A couple times a month have something on the costuming requirements, sources for clothes, accesssories, leather, hats etc. A nice lead in for potential advertisers maybe. And clothing is a big part of CAS. 7: Maybe a month or two before a big match show some of the highlights from the previous years event, people at vendors, a few stages being shot, the aftershoot good times, food etc. Just some thoughts Regards Gateway Kid Excellent ideas!
Shooting Bull Posted January 10, 2011 Posted January 10, 2011 My suggestions don't just target the shooters but, also the manufacterers that help bring our sport to life. Get more of them involved, you might see more $$$ rolling in to help keep the show on the air. With that in mind: Segments on clothing, what's right for what category and what's comfortable durring the ice cold of winter, dead heat of summer and everywhere in between. Segments on what leather is available, what to look for in fit and finish, what pitfalls to avoid depending on your category, etc. Segments on other shooting gear we use at a match; gun carts, tool kits to fix broken guns in the middle of a match, handy cleaning/lubing supplies for use at multi-day matches, etc. Segments on what makes a match successful; how to write good stages, posse selection, ammenities to make sure are on hand, etc. Those are just a few things I'd like to have known a LONG time ago and not had to learn by accident.
Deacon Will Posted January 10, 2011 Posted January 10, 2011 I like Bob Boose Bell and his insites. LUVED Potterfields projects..... long time user of their business. SOMETIMES I got the feeling I was watching a commerical put forth as a 'show'. Show some eastern cowboys.... we play just as hard and have 'more' fun. Maybe the regionals highlighted. Take a newbie and follow him/her for a match.... then expose them to a 'school' (Dooley Gang, Evil Roy etc) and document their progress. Segment on HOW TO START A SASS SHOOTING CLUB. What to expect from a ROI / ROII course and how to prepare for the experience. Gunsmith segment where a 'smith' is high lighted.... (Wess Fargo, Jimmy Spurs, Cowboys and Indians....etc.) What does it take to make a target the right way...... costumeing ideas, How to wright successful scenarios, reolading tips and gun tests.... How's that for a start.
Texas Jim Henry, SASS #20616 Posted January 11, 2011 Author Posted January 11, 2011 Great feedback! Thanks to those who have taken the time to write down their thoughts here, as well as those who have PM'd me. If you're still mulling over some input, please feel free to jump in and add your 2¢, even if it reiterates a point made by someone else. Remember, part of this exercise is to see if there are any trends amongst your opinions, so if five people feel the same way about something, it will carry more weight than one person saying it. Thanks, again, pards. Keep 'em comin'! Regards, TJH
Brother Jim Posted January 11, 2011 Posted January 11, 2011 From what I am seeing I understand the producer's difficulty in putting on an interesting show that will draw the numbers needed to keep a show on the air. The one theme that seems to ring throughout the comments is more local or regional coverage especially on the East coast and Mid West. The cost of this coverage could be diverted by using some of the "locals" to do the filming. If these quasi deer hunters can film their own hunts with quality equipment then surely us poor dumb cowboys could reckon a way to get it done so the film could be submitted to editors for inclusion in the production. Might take some time and money for people to submit examples of the quality of their work to their producers and then they would cover the matches in their areas. I get into a bit of confusion on some of the other issues. I am a regular viewer of Cowboys and have seen a lot of these ideas already implemented on the programs. (A) New shooters clinic: I believe Evil Roy and Tupelo each took a new shooter through ER's classes on pistol, shotgun and rifle and let them shoot the stage then showed them how to improve. My only problem was I wasn't one of the new shooters. ( How to chose a gun segment. I know that one show went over those using 97's, SxS's, and 87's (I believe) and how each shooter shot them and liked or disliked them. Also I recall a show where one shooter was using a 1866 compared to 1873 and how he liked the 66 even though many others liked and used the 73 because of the action work available on 73's was different. I also recall a show where Rugers, Colts and Clones, and Schofields were presented by the shooters using them and what advantage each liked about the revolver. Clothing, leather, equipment like carts, bullet blocks or bags, are all interesting subjects and could receive a short segment once a month or so but would be difficult to build a theme for universal appeal. There could be one area that would draw a weekly segment and that would be on the ladies styles, hats, jewelry, boots, accessories and finery. Much of this info is covered regularly in the Chronicle. So I believe they covered a lot of what we want, but seems that shooting more and a wider area of coverage are two areas most agree on. I would like to see one thing done that would help me as a new shooter and I see it done on the other shooting shows I watch like Shooting USA show. Show the course of fire or stage before the cowboy or girl shoots and then as a couple shoot the stage to show the different ways a stage is approached by Gunfighter, Duelist or Traditionalist. Thanks for the chance to get my 2c worth in.
Chief Rick Posted January 11, 2011 Posted January 11, 2011 As others have said I enjoy watching Mr. Potterfield work on that rolling block, but I don't have or really want one so it doesn't do anything for me. I do have a pair of Rugers, a pair of Colts, a Marlin 1894, an Uberti 1873, and several shotguns. What I would like to see Mr. Potterfield do is shorten a shotgun buttstock, or replace the springs/grips on a Colt/Ruger, or polish the chambers on a SxS, open up a '73 to clean it. Showcase the products that MidwayUSA carries to clean, repair, or modify the firearms we use. I like the idea of highlighting the different shooting styles, and this is where video sent from various clubs could come in handy. Explain the shooting style, equipment & clothing requirements, and then show some examples of people shooting. Don't try to touch on every topic every episode. Expand the amount of time spent on indivdual topics and only try to hit three or four topics per 30 minute episode.
Gold Canyon Kid #43974 Posted January 11, 2011 Posted January 11, 2011 You guys are all too focused on what existing cowboy shooters would like to see. What is needed is what a non cowboy action shooter would be drawn to so the viewership grows substantially. This is a shooting show, so discussions of clothing, aliases, etc. are probably not a drawing card. Concentrate on guns, shooting and potentially how they tie into history, which is what the current show mainly does. Subjects like bulk reloading on a 650 for cowboy shooting, how to sight in old buffalo rifles or for that matter any of our guns, and other more general shooting topics might draw more viewers.
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