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Ol Number4

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About Ol Number4

  • Birthday 11/14/1944

Previous Fields

  • SASS #
    41004L - Regulator
  • SASS Affiliated Club
    ACSA, Cowtown Cowboys, Los Vaqueros,

Contact Methods

  • MSN

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    The heat of Arizona, Tucson
  • Interests
    shooting, fishing, hand loading, dirt bike, desert ratting, inventing

    Retired Educator, Now half-Time "Smith"

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Ol Number4's Achievements

SASS Wire Vet

SASS Wire Vet (1/1)



  1. WildShot, Our very sincere condolences, Ol' #4 & Blackfire Opal
  2. Gambler, I sent you a message with my e address, Please use it to reply Thanks, Ol' #4
  3. I just saw one of these for sale so figured I'd ride that interest. Had this sitting idle for a couple years, since I got my preferred system repaired so.... Shipped at $325 or delivered close by Tucson or at the Four Corners Regional next week. Ol' #4
  4. Check sear engagement first!! a spring won't fix a poor interface between sear and hammer notch. Ol' #4
  5. Seriously folks....!? "Big" lube grooves really are not a lot of help for BP purposes. (now the fight starts) If you think about it; consider the total amount of 'lube' that can even possibly squeeze out between the barrel bore and the bullet lands in the time and distance during a firing shot. Really, the secret to all the lubes is content. The bullet needs absolutely no "lube" to slick down the bore it will go nicely with none at all. The consequence of no "lube" is leading and bore ejecta. Proper elements in the lube will inhibit leading, additional elements will soften the powder/lead ejecta so as not to wear on the bore. The good/better/best anti-leading element is Beeswax, simple pure beeswax used with at least a 30% mixture with anything else it will all but eliminate leading in a proper bore. The rest of the formula can consist of any heat/cold non-sensitive, easily attained and properly mixable element. One of the better is lanoline then Crisco, STP, lithium grease, or any smooth catalyst to get a batch. Some folks even add a 'cutter' to serve as a de-grease element Murphy's soap, Dawn detergent, or hydrogen peroxide. The combinations are limitless depending on your chemistry background and material available. In serious long range BP circumstances, where consistency and clean counts heavily, the more , but thinner groves work better, or did when I was involved. The lube had to do, and did, the same job of anti-leading and ejecta softening. The more lube on the bullet that wasn't used in the bore then came off intermittently going down range was both a waste and a major contributor to poor groups and definite loss of accuracy. Same with Big Lube bullets, it mostly comes off on the way down range or all over the target. That's my story and I hope it provides some chance for thought on your part. Good shooting and good luck. Ol' #4
  6. So sorry to hear about Wrangler Ron, we went back a long way with him, RIP.

    Miss Hattie WIld

  7. I don't have the original only skeletonize in the gun . thank you

  8. Rye,


    I have a WinMir '73 with new safety/trigger spring 24' UNFIRED deluxe for sale.


    We used it to see about replacement springs,  Some did some didn't.

    If interested just reply.... or  olnumber4@gmail.com


    Ol'  #4  (Recently from SliXprings LLC)

  9. Just wanted to say thanks on the heads up for the shell plate!

  10. I have a 73 stock on gun broker but not sure you would want to cut it down


  11. For all you folks keeping track of the comin's and goin's of others Ol' #4 is now living in Buckeye, Arizona. For you folks looking for some of his repair and tuning, it will be a couple months before he is set up for work. For the rest of you, keep the faith and your powder dry. Ol' #4
  12. Culpepper,

    1. Ol Number4

      Ol Number4

      C. C., Send a PM at olnumber4@comcast.net first look inside the fore-end on the wood just in front of the metal frame, if there is a "4" or "4 B " it is one of ours. talk later, #4

  13. Howdy pard

    just dropping a line to say happy trails have a merry x-mas and a safe one.

    Hope the family is all good.talk soon


  14. Oh yes BP forever.

    Some one said you might be coming to Las Vegas, are you?

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