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Arcadia Outlaw, SASS 71385

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  1. A lot of us use tricked Vaquero’s with transfer bars removed & all slicked up but in reality it’s not going to make you go faster unless your duelist or gunfighter the short strike probably them helps quite a bit, but a spring kit will work wonders. Where you want to spend your money is on the rifle because that will make a huge difference on how it feels and functions. Shotguns also It’s a fun game when everything is working the way it’s supposed too. I started with Ruger.Vaqueros, a Cody matic 73 and a IAC 97, the only thing holding me back was me lol. AO
  2. Ruger NewVaqueros or Vaqueros are the best , very robust., I don’t mind buying used ones at all. 357/38 is the cheapest caliber to shoot. AO
  3. The wording on SASS approved boots is or was misunderstood in handbook. Unless your shooting B western or Classic Cowboy you can wear just about any boots or shoes that aren’t sneakers. Rubber sole work boots/shoes are fine. Go to some local matches and just hang out or help with posse duties. All Longhunter suggestions are spot on. SKB’s are really expensive but if you handle and shoot one there’s a reason why. Be careful buying used equipment as it can be someone’s problems, but there are also some good used guns as well. AO
  4. I have a 73 Winchester (Miroku) short rifle ,I was wondering if anybody would care to trade a carbine stock for a crescent. I know they make aftermarket ones but figured I would see if somebody might want a crescent stock. Trade crescent for a carbine. AO
  5. I know some will disagree, but I like gun order in matches. I write stages with mixed starting gun order, for example in a 6 stage match your going to start with every gun at least once maybe twice and maybe one or two choice stages. Example: Two stages start with rifle, one time rifle will be on a prop or table and one time in hand or cowboy port arms etc. Same with shotgun and pistols hands on pistols or prop or staged. Never start the same way twice in a match and you have variety, you don’t need rifle last to add variety. AO
  6. I never write rifle last stages because I don’t trust the TO’s on every posse to get the last shot of the rifle/the rifle shots. We use Bluetooth timers from Competition Electronics with the CAS scoring program you can look at split strings in the reports and a lot of the time the rifle splits are missing. AO
  7. I would get some federal primers for the rifle and use the other primers for your pistols. Running a heavier main spring will make the gun harder to lever, although a quarter or half turn of adjustment s rew you probably won’t feel. Cody is a great guy and stands behind his work, I have recommended him many times of the years and nobody has ever complained. AO
  8. This is a Bucket List Match ! Midwest Hale & myself just got home last night from “Gunsmoke the Midwest Regional “ a lot of miles from our place in Florida to Minnesota but it was well worth it. Deuce Stevens and Cowboy Carty (co match directors) did an excellent job with the 12 main match stages, the targets were set so you could let it rip, fun sequences that were not hard, and at least four shotgun knockdowns on every stage with one six shotgun knockdowns each day. Riverboat Red and the Cedar Valley Vigilantes did a great job of making folks feel welcome, they had snacks and water available at the stages, well organized from the time you get there till you leave. The range itself is incredible surrounded by vast cornfields as far as you can see and when you turn in it’s like going back in time to the old west with lots of old wood buildings, trees, facades on most of the bays, just a really awesome facility. Posse 1 was a lot of fun shooting with & hanging out , we had a great time ! Midwest Hale had great match taking top lady and finishing 3rd overall, so proud of her. For the first time she did a mental management class for the ladies that was very well received. Congratulations to Deuce for taking overall and match directing a great match. Really fun watching Deuce & Carty going back and forth with great stages. Congrats to all the category winners and regional champs ! A big shout out to John Wesley Hardin for taking 2nd in 49R and regional champ 6th overall , Duke Skywalker overcame a rough stage and took 1st 49R 4th overall & I ended up 3rd in 49R 7th overall. Thanks to all involved great match & great time ! AO & MH
  9. works good dab some paint in serration works great and looks good too
  10. Competition Timers all the way, I like the Pocket Pro 2, especially for practice when you want to review splits( pain on a pact) Our club used Pact's for years there customer service was lacking at best, (they broke quite a bit )we finally phased them out AO
  11. Good to hear, Wish I could of made it ! AO
  12. As Chance mentioned we had the T&R Ranch they did the W3G matches also WVC the Orlando Club did them for a while, unfortunately folks thought like Blackey Cole mentioned they were afraid to try it because you could move and shoot and figured it would mess them up for SASS matches but it's totally different than SASS,W3G you cannot see all targets unless you move in SASS targets are in front , It was fun and nothing to be worried about AO
  13. Lots of good advice Uberti 73 in 357 / 38 18.5" - 20" barrel Rugers 357 / 38 with 4 5/8 or 5 1/2 " barrels Skb or 97 win or get both Good competition leather Your budget should be able to get you everything, Good Luck AO
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