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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/18/2017 in all areas
2 points
Mr. Gunner: I take my card and laminate it with one of those sheets of laminate where you peel off the back and put two pieces together. Makes the card "durable". Mr. Miles: I always carry my SASS card with me, and use it as a promotional item when talking Cowboy Action Shooting (CAS) with those unfamiliar with it. They get to see my Alias, and the cool SASS Logo always gets them asking for more information. I even have videos of our Pistolero members on my phone that I can show them what the action is all about. Always enjoy sharing with others.2 points
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Mr. Parker, The gentleman that sent you the holsters is top of the line. Mine are like the second set but I also had a matching cross draw made. Fit and feel is a personal thing to shooters. We can make suggestions and talk about our personal preferences all day long but you have to make that final decision. Not much help, just the truth.2 points
I have 6 pair of Frontier Classics in size 38, one pair in size 40 altered to size 38 & over-dyed green. All are in great condition. I lost 40 pounds in a devastating motorcycle crash and need to re-tool and re-buy...lol. $25each, $20 for the altered pair or $160 for all 7 pair plus shipping from 59828 (Montana). My loss literally is your gain. Color/Styles are: wheat/tan saddle pant, Herrington/denim saddle pant over-dyed to a slightly darker blue, denim stripe/tan saddle pant, denim/grey stripe Longhorn, tan stripe outlaw, green stripe outlaw & a heavier broad green/brown saddle pant over-dyed green (altered pair) See Frontier Classics webpage for more detail. http://frontierclassics.biz/clothing/tag/mens-trousers/1 point
Shotgun Belt by KirkPatrick, stamped 446, has 16- 12 gauge singles. suede-lined. With add on .44/45 caliber 3-shell holder. Nice buckle, great condition Fits 39-44 gullets. 100.00 shipped Email for pics: m238602002@yahoo.com1 point
For all you folks keeping track of the comin's and goin's of others Ol' #4 is now living in Buckeye, Arizona. For you folks looking for some of his repair and tuning, it will be a couple months before he is set up for work. For the rest of you, keep the faith and your powder dry. Ol' #41 point
Blue Mesa shoots a pair of 36 cal ROAs that these boys did. Very nice.1 point
Wasn't there a multi-year discount for paying 3 years at a time at one point ?1 point
https://www.facebook.com/cacoalnews1/videos/1334860226541612/ Ya know what, Doc? My knee feels sooo much better now. I think I'll pass on the replacement.1 point
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Rye -- maybe he didn't tell you cause he figured you'd blab it all over town! uh -- I DID obtain permission to relay my little anecdote1 point
Larsen's appraisal is close to the bullseye; actually, when the carriage feeding shaft (the long shaft that is attached to the fore grip) is pushed forward, the cartridge retaining lever is pushed down by a small ramp in the bottom of the feeding shaft. With a .45LC version, two things are possible: 1) the ramp on the feeding shaft is not pushing the cartridge retaining lever down far enough for it to clear the rim of the cartridge. (If your rifle has been slicked, it is possible that the person who did the slicking smoothed down the ramp on the cartridge retaining lever too much preventing it from going down as far as it should). 2) the cartridges are binding at the end of the tubular magazine - where it meets the action - and the cartridges are not making their way properly to the cartridge retaining lever. Because of the array of small parts and springs and well fitted parts, the Pedersoli Lightning is prone to running poorly if not cleaned regularly - especially when shooting the low-power, dirty powders we use in CAS. I have a detailed assembly, disassembly, and slicking document (18 pages) for the Pedersoli Lightning which I'm happy to share, no charge. If you're interested, please PM me with your regular email address and I'll send it to you PDF (5Megs). Here's a photo of the cartridge retaining lever - you can see it at the very bottom of the cartridge in this .357 Pedersoli version. Best, Roger1 point
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WEEEEE-YU, I love em. Snake Oil George and Creek County Kid do excellent work. I still love my .32 Rugers with Octagon barrels. ..........Widder1 point
As you probably suspected, some liked them, some not. To each their own. Personally, I LOVE them!1 point
I guess you are going strong side rather than cross draw. I like my holsters where my hands fall=at each side. Some guys I shoot with like them closer together (they shoot much better than me). +1 for trying both on a timer. Try them two fists apart as well. On the belt, I like a belt with a width that matches the loop to take up slack. Notice the holsters are meant for speed so the pistol rides high so you can grab it and get your finger in the trigger guard quick but the draw back is running fast between stages the pistols can come out sometimes so check out the retention factor by play running between stages. I would chop off the extra length on the tail end of the belt so you do not have to tuck it behind the left hand holster. Help it helps a little and welcome to cowboy!1 point
Some of the best craftsmen in the country. Know of several houses with basement walls that were shifting / collapsing that they expertly repaired.1 point
Well the commercial airlines may drop them but the President will likely be jetting around on one for many years to come. Trump may want to cancel the 747-800s currently being outfitted to replace the existing 747-200Bs that have been in service for almost 30 years. However, there is nothing else in currently manufactured in the US that would meet all the special requirements of the VC-25 program1 point
Don't look at it then. Just like any cowboy would do I adjust my gear so it's at it's maximum effectiveness for the task at hand. For me bandoleers are the most ridiculous in my eye but I'd never tell someone that on the range.1 point
Good luck on the surgery Dawg. Next time ask if anyone has a gently used on the Wire!1 point
Hi Folks, Political posts are not allowed as they invite rebuttal by someone with a different opinion and we've seen enough of that lately. Regards, Allie1 point
I started SASS shooting with a set like the first picture... After a few years.. Found the disadvantages with the first picture set. I now have the second picture set.. Bettererer.... Ya might make sure the area of the belt in front is wide enough to supporters the holsters.. My first set I could not move the holsters to the front as much as I would have liked them because the tapering of the belt around buckle area.. Rance Thinkin ya done good by askin'.1 point
I sell the Hi-Tek Super Coat bullets for Cimarron Bullets in Wylie, Tx, he bought a special color called "Gunmetal" for Cowboy bullets and it looks just like a lead bullet but is coated. Sell thousands of that color to local shooters, they really like them, cant tell they are coated, you should try them.1 point
Do a timer test. If you do not have a timer with a par time feature, borrow one and see which set is faster for you. I would suggest draw one revolver, cycle it once, reholster and draw second revolver and cycle it once. I think you need to cycle each gun at least once (one cock and hammer fall) to make sure you have a functional grip. Repeat as much as necessary to find out your best time for getting off two "shots" with each rig. Then come back a day later and do it again. There will be a learning curve each day. It may take you several days of experiments to draw conclusions. There are several possible outcomes of the experiment: You will either find out that one rig is faster for you, or not. You may find out you don't like the way either one works for you and then you will have a better idea of what you need based on experience rather than guessing or someone else's opinion. If there is no difference between the two rigs and you like the way they feel then pick the one that has the most eye appeal for you.1 point
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He will be going after protected birds next, Falcons, I think.1 point
Come on guys!! You're acting like someone is messing up a valued antique or something. It's a Ruger. It never was nor never will be "historically correct". It's a 36 caliber percussion revolver. I wish I had the coin to do a version of that (some changes) on my ROAs, which have the Belt Mountain quick change base pins in them and Woolf springs.1 point